Currently fiddling with turning ASL and or Squad Leader (likely both) into the equal of table top looking in size. Goind to leave it flat not 3d, but the plan is to make everything BIGGER. Yes, I know there is Deluxe. But if I enlarge all the standard, I get to play all the standard scenarios.
I'd rather play 3d and miniatures, but it's amazingly easier to print out a larger n hell ASL counter than assemble and paint a gazilion models
And at 62, I think I might have missed that train hehe.
Current progress, all the counters for original Squad Leader (it was the test of the idea project). I'm going with making counters 2 inches instead of 1/2 inch. I suspect my eyes will have no issues with that size. Been fun cleaning up the counters. Keeps me occupied.
Yes, I know VASL images. They look too perfect hehe.