Two multiplayer games


Aug 26, 2008
Reaction score
It's 2:44 AM here in California, and my brother Kotori and I just finished up a battle with ramjbjb from Spain and Zontara from Australia. We had a second battle earlier with Paladin and Zontara that finished around midnight. You guys might enjoy a few details on the battle we just fought.

The first battle was a custom scenario from Zontara called Dogger Bank (with another BC substituted for Blucher). Kotori and I took the British side, while Zontara and Paladin took the Germans. After some initial confusing actions with light craft, I brought my BCs into the fight. Unfortunately when turning to present the broadsides, I turned without thinking, and began moving downwind towards the small craft melee. This resulted in two things: to fire on the German BCs I had the sun in my face and the wind at my back, and I closed to close range with German and British DDs and CLs swarming around. I was unable to maintain my battle line and a number of BCs took torpedo hits. In the end all my BCs were sunk for one or two of their opposite numbers.

The second battle was another custom scenario from Zontara called Break Out. It involved mostly capital ships. The German OOB included five CLs, five PDNs, five BCs, three DNs, and Bayern going head to head with two British CLs, four ACs, seven BCs (including Renown and Repulse), and three R-class BBs. Zontara and Kotori took the Germans while ramjbjb and I took the British. when the game initially started, there was some confusion over assigning ships to players. By the time this was sorted out, I was given command of the Rs and the ACs, the latter of which had strayed too close to the enemy. One of the ACs succumbed before they could back off, but the others weren't hurt too bad. The BCs and BBs all turned to form a battle line, but in order to gain the wind advantage would put the BCs in the lead. The exchange of fire at less than 10km caused chaos on both sides, and a number of Brit BCs were heavily damaged and forced to break off quickly. The heavily armored Rs stayed firm, slugging the Germans at close range while shrugging off damage that would have devastated our BCs. The fire showed on both sides, with two Germans taking heavy damage, and several others taking moderate damage before they got lucky. Repulse exploded. Royal Oak and Revenge fought on while the battle line reformed. Several of Royal oak's turrets were knocked out, then she, too, exploded. At this point we broke off and ran straight north into the wind. Renown, Repulse, and Australia were moderately damaged, but the fires and flooding grew. Both of Britain's newest BCs succumbed soon after the turn north, while Australia fought hard to survive. The Germans sent in their CLs under Zontara to finish the lamed BC, but we opened up on them with New Zealand, Lion, and Revenge (our only other capital ships), and sent the three surviving ACs to protect her. We took out several CLs before the others were beat back. Revenge could only make 16-17 knots to escape with, but it seemed to be enough. Kotori and Zontara formed up Kronprinz and Bayern with their five PDNs, with a top speed of 16 knots to finish off Australia. To give the Australians another chance at life, we turned the three capitals ships to bombard the Germans and distract and slow them down. The PDNs continued after the Australia while Kronprinz and Bayern turned to engage our line at 18km and closing. The helpless Australia was ruthlessly murdered by the PDNs, but luck was with the British. Bayern, which had not been touched in the earlier engagements, was blown up by a well placed shell. At that time (2:41 for me) we decided to call off the battle.

Result: a draw. Of our original force of 16 ships, 6 were damaged and 8 were lost. Of the original enemy force of 18 ships, 7 were damaged and 10 were lost. The raw/adjusted scores were 148130/119869 (ours) vs 127610/127610 (theirs).

I took a lot of screenshots, which I will look through and post some, as well as more details of the first battle (which I'm forgetting because it's so late). It was a lot of fun playing with people across the world. Good games, Paladin, Zontara, ramjbjb. I'm looking forward to the next time.


Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Yep, the battle we fought was really fun...

As we started the battle, we noticed several things...
-germans and british were REALLY close (6000m from Renown to Lutzow, for instance)
-forming into a battleline would be a nightmare due to the starting formations not being easily formed into homogeneous lines.
-we had two CLs that were of really no use in the battle (germans had some 6CLs against our two, so the CLs could do nothing vs them, and there were no DDs to kill...)
-We had ACs to deal with the german CLs. But then again the germans had PDs to deal with our ACs. And the four ACs were the closest ships to the germans as the battle started (some 4500m to the german dreadnoughts)

we paused the game just as it started so we could impart orders without a hurry. From then until the end the game never was paused.

When giving orders, Gascan and I decided to move eastwards, to try and win the wind advantage ( we were north of the german ships, and wind was blowing from NW). The ACs would reverse course to put some distance between them and the germans. I gave their command to Gascan aswell.

When the battle started, forces under my command were as follows:
-Renown and repulse in one division
-Lion, Tiger and Queen mary in another division
-New Zealand and Australia in another division
-2 CLs in their own little world (I gave them orders to run away and mostly kept them out of harm's way for the remainder of the battle).

As the timer was started our orders started to be followed. Or not. I had massive trouble with some ships following the wrong divisions (new zealand-australia division was a good instance. I gave them orders to follow Lion's division, and they chose to form on Revenge' we ended with BCs both in front and behind the main battleship line, perfect spot to be on the receiving end of enemy battleships :mad:). between that, the fact that as the ships formed on course 90 we were roughly at 5000m from the german ships, and the fact that I got a mouse breakdown and had to play the rest of the game with touchpad, the first moments of the battle are a blur of confuison for me...

What I know is that shortly after reaching course 090 two things happened in very close succesion. First Tiger started to eat 280mm shells as if they were cookies (counted 8 hits in two consecutive salvoes). Then Queen Mary suffered a rudder jam shortly before steadying her course, so she entered a continuous turn just in front of the german battleline and was out of the formation for good.

Tiger didn't endure the punish much longer. She blewed up in short notice while Repulse also was heavily hit. Tried to pull her out of the line but for the time she was clear of my own line, she was doomed (68 fires, 65 port flood, 45% damage control, and two turrets out of use). At the rear of the Rs Oz was severely hit, and both had to disengage before worse things happened.

Queen Mary soon followed the path of Tiger. With crippled steering and in a continuous turn she was a sitting duck, and she was ravaged until a mag explosion finished her pain.

At that point things were pretty bleak. We had lost two BCs, two more were seriously damaged (Repulse and Australia), the AC line reported Defence lost, and due to ships dropping out of line, our side wasn't a real line of battle but a scatter of ships in a roughly straight line, with several ships trying to retire northwards with heavy damage. Against this the germans had, southwards from us, a nearly perfectly formed battleline. Tactically things were really bleak for the british.

Shortly after Tiger was blown up, and as the range was decreasing, we decided to give up trying to get the wind to our favor and turned 045 to open range. But german fire remained accurate and this time Renown reveived enough damage to warrant her withdrawal from the fray. For a time she seemed as in danger but with decent prospects of salvation, but soon thereafter her fires spread wildly and so she standed no hope.

At this time we didn't know how our own fire was doing, and while we could see several german ships with moderate damage, the sensation was that we were about to be completely smashed by the germans. Course was changed to 300 to try and force as fast as an increase of distance as possible while keeping most of our remaining guns able to fire. Things stabilized a bit, but then to make things worse, Royal Oak was also blown up.

It was not a tough call to make at that point: our two possible paths was to die in a blaze of glory or trying to get the hell out of there. Remembering the glorious past of the royal navy...we decided to run screaming like little girls :laugh:. And here happened something that probably saved our skin: the german line, turning at that moment, got suddenly disorganized, losing formation and allowing us to put distance in between and making our escape good.

At this point Repulse was about to sink, Renown was certainly doomed, but Australia had 56% port flooding, no fires and 55 DC. while flooding was,so, out of control, the difference was slight. But I had been slowed down to 12 knots to help damage control efforts and wasn't fond of increasing her speed, so she was in trouble because the germans were steaming at 16 knots. Not only that, the german cruisers started moving towards her. With her aft, fore, and starboard wing turrets out of action she was pretty defenceless, so the main line switched targets and started to fire to the german cruiser line. Three of the german CLs fell to the british fire, and only one torpedo was launched, which was easily avoided by Australia. As the remaining german CLs stopped the attack, we british ceased fire to conserve ammo.

However Australia had to accelerate to 15 knots to shake off the CL assault. She had been hit by several 15cm shells and flooding was now up to 65. renown was now under the waves, so we were down to three ships able to fight: New Zealand, Lion and Revenge (which had only 2 working turrets). But Australia DC was still over 56%, so we hoped for her being able to save her. Still running to the north, and with the germans in hot pursuit but falling slow but steadily behind, our three battleworthy ships could flee, but Australia would be doomed. So we decided to turn 090 for a short while to open up on the germans, to then return to 000 and flee once again. Our intention was to get the germans (then at some 18km from our three ships) focused on us and give Australia a respite.

This we did, but before we could pull the move and start firing on the germans, Oz received a new hit, a 38cm shell from Bayern. Fires were up to 10, flooding to 71. But their gallant DCs worked hard, in less than 2 minutes, fires were put out and flooding was down to 68...gascan and me were cheering them like mad, hehehe.

Our plan worked to a point: The german main ships (Bayern and Kronprinz, the rest had lost the chase and were too far away to intervene, or were sunk or sinking) fired upon us and the PD line, low on ammo, was not firing at all. After some salvoes we turned north again, but after we received a couple of hits and being clear we couldn't put distance fast enough to make another escape, we decided to turn to 090 again and fight the german battleships.

At this moment we missed to notice what probably was our high point of the game: a shell (either from Lion or Revenge) caused a magazine explosion on the german behemoth, and she sank in mere fast that we simply didn't notice she was gone. But german retribution also came: the PD line, now some 6000m from Australia (55 DC, 67% flooding, and still standing proudly) , opened up on her...and soon the galland little BC was doomed. Was a bit of an anticlimax after so much a fight to save her, but there was nothing else we could do to save her.

At this point it was very late for our Californian players ,so we decided to end the battle. A Draw, as was described as Gascan.

Amazing fight, very fun battle. <Salute> to the germans, they fought a very good battle and only a bit of luck (Bayern's mag explosion) and a bad maneouver (german line losing cohesion), allowed us to draw it.

Gascan also did a nice job. His Rs fought a great battle and the ACs helped a lot with the german cruisers. He also had good ideas during the battle, which probably saved our skin.

Thanks all for a very nice fight :)