Hey there,
I'm putting a blog entry together about our epic 79 move chess game and was wondering if you would like to contribute to it? We could do this different ways, from you sending me your analysis and comments that I could insert into mine, or by you posting your own blog entry about the game (i.e., Part I by me, Part II by you). Something else, perhaps?
Would you be interested? I realize this can be a bit time consuming, so if you don't have the time, no problem. Just thought I would ask.
Let me know. Thanks! And good game!
I'm putting a blog entry together about our epic 79 move chess game and was wondering if you would like to contribute to it? We could do this different ways, from you sending me your analysis and comments that I could insert into mine, or by you posting your own blog entry about the game (i.e., Part I by me, Part II by you). Something else, perhaps?
Would you be interested? I realize this can be a bit time consuming, so if you don't have the time, no problem. Just thought I would ask.
Let me know. Thanks! And good game!