I'll be playing Peter Kossits [peterk@look.ca] in Gavin take soon.... Perhaps starting this weekend.
Gawkers / kibitzers / newbie lookers-on are welcome. Peter is a "newbie" himself and wants a chance to win, so he's offered to play me!!!
I also have an on-going game with Eric Trudel and people are welcome to watch if they happen to see us playing. (I know, the server's not doing well, but if you happen to be on VASL and see us feel free to drop in.)
Eric and I are playing "The Bitche Salient" and we're in turn 2. My Americans are whupping up on Eric pretty badly (not really). We might as well have shortened the game by a half or even a full turn. The first player turn saw Eric and I take over a dozen shots EACH and had a net effect of malf'ing two MGs (the best we had, of course) - both since repaired.
Peter and I will play "Gavin Take" with myself as the German. A little scenario discussion follows: feel free to make fun of my points.
Gavin Take is a great infantry only scenario. The US gets a 10-3 AND a 10-2 but no support weapons. The US has to exit troops to win, and the number of troops needed for exit increase if the Germans also exit. The scenario -could- come down to the US exiting some troops and leaving a "rear guard" to prefent too many Germans from following.
One obvious bottleneck is the fact that all troops exiting must exit from the same hex - the road in the middle of the board crease. This just begs for the defender to lay down a fire lane covering the road. (Assuming there are still defenders!)
The US approach varies. The US can send both forces around the village and try to flank the German defense. Or, he can bring his forces together in the middle of the board and bludgeon his way to the exit. Of course there are combinations of these approaches in various degrees, but these are the two basic ways to go... Most of the time, I've seen the US flank the village. He still ends up fighting his way to the exit hex because the Germans always fall back and cover the exit road. Someday when I play this puppy I'm going to bring everyong in the US order of battle right into the village. The plan will be to annilate the German defenders and then walz off the board once the defenders are gone. (Has anyone tried this?)
Sam "Newbie Slayer" Belcher