I got a long AAR by phone from Bo yesterday, it sounded like a great scenario..and with a lot of crazy things going on. And a tight ending, well.... can't be much better
Bo has become a very good player, a challenge to play and a very good friend. We often go to tournaments together - just booked the plane tickets for Arnhem tournament in September yesterday
We have talked about ASLOK often, and it is just a question off time before we will attend. The main issue for me is ..money
Kids are 14 and 16 and are quite expensive these years...but I have a plan - and this would bring us to ASLOK in 2013 -
together with Lars Thuring and Klas Malmstrom. Hope it works out
my new mail is ; hastrupleth@gmail.com
best regards
I got a long AAR by phone from Bo yesterday, it sounded like a great scenario..and with a lot of crazy things going on. And a tight ending, well.... can't be much better
Bo has become a very good player, a challenge to play and a very good friend. We often go to tournaments together - just booked the plane tickets for Arnhem tournament in September yesterday
We have talked about ASLOK often, and it is just a question off time before we will attend. The main issue for me is ..money
together with Lars Thuring and Klas Malmstrom. Hope it works out
my new mail is ; hastrupleth@gmail.com
best regards