@Perry Once the overlay bundle artwork is complete, any chance you would put up an enlarged set of maps for pre-order just to see how it fairs? I know there is quite a bit of interest in maps enlarged to something on the order of ~129%. I don't know if it is enough interest to see it to completion, but that's what a pre-order would suss out. Perhaps it would make a better Kick-Starter as that would collect the money before production requiring little to no out-lay in advance on MMP's part (as I understand it). Given the artwork for the maps and overlays is being done already, it seems like little risk to see if there is enough interest to make this worth while. If it hits a number MMP needs to make it worthwhile, off you go. If not, there is always the map- and overlay-bundles anyway. Thanks. -- jim
Caveat: I don't pretend to know MMP's business and caution the reader to drawing any conclusions based on my possibly faulty understanding of the situation.