Game questions?


Member # 3665
Sep 2, 2002
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llUnited States
I created a new character, an Elf warden and I like it a lot better than my Human hunter and whatever the heck my Dwarf was.

But how do I use that gambit stuff? I don't get it.


Member #86
Aug 7, 2002
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The Heartland
llUnited States
Welcome to the hardest character to play in the game, but probably the best solo character as well, being able to attack :bite: & heal :cool: pretty much as he chooses!

Gambits: a Warden can put together his various individual skills to create a set (3 - 5 make a set) which makes a new more powerful skill. Of course the hardest part is remembering the patterns & when to use them. It's like playing cards: each card is individual but put together a set (gambit) straight, 3 of a kind, flush etc and it's much much better. :D

Go to your character page - Gambit Skills tab (at the bottom I think) to read up on what each "Gambit set skill" does & practice on weaker mobs so you can see / read exactly what each combination does IN game.

Because I run my Warden only occasionally I have a cheat sheet :halo: I use which shows all the combination sets and results. You can probably find the complete Gambit list on the game website or I can send it your way if you want. I jump back & forth between classes and having to reacquaint myself with all those Gambit combination's is rough, so the best way to play a Warden is to stick with it so you can crank out those sets without having to look at a cheat-sheet! :whist:

When playing a Warden you have to "forward" think the battle since it takes time to create the Gambit sets. Will you need to heal yourself / Fellowship before it's over (HoT), will you want to add avoidance Buff's (evade/block), stop a Mobs action (Interrupt,) will you want to pull all the mobs attention to you (Threat), or do Damage over Time (DoT) to it in addition to other damage? With all the options a Warden has it's a fun but hard class to do right.

Going solo it's a bit easier, you can pick & choose what you want but in a Fellowship you'll probably be asked to perform just certain functions for the good of the group. Wardens are basically a Tank class, probably better as an Off-Tank but they can do the tank job a Guardian does just in different ways.

Forgot to add- get ready to hear a lot of "yelling" as a Warden since it's 1/3 of your skills. Gets kind of annoying after a bit especially if your wife is in the same room trying to watch TV. (when she should be playing instead :( !) Just turn down the sound or wear earphones! ;)
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Member # 3665
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
llUnited States

All I wanted was a character that throws big sticks

It works pretty well ignoring all that stuff and throwing big sticks, though


Member #86
Aug 7, 2002
Reaction score
The Heartland
llUnited States
Geez. All I wanted was a character that throws big sticks

I know what you mean but that shows how well developed LotRO classes are. You can play your character as you want, from simply throwing sticks / swinging a sword / sneaking around to as in-depth & complex as you want (Gambits / Berserker / Tricks!)

I have found out through my time playing that unless you want to do the upper level (end game) "hard-mode" instances most players / Fellowships are just happy to have YOU along for the fun - come as you are. (Throw those sticks!)

Hard-mode setting "raids" (Fellowship groups) usually want "your class" to have ABC & do XYZ exactly because of the difficulty of accomplishing the end-game Hard-mode settings.

To each his own style of playing & fun- heck MD is still snowbound in Forochel! {We may have to send a dwarf with a keg around his neck to bring him out!} :toast:


Member # 3665
Sep 2, 2002
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llUnited States
I still don't get it.

I need to "unlock" gambit skills by using other skills in a certain order, and this charts gives the orders ... somehow

I just don't get it. How do I activate one of these skills, how do I pick, how do I notice it became active and how do I use it?

And what does the gambit default panel have to do with all this? Do I understand that correctly that I can't use it until level 16?

All the guides only talk about which to use when.


Member # 3665
Sep 2, 2002
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llUnited States;mid=1256583051169454857

OK, I think I could get it if I wanted to. But I was reviewing all the character classes and the upgrade path for the Warden just isn't that attractive.

So my new question is: I mainly want to run around and smack Orcs. I want to deal out 1) some remote damage and 2) high close damage.

My choices are:
- warden
- hunter
- champion (gets ranged attack at level 20)
- guardian (ranged from level 30)

The Hunter looks pretty good, except it will never be able to use dual-handed weapons. But it does have dual wielding.

So, the question:

if you have dual wielding, is there a real advantage that will make you miss 2-handed weapons? When messing with a bunch of bad guys, wouldn't the two one-handed weapons deal out about the same damage in a given period compared to one two-handed weapon?

Or are the two-handed weapons just much better because the designers gave them mega damage ratings?


Member #86
Aug 7, 2002
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The Heartland
llUnited States
My choices are:
- warden
- hunter
- champion (gets ranged attack at level 20)
- guardian (ranged from level 30)
Warden- still the best solo class. Ranged - has his initial spear throw/yells then all melee. Can use shields to increase his melee defense/endurance. Can substitute as a tank, off-tank or off- damage dealer. Can take a lot of punishment & deal it back. Complex skill sets to get "better" skills in combat.

Hunter- (I have 2 high lvl and know them the best) All Ranged all the time, their melee skills will never come close to doing the "least" damage you can do with a bow. They can dual weld but you only really pick melee weapons that bolster your stats (agility = ranged, vitality = morale, Will = Power). The best melee skill is Blindside = +2 to ranged Focus and then Swift Stroke + to Parry when the mobs get on top of you. Best class for damage output vs, 1 target at a time. Versus multiple mobs must drop traps or stun/fear the "extras" while dealing with 1 target at a time. Will probably die if 3+ mobs are actively melee'ing you.

Champion- ranged attack is only to pull a mob to you, the damage Champs do with ranged is trivial & will never match their Melee attacks. You can Dual-weld to get a lot of damage & extra stat bonus's, One-handed to use shields in defensive roles and Two-handed to do single massive damage swings. Champs are probably the best melee damage out put class and vs. multiple targets at one time. Easier to play than the Warden you just attack & swing away!

Guardian- ranged same as Champs, designed to wade right into the middle of the battle, stand there forever and get pounded by multiple mobs & draw all the threat to them freeing up other classes to do their thing around them. Melee damage output is lower than Champions.

if you have dual wielding, is there a real advantage that will make you miss 2-handed weapons? When messing with a bunch of bad guys, wouldn't the two one-handed weapons deal out about the same damage in a given period compared to one two-handed weapon? Or are the two-handed weapons just much better because the designers gave them mega damage ratings?[/QUOTE] 1-Hd vs, 2- Hd weapons: This is just a personal preference really, the debate of which is better is debated NON-stop on the forums. The damage done is almost equal as are all the stats etc. any differences are too petty to worry about unless you're a numbers super hard-core type player. (Besides does .02 of anything really matter?) You just select which weapon-style you like best. The main difference is in WHAT each weapon type does & what you want to happen: Daggers give +1% to crit, Swords give an increase to Hit, Maces have a chance to stun, Spears do extra damage over time. etc. As a hunter I dual weld using 1 Mace at least- if I get in a melee situation I want that chance to stun my opponent so I can keep Ranged attacking him without my shooting being interrupted (very bad for a hunter). [quote="Redwolf, post: 1224923"]I still don't get it. I need to "unlock" gambit skills by using other skills in a certain order, and this charts gives the orders ... somehow [url]
:crosseye: That chart is horribly confusing- yeeck! :crosseye:

Let me grab my Warden & take some screen-shoots of the process, may take a bit.
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Member #86
Aug 7, 2002
Reaction score
The Heartland
llUnited States
Warden Gambits:
I just don't get it. How do I activate one of these skills, how do I pick, how do I notice it became active and how do I use it?
And what does the gambit default panel have to do with all this? Do I understand that correctly that I can't use it until level 16?
Ok let's hope this all makes sense. :) Just enlarge to see the writing better!

I've done a series of screen-shots of a few gambits (excuse the haphazard look) Note that to activate the Gambit you have to click on the Icon. Each Gambit will have it's own Icon.

It's a big help if you move your Gambit "bar" & character bar right above your main skills bar (as I have) so you can see all the action in one look & make sure that the skills have gone off to activate the Gambit you want.

#1 You have 3 base skills to use: Quick Thrust / Shield Bash / Wardens Taunt. From these 3 you make all your Gambits.
The skill icon you choose QT/SB/WT does not look the same on the Gambit bar instead: QT = a red Spear / SB = a green Shield / WT = a gold Fist . (why they did this who knows)

#2 A 2 attack Gambit: I selected Quick Thrust + Wardens Taunt in my attack, this created the Gambit: Offensive Strike (2x damage & a threat lvl increase of 1)

#3 (edit - Should read 2 attack not 2 Gambit)
Two 2 attack Gambits: 2x Quick Thrust's = Deft Strike (Damage)
2x Shield Bash's = Defensive Strike (Damage and Block)

#4 A 3 attack Gambit: Quick Thrust + Shield Bash + Warden Taunt = Power Attack (Damage plus Threat Increase of 1 and Damage over Time) Note that after my QT & SB attack I could have activated "The Boot" (Damage, Interrupt any special mob skill and a Chance to stun).

#5 & 6 (my cheat sheet) are all the current Warden Gambits you can create using the base 3 attack skills. The higher level you are the bigger attack strings you can make = bigger & better Gambits.

You have to know all the Gambits available to you to know which one to use in what situation to be on top of the Warden game especially in larger Fellowships. This is because the Warden is such a jack-of-all trades. (Tank, Healer, Dps'er, some ranged) If you are not using all your key Gambits a Warden can be replaced with the class that does it better. Although since a Warden can do most of the other melee Class skills a good one can replace them as well!

But at lower levels just pounding the mobs to death works most of the time. :bite:
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Member # 3665
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
llUnited States
Ah, that makes sense now. Thanks so much.

The bit I was missing is that each sequence of basic moves can only lead to one specific gambit. So you don't have to pick the gambit, which I was missing an interface for.


Member # 3665
Sep 2, 2002
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llUnited States
In the minimap, I usually get a special arrow to point me to one quest that is marked with the same error below.

How can I pick which quest owns the arrow? I noticed that no only can't I pick, when I freshly log into the game with old quests no quest has the arrow at all. I have noticed that I can make one quest get the arrow by random locking and unlocking quests, but it is always the same quest getting arrow.


Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
San Jose
llUnited States
I believe that you can right click on the quest in the quest tracker and select it to be the primary or focus.


Member #86
Aug 7, 2002
Reaction score
The Heartland
llUnited States
How can I pick which quest owns the arrow?
From what I know you can't unless it's the only one listed. :laugh: Jay might be right!
The yellow Quest "arrow" on the Mini-map from my understanding points to the closest Quest on your tracker & not how they are listed on the Tracker.

If you run around you will notice the arrow quest indicator will bounce back & forth between quests on the tracker that are in the same area you are as you get closer to/move away from various quests.

I usually just look on the main map to see roughly where each quest is & head that way. By the time I get to the local area the arrow on the tracker will have switched & on the Mini-map start to point to "that" quest I'm trying to do.

The quest arrow points to the closest quest physically to you in a straight line & not necessarily the one that you can get to the easiest/quickest. This will become more obvious when you hit Moria and discover that no matter what the mini-map says you can't always get "there" from "here." You'll find that you will actually run thru other areas & past other quest locations trying to get to that quest that just a minute ago was shown as the "closest."

Michael Dorosh

der Spieß des Forums
Feb 6, 2004
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Calgary, AB
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Right click on the gold ring; you should have five quests queued up on the right hand side of the screen. You'll get an option asking SET AS QUEST GUIDE FOCUS. If you have fewer, you can click the big gold ring at lower left, and bring up the quest tracker, and add them to the main interface by clicking the individual quests from the tree in the left window, and selecting ADD TO TRACKER.


Member # 3665
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
llUnited States
No, setting the quest guide focus does not set that arrow.

If it's the nearest that's fine by me but I don't think it is always true.

Plus, after I log out and back in there's no arrow at all until I pick up a new quest.

I'm still missing something there and it's not in the manual.
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Member # 3665
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
llUnited States
Is there a way to show the additional quickslots bars (alt, shift, control) without also opening up all the bags?

(BTW, WRT last question, the "set quest focus" sometimes sets the arrow and sometimes it doesn't)

Michael Dorosh

der Spieß des Forums
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary, AB
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(BTW, WRT last question, the "set quest focus" sometimes sets the arrow and sometimes it doesn't)
We know. :laugh:

Try playing the game for more than 10 minutes and/or RTFM. :p

Seriously, it doesn't seem to have rhyme or reason. Last night in Goblin Town, however, Kerry pointed out that the region there sometimes "randomizes" so that it is impossible to set the arrow. It also doesn't set in "interior" quest locations.

Michael Dorosh

der Spieß des Forums
Feb 6, 2004
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Calgary, AB
First name
The best key to Quest solving?

Google the name of your quest, using the search term LOTRO and the name of the quest. You'll get one of the sites that will almost invariably give you a grid co-ord of the quest objective. More reliable than the in-game GPS.


Member #86
Aug 7, 2002
Reaction score
The Heartland
llUnited States
Did you know?

1. Have you ever been chatting in game and then try moving and not be able to, then see a string of “WWWWWWWWWW's…” across your chat screen? There’s an easy way to stop that.

Go to the Options panel: Options -> Chat -> Stop repeated keys in chat.
Check this box, and the next time the same button appears rapidly in the chat box (approximately 8 times in a second), the game will automatically close the chat window for you and the next time you push that "W" button, you will actually move. :)

2. Having problems seeing all those useful resources to your left & right as you run around? Turn on their names.
Go to the Options panel: Options -> UI -> Item Names Clicking this box will turn on item names. Now as you run along the name will appear ABOVE the item as you advance making them easier to spot. :)

3. In the middle of a big fight you hit the {tab} key to select the next target (which does appear in your window) but you can't see it or know which direction to turn to face it. There's a quick way to locate that target.

Go to the Options panel: Options > Combat Options > Directional Selection Indicator.. Checking this box will make it so that whenever you have an NPC or enemy targeted, there will be a small dotted line indicating the direction that the target is from you. Making it much easier to locate "that" enemy in crowded conditions or wooded terrain. (See screen-shot)
Dec 27, 2006
Reaction score
New York
The new interface has got me a bit befuddled.

Something whose name I do not know is constantly turned on and cluttering up my view of things. It's the field of quick actions that only used to appear if one of my bags was open.

If I knew what this thing was called I could probably figure out how to configure it. I don't mind having it up when I'm travelling in a dangerous area, but it's absurd to wander around Elrond's house staring at my combat options if I'm not an orc.