Re: Gamers CWR goes to Antietnam!!
I've gotten up to 9 AM so far (just as the forces come into general contact all across the board) so I presume that the streamlined combat system will really start to shine now. It's been pretty nifty so far, with smaller firefights erupting at the various outposts, allowing me to ease into the new system a bit before the majour bloodshed begins. My largest problem thus far has been hammering off the rust flakes from the olde RSS system from my brain as I play LoB. LoB plays alot easier once you remember it's not RSS vX, but a new self-contained system.
I am playing with the Random Events Table, despite Dean's admonitions that LoB isn't designed for it, but this is Shiloh, after all...I'm also using the detailed artillery ammo rules (6 shot, 3 canister) because I'm anal retentive. I also worked up a set of Loss charts for the scenario (6.2; "Take Your Damned Regiment Back to Ohio!") because, while I don't mind using the strength counters and will use them, I always liked the charts AND it's a bit easier to keep track of wrecked status. I've done a little freelancing and have A,B and C morale units wrecking beyond 50% losses and (with several exceptions based on the published standards) D, E and F units wrecking at (or just before <<e.g.,3 losses of a 7 SP regiment>>) 50% losses, again based on the fact that this is Shiloh.
Cleburne has come to a Natural Stoppage after driving 3/5/T away from Shiloh Church, but doesn't have the strength (or morale) to enter the EZOCs locking the church down. Fortunately, Johnson's Brigade is coming up on his right to wrest control from the battered remnants of 3/5/T and 1/5/T to thier right.
Pond got hit with a Fluke Stoppage (Random Event) when he was halfway across the creek on his way to Ben Howell field and has 4/5/T coming on to his front.
Shaver is attacking across R/1/1s front (due to another random event) just after he cleared his first objective field (Lost? Review?), so R/1/1 is waiting for them to pass and will slip into the void he left.
Wood, after getting tangled up with 1/5/T and suffering an equal mangling, is limping towards his second objective once he clears that E morale regiment from his front. The brigade from 2 Corps is backing up Wood and is trying to cross the stream without wading through the Marshes below Shiloh Church.
On the Union side, 1/6/T is afront Shaver and is pretty beat up; Shaver should be able to eject them easily enough, their best hope is to filter back behind 1 Ts line and reform.
1T is formed up in strength at the final two fields the CSA is headed for (Woolf & ???) and is attempting to get their artillery in place to make any CSA attacks *painful*.
Sherman, as given his irascably stubborn nature, has ordered 5T to push the Confederates back to the line of the stream and creek below Shiloh Church, with 4/5/T being fresh on his right and pushing the first of Pond's two regiments on the near bank back across the creek and in position to light up the remaining regiment next turn. (An interesting situation to occur if/when Pond's units are pushed across the creek; with the Marshes and EZOC rules, creeks and streams will become formidable defensive barriers)
3/5/T has seen the (E morale) regiment on its right fall back disorganised, leaving some 500 yards between 3/5/T and 4/5/T...willl, can?, the Confederates exploit this opening?