We who have rolegamed, have likely seen it all before
We have seen all the stuff we laugh at in various forms.
I had one game session I hosted at my place. I quietly told a friend, he was not to bring the "drugged out social disaster" into my home ever again.
It's fine to play a game that intentionally ponders an imaginary world, another matter entirely to want to socialise with people that can't even be said to be in contact with the real world in the first place.
I've played with guys, that really only required the games combat mechanics, because they were only into ROLLgaming

Fine if you are between old enough to read, and 19, after that, a person tends to find hack and slash deadly dull eventually.
I find the game only enjoyable when the female characters are being run by actual females. Funny thing though, a lot of female gamers often play male characters. A female though, knows as much about being a male, as a male knows about being a female.
I've tried running a female player character a couple of times. Didn't work. For one thing, finding a guy that can pull it off, is not the end of it.
You also need to have a group of roleplayers that understand, you're not gay

, merely interested in trying to roleplay a female player character. But, as most guys have no clue what it is like to be female (no shock there), most guys will be of no real help in assisting a male player, run a female player character.
Now hermaphrodite player characters are a real scream to play hehe.
"Not a woman!!" (said to my player character by an NPC) has to rank up there among the funny events/comments in my rolegaming past hehe.
Sex is rarely gamed out well in game sessions.
Had this one friend (female gamer, yes guys they exist), she was basically just a typical gamer though (but with breasts etc) when it came to atypical gaming activities. Goes into town, goes into bar, finds small stature male, drags him off to her room, does same thing to him, that the male gamers do to women in the setting).
I kept track though. Finally rolled the right number. Gee Debbie, guess what, your fighter is knocked up, imagine that. What's everyone else doing for the next few months while Deb makes her first 0 level player character responsibility hehe.
One aspect of gaming I can't fathom, is the dark, goth, pro vampire culture, "I want to play an evil PC" types.
Fine, you're evil.
That means I now attack you with rival evil NPC opponents, as well as good aligned questing NPC opponents, not to mention you have no allies at all, only those you control through fear or force or both. And you are quite literally all alone, on your own, and at the mercy of the game 100%. Enjoy.
It's surprisingly easy to kill off evil player characters eh. All the do gooder advantages like benevolent gods and healing powers are not really available now.
Evil is a loner's thing.