
Senior Member
May 23, 2012
Reaction score
St. Paul, Minnesota
llUnited States
Greetings all,

I can't believe we're through June already. If time flies when you're having fun, then the TCASL meetup on July 8 ought to go by in the blink of an eye! I won't be attending (instead, I'll be at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Minneapolis helping run CONvergence), but starting in August I should be present on a more regular basis.

If that isn't enough, we're going to have some company from Texas coming up on the 15th, and a secondary get together that day as well. This will tentatively be in our usual meeting room at Roseville Library, starting at 1pm. While the specifics of this one are still in flux, the details of the usual monthly meetup on the 8th are set in stone:

Details (Monthly Meeting!):
Time: 10:00am - 4:30pm
Location: Ramsey County Library Roseville 2180 Hamline Ave N, Roseville, MN 55113 [Board Room, 2nd floor, on the left, over by the periodicals]
Masks: Recommended

This month marks the 80th anniversary of Operation Citadel and the largest tank battles of the war:
Number  Title                              Side1              Side2                #Hrs  S1Win%  S2Win%  Publication                     Notes
ASL132  Hill 253.5                         Soviet             German               8.3   54.26%  45.74%  Beyond Valor                    Also Published as T7 in The General Vol 27, No 3
A51     Clash Along the Psel               Soviet             German               16.8  42.11%  57.89%  Annual '93a
AP48    Up Inferno Hill                    Soviet             German               10.3  61.22%  38.78%  Action Pack #5
D7      With Flame and Shell               German             Soviet               15.5  ??????  ??????  Deluxe ASL                      Low play count
J53     Setting the Stage                  Soviet             German               5.4   49.25%  50.75%  Journal #3
J94     Kempf at Melikhovo                 German             Soviet               2.2   46.21%  53.79%  Journal #6
J118    Elephants Unleashed                German             Soviet               5     58.14%  41.86%  Journal #8

Of course, CITADEL wasn't the only major operation to take place in July 1943. The Allies landed in Sicily (OPERATION HUSKY) on July 10:
BoF8    Sting of the Italian Hornet        Italian            Canadian             7     48.72%  51.28%  Best of Friends                 7/12/1943
J51     Canicatti                          German             American             4.5   52.43%  47.57%  Journal #3                      7/12/1943