BFP 16 and BFP 20 questions...


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2004
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Long Island, NY
llUnited States
Working up defenses for both scenarios on VASL but have some problems:

1-In BFP 20-Bypassed Lehr, what are the coordinates to place overlay
BFP 6a? Would be I2 and J2 in FTF. Struggling with it on VASL.

2-In BFP 16-Snake Charmed do the Americans receive EVP for exiting off the east AND west sides of the board as long as it is on/south of hexrow S?


CEO of HoulieDice (TM)
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
Minnesota, USA
llUnited States
Working up defenses for both scenarios on VASL but have some problems:

1-In BFP 20-Bypassed Lehr, what are the coordinates to place overlay
BFP 6a? Would be I2 and J2 in FTF. Struggling with it on VASL.
Gary, did you use the instructions from Tom R's "read me file?" If not, give them a try. It worked for me in BFP22. Also, be sure you use the correct single-digit board number: occasionally I will type in "6" instead of "06" and nothing happens until i realize I need to add the zero. Good luck.


Where to place the overlays:

Name VASLName hex1-hex2
BFP-06a bfpo6 i2-j2

For the VASL Name to enter into the "Add Overlay" dialog box, that's beta-foxtrot-papa-OSCAR-6 (bfpo6, all lower case) NOT the number ZERO-SIX!!!

Name VASL Name hex1-hex2
BFPV1 bfpv1 k1-k2
[/COLOR][/INDENT]Hopefully that's clear enough. The funkiness with the BFP-O6a overlay is because VASL doesn't know what to do with an overlay name like that. Theoretically, BFP named it "O6a" because it's their first overlay specifically for board 6. However, VASL thinks "O6a" is a certain orientation of overlay O6, which is not correct. Blah blah blah. On the off chance that BFP will never issue another overlay for board 6, I renamed it (for VASL only) bfpo6. And that's an "oh" (the key next to p), not a ZERO.

NOTE - the overlays in this pack do not know how to handle terrain changes that require the overlays themselves to get overlays. For example, in Dense Jungle, the Village overlays don't change at all. This is a technical hurdle that I have not figured out yet. I know it's possible because other overlays can do this, but at the moment it's FUBAR. We have a call in to Tech Support. For the moment, though, I don't want to make anyone wait anymore, so if you'll just bear with us, we'll get back to you. The color-based terrain changes work fine - for example, in Winter, everything looks properly wintry. Go figure.

Enjoy, and let me know if you find any problems.
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Elder Member
May 2, 2004
Reaction score
llUnited States
Working up defenses for both scenarios on VASL but have some problems:

1-In BFP 20-Bypassed Lehr, what are the coordinates to place overlay
BFP 6a? Would be I2 and J2 in FTF. Struggling with it on VASL.

2-In BFP 16-Snake Charmed do the Americans receive EVP for exiting off the east AND west sides of the board as long as it is on/south of hexrow S?

1. The overlay was printed with hex coords on it. Not sure how it is working in VASL, but if you look at your version you will see it only goes on one way.

2. No, there is no offboard exit.

Hope this helps.
