The bigger question is how many people now even know what T&T stands for! :laugh: And no it's not Turtles & Trees!
I think the system is dead, it's simply been overwhelmed by the marketing of AD&D as were Arduin Grimorie & a dozen other early RPG's.
I agree 100% that complicated rules kill a RPG. Gygax has some of the most intriguing games/systems out there but try and understand those takes forever. And then you have to try explaining them to the players. :nuts:
Way back before D&D came out its predecessor "Chainmail," which I cut my RPG teeth on, was simply a book of fantasy ideas & "things." The GM did everything else and put those things in his game. Then came the free wheeling "White Box D&D" system and from that point on each new version came with "stricter" rules. With players crying that in one DM's game a "Shrink Spell" worked on everything but another DM said it worked only on non-living matter, yada yada yada! Who was right dang it!
I could answer that one- whatever your DM says is right- you whiners!
However, the creation of RPG tournaments that required set rules that were "fair" & known to everyone really put the nail in "your own imagination" role playing. From then on it was the AD&D way or no way. :blab:
I've been running an RPG on & off for over 30 yrs and have incorporated many systems into my own. The two main ones are Rolemaster (for character generation & creatures) plus AD&D magic/spells- (modified for D100 usage). Right of the bat I said screw them, you're not running my world I am! :bite:
I think I've now modified every single aspect of my world/system to play the way I want it. It's about a complicated as the new AD&D but I have cheat sheets that cut right to the basics & lets new players hit the ground running.
The most fun however is always the getting together with friends part!