I wouldn't taken the "vehemence" too badly... I don't think any of it has one single bit to do with anyone not liking the idea. I believe it's simply a case of "they already have 10 things to do that aren't getting done in a timely enough manner to satisy the customer base (at least around here), so let's not make it 11. In an ideal world, it's a GREAT idea!
The constant clamor for "bigger/better/faster/more" that is a trait of our modern society is nice, but until MMP is able to provide the bare minimum of basics... i.e. the rulebook and core modules available, and maybe one new product each year... then saddling them with yet another project is not really a good idea right now. They can't meet the minimum necessary output, so what good would it do to throw yet another bone on their plate... especially one that would likely be as labor-intensive as a new counter set.
Last night I happened to catch a few moments of some show on Comedy Central, where one of the performers was joking that while cavemen spent 90% of their day in the act of finding and acquiring food, we now live in a culture where waiting in the drive-thru line at a fast-food chain for more than a minute or two is seen as a tremendous inconvenience.
Fluff like updated "modern" counters, new maps, and even new products, is great to have, much like the convience of drive-thru fast food. But without the core of the system available, it's all a moot point... what good is a drive-thru if there is no food to eat? You don't see starving children in central African countries crying about a longer wait for food, because they don't have any. The ASL community is starving right now, because there is no rulebook and no basic module (BV) available. Until that situation is remedied, all the fluff in the world won't do any good, because the hobby will die of starvation.