Air Rules in OCS?


Apr 7, 2004
Reaction score
Tonto from Toronto
So what's the controversy over the air combat rules in OCS?
From what I've seen in the OCS Consimworld forum there have discussions to revise the rules to simply the effort involved on their impact to these games.

I guess the overall effort to resolve air superiority and then use them to impact ground combat is just not worth it. Perhaps if air support and ground attack interdication was more lethal than a real focus on the value of air superiority is key. :smoke:


Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
llUnited States
I think that the primary gist of the issue is that, statistically speaking, odds of air loss is not real high so you can afford to be reckless with your air assets, regardless of air superiority and associated risks.
That is why the look at FLAK and damage to sorties versus the bery common abort, refit and return to strike again.

Or, I am waaaaaaaay off and the rules really need adjusted.


Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
I've been following the talk on the air thing and am really not sure why they want a change.
When one or the other player decides to go whole hog after the others air force, there really isn't alot that can be done to stop it. The losses become so bad that one side pulls out to re-build and then comes back. As an aside,I prefer to run an armored unit over the airfield. Its the easiest way to force the planes somewhere else.
Second:in alot of other games( read Europa here)a massive air force sends in 1000's of ground attack planes covered with 1000's of fighters and roll a 1, thanks for coming.The effects of these other air rules can be extreme, either really good, really bad. In the OCS,air plays a part but is not the whole: Air power is diluted.It is simply another tool/unit that can have an effect on the game but is not going to win or lose the game for you.
Losses in OCS are mainly aborts. Players are trying to increase the losses in aircraft so as to fight a better air war, where they can see a noticeable return on their efforts.Perhaps a case of instant gratification?? In many of my game turns, my air sits real quiet and hopes the other player will leave them alone. Or, if I have an advantage, I hit him hard and hope I do enough damage to keep him weak for the rest of my offensive.Air is leathal enough now. Increasing it only takes away from the ground combat.
One of the big things is Quality over Quantity. A mass of poor Soviet fighters will wear a superior German fight down.But the Russains have the numbers and its only a matter of time before the numbers come up on the dice and a German Me 109 goes down.Historically it happened.In OCS, its painful to lose a fantastic fighter to a biplane but it happens.
Just my .01

'Ol Fezziwig

Repressed Dissident
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
hazy fold of reality
llUnited States
Over on the Gamers list: ( you can peruse the thrust of what they're rying to do and the results of it. Dean always allows us mortals to have a look into the process, and even a voice sometimes, but a few lose sight of the fact that what's going on is indeed a test. If it is deemed not worth the extra rules weight or playing time, it tends to be left by the wayside.
Myself, I'm a bit perturbed by the fact that the air rules seem to be in a near constant state of flux of late. I understand the desire for the air system to be correct to the scale, but I fear a bit of rules creep due to a vocal minority.