Another cool video, thanks.
The only thing I might add is that when you unpack the ZIP file, it doesn't
have to be under the vasl-templates installation directory. In fact, it would be a good idea to put it somewhere else, so that you don't accidentally delete it if you remove the vasl-templates installation. You just have to configure where you unpacked it in the Program Settings dialog.
It's also worth pointing out that the detailed Chapter H vehicle/ordnance notes will only work on
your computer i.e. if you add these snippets to a scenario, then play with someone online, they won't see them (unless they are also running vasl-templates, and have the same images set up). This is just unfortunately how HTML works - images can't be included in a VASL save file, and so have to be provided by a running copy of vasl-templates.
This problem
doesn't affect the multi-applicable notes, since they're just text, no images, and it's definitely worth setting these up, since it's really useful to have these on-screen during a game. Also, all the important information has been extracted from the detailed notes and are now shown in the multi-applicable notes snippet, so there's no longer a pressing need to have the detailed notes on-screen (although I still include them because it's interesting to read, and it just looks so damn good