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  • I am looking for a way to be able to play SASL, but I have neither the SASL 2nd edition, nor am I ready to pay 300€ to procure it. Also I noticed that is not available anymore with MMP. Can it be downloaded somewhere (not via VASSAL), so it can be played on a 'non-virtual' table?
    Kind regards,
    Dear Sir,
    I'm not sure if this the right place to write you a personal message. It's the first time I'm trying it with Gamesquad. So please accept my apologies if this went wrong.
    Congrats on a great scenario about my Red Arrow Guys with "Bottcher's Corner". It's getting a lot of play at tournaments and when I played it we had a blast - down to the last CC and lost because Bottcher escaped!

    Might want to look at Vlug (CMH recipient) on Leyte for another scenario possibility if keeping with the 32nd ID mindset.

    Take care my friend!!
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