A Fearful Slaughter - Play Aids, Map, Rules

Keith Todd

Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
SamB said:
I dont' see the game specific rule book in PDF format for A Fearful Slaughter on the archive (http://www.gamersarchive.net/theGamers/archive/afs.htm). Is it available anywhere?
No, sorry to say it is not.

SamB said:
Is there a VASSAL map for this puppy? I like to print them out slightly enlarged for play... :)
Again, another no.:cry:

SamB said:
Any other play aids?
Again, another no.:cry:

SamB said:
Yes, Download the new rules and charts, they make for a much better game. No more two booklet, all rules in one.
Click on Draft of proposed CWR 3.0 series rules, They are more or less final.

SamB said:
Generals for rent, cheap?


Shut up and play!
Jan 29, 2003
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Seattle, Washington,
llUnited States
Keith Todd said:
Yes, Download the new rules and charts, they make for a much better game. No more two booklet, all rules in one.
Click on Draft of proposed CWR 3.0 series rules, They are more or less final.

Of course, this still leaves us without the game specific rule book - which defines all the scenarios, etc.

Question: Who would I ask for permission to create a PDF of the game specific rule book. More precisely, permission to distribute it after I create it?

Thanks for your answers, Keith. Once again, very helpful to we who are hosed by years of playing ASL and trying a different system. :nuts:

'Ol Fezziwig

Repressed Dissident
Nov 18, 2004
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hazy fold of reality
llUnited States
... Once again, very helpful to we who are hosed by years of playing ASL and trying a different system.
NO kidding! An ASL past can inhibit learning new systems. Mike and I had a heck of a time trying to unlearn our ASL analness when playing CWB. The system itself is not overly difficult unless you try to inject that ASLness into it.

Like the LOS system...

I think you'll enjoy AFS, though the random events might be a bit disconcerting (if wholly applicable) at first. It will give you a better appreciation of the extemporanneous nature of battle in general.


Shut up and play!
Jan 29, 2003
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington,
llUnited States
[quote='Ol Fezziwig]NO kidding! An ASL past can inhibit learning new systems. Mike and I had a heck of a time trying to unlearn our ASL analness when playing CWB. The system itself is not overly difficult unless you try to inject that ASLness into it.[/quote]

Right, so here we go. :(

1) Scenario 6.4 - the opening attack. Several of the Union Units have orders to "Defend in place". What does this mean? I'm sure I understand that you can counter-attack to re-capture hexes you once occupied, but... what about the following?

a) No movement - stand and die or wait for orders.
b) you can shift units side-to-side, but you can't advance or reform your line to the rear without orders.
c) You defend your line, but the entire line can fall back and reform if part of it is forced to retreat by combat.

2) The alerted / non-alerted rules seem odd. At first glance I thought that you could conduct one attack against a non-alert unit with the combat modifer and then he would be alerted. But the rule says a unit is "immediately" alerted when it's fired on, or "when it has LOS to an enemy unit within two hexes". You would ALWAYS have LOS to an enemy unit before he fired on you unless you're talking artillary firing at 3 or more hexes. If this is the case, the sleepy nature of the Union side seems pretty much useless to the CSA. Do you play it that you get one shot / one attack vs a "sleeping" unit and then he wakes up? - or he wakes when there is LOS to an enemy at the END of a combat phase? Else what use is the modifier for firing at a non-alerted unit?

3) Just an observation / complaint. There seem to be serveral typos in the scenarios. Minor differences in unit designations between the counters and the lists for the scenario. Makes it dang difficult for us Civil War "newbies" to identify the freaking unit. I can provide some examples if you like. I left my notes downstairs. At any rate, seem to be a higher-than-usual-rate-of-error for Gamers games.

I appreciate the help.
Sam - recovering ASL player.

Keith Todd

Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon

Just a quick reply, AFS is a more complicated battle simulation than the other two regimental games. It takes quite a few tries even with experienced players.

Be sure to check out the errata


Stand in Place, is that heroic order of do or die. This game should be played with defensive orders. Hopefully you will roll defensive stoppage or initiative or recieve orders before they cease to exist. But also you must consider that they must for the sake of the rest of the army, "hold until relieved"

Alert is mainly for the CSA to be able to maneuver into postion. I will have to check on the LOS - Alert rule.



Dec 28, 2005
Reaction score
llUnited States
Warning: I don't have this game, so I don't really know the special rules.

SamB said:
Right, so here we go. :(

1) Scenario 6.4 - the opening attack. Several of the Union Units have orders to "Defend in place". What does this mean? I'm sure I understand that you can counter-attack to re-capture hexes you once occupied, but... what about the following?

a) No movement - stand and die or wait for orders.
b) you can shift units side-to-side, but you can't advance or reform your line to the rear without orders.
c) You defend your line, but the entire line can fall back and reform if part of it is forced to retreat by combat.
If a) is the right answer, what about using ECR to avoid the "die" part of "stand and die"?

See ya,

Keith Todd

Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Yes, ECR is an option if used in the spirit of the rule. The unit must be in danger of being totally eliminated or the unit's HQ of being captured.

You do have to take a straggler check for each combat unit though.


Keith Todd

Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
AFS LOS and Alert


The official answer to your question on LOS.

Dave Powell --

"LOS in A Fearful Slaughter: Yes, that should be read as during the Union turn. "

So during the CSA turn the Union cannot gain Alert status, therefore the Union units suffer the modifier for firing at a non-alerted unit. This can make Close Combat quite deadly in the right circumstance.


'Ol Fezziwig

Repressed Dissident
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
hazy fold of reality
llUnited States
Keith Todd said:
Yes, ECR is an option if used in the spirit of the rule. The unit must be in danger of being totally eliminated or the unit's HQ of being captured.

You do have to take a straggler check for each combat unit though.

Another suggestion is to search the RSS board on CSW; some of these questions have been asked over there and answered by Dave Powell.

While I will answer these to the best of my limited faculties, I still recommend checking CSW.

The 'defend in place' rule:

3) In the "Prentiss Attacked" scenario, there are a number of Union units with "defend in place" orders. About a year ago I recall a bit of discussion here regarding these particular orders. As I recall Dave Powell mentioned that these units basically DO NOT MOVE AT ALL, and are to defend their assigned hexes to the death. While my understanding of the CWB rules indicate that units are allowed to move freely about as necessary as long as they remain in command range of their brigadier commander -- what was the bottom line to this situation? Curious reviewers want to know.


Actually, the only Union orders in this scenario amount to a divisional goal for 6/T. It has orders to defend it's current locations. The brigades and regiments defend that location normally, which means they trace radius to the Div HQ, may move, etc.

I think you are confusing "Informal orders" with what 6/T has at start. Informal orders are given directly from a brigade commander to a regiment or battery, and once marked, the unit may NOT MOVE. If it does move or is forced out of the hex, it reverts to normal status, and must go get back into normal radius. There are a few scenarios where units are marked with Informal Orders, but not in "Prentiss Attacked."

Dave Powell
While not specific to 6.4, the overall concept would be the same. The gist seems to be "defend in place"= the standard defense posture under Defensive Orders, with Informal Orders being the more onerous and having less wiggle room.

Keith answered the "alert" question already, and, yes, there is a fair amount of annoying errata; far above, in fact, what we have become accustomed to in Gamers products. Many fall in the category of merely annoying, though, and will not impact play once corrections have been made.
Last edited:

Keith Todd

Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
[QUOTE='Ol Fezziwig]Another suggestion is to search the RSS board on CSW; some of these questions have been asked over there and answered by Dave Powell.


I would agree the CSW forums for RSS and CWB have a wealth of information that apply for both CWB and RSS.

Also our esteemed Fezziwig, should have recommended his article in Operations #49 ;) ;)

Here is an example of some of Dave Powell's answers on orders and defensive orders.

" Yep, that is where I have generally found why folks who dislike Defensive Orders have a problem with them: the opposition orders tend to be too vague. Use Geographic limits, directions of advance, set limited goals (I tend to regard any geographic objective more than 1 mile - 9 hexes in CWB terms, or 16 in RSS terms - behind the enemy line you are attacking as too broad.)If your defensive corps breaks and runs, the other guy had better have damn tight orders allowing him to follow. Say you are defending on Devils Den, you break and retreat to Little Round Top. If he does not have orders giving his final objective as LRT, he has no business attacking that hill. Of course, given proximity, I would not necessarily send my broken corps to LRT, because I would think that the other guy's orders could easily embrace taking LRT in the same attack. You run that wrecked corps back to Powers Hill, however, and the rabid attack dog follows you, I would cry foul. " Dave Powell

This is a bit off topic for this thread, but Fezziwg's suggeston of CSW is just too valuable for anyone wanting to play RSS or CWB.
