Um no, plenty of games are made for free. And we're using RPG maker and the people working on it are volunteers so money isn't an issue. As far marketing....I don't think we're trying to sell the game...thegamerman said:Purely out of interest this... who's got a dev kit to actually make this happen? Most big games require hundreds of programmers, artists, coders, beta testers, then theres marketing ect. This is gonna cost loads more than any of us can afford ain't it?
Mike said:
Thief system:
Can attack innocent civilians. They require one successful hit to lose. They use the move run which causes you to lose the battle. If you win you get their possessions. If you lose they call the guards.
did someone say Elder Scrolls:VI OBLIVION? sorry to but in man,but im not sure if you read the first thread about the sengo game...did Darksora see my request to join the script/development team,well,yeah dont say it,"dont call us,we'll call you"
Erm you do no that were not doing this anymore dont you?PSP_FAN BOY said:*CRICKET......CRICKET*WAKE UP!!!! man,come on! look at runescape, every one thinks its like a FFXI type of game but it isnt,look at the damn quests! I mean,if were going to start an RPG,we cant stay this quiet for 3 months and half with the last reply of encouragment is:"I guess so...",wake up,damn it!
O god no..not that name lmao xDJiss said:PSP Rules!!!: I think the image you have are good and maybe the crime could be sleeping on the job? If one of the artists can put that into a proper image that would be great![]()