Supremacy at Sea...could this be the holy grail of naval simulators


May 16, 2006
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llUnited States
First of all I have no affiliation with NWS. I don't know anybody there etc.

In fact I find their website to be... how can I say this...kind of retro. I have not really been too supportive of their efforts to be honest. All of their presentations just weren't up to snuff in my opinion.

Then I took a good look at the features of their newest release Supremacy At Sea WWII. Have you guys seen this?!!


● Turn-based WW2 naval strategy wargame.
● With loads of tactical feel and realism.
● 2 Player or play against the computer.
● Command the navy of any of the major naval powers of the era - US, UK, Japan, Germany, Italy, France.
● Accept historical strengths and weaknesses or play with history by varying technology, resources, intelligence and more. Change the odds to make the game as easy or as hard as you like.
● Select maps for theatres as small as the Mediterranean through to as big as the Pacific.
● Face computer opponents who play aggressively or cautiously, like Yamamoto or Nagumo, Doenitz or Cunningham, Darlan or Iachino.
● Fight with Carriers, Battleships, Cruisers, Destroyers, Escorts and Submarines; run convoys of Merchants ships.
● Choose from 160 historical ship classes or design your own - up to 130,000 tonnes! - nearly twice the size of the Yamato!
● Plan convoys, raiding and reconnaissance missions, major fleet sorties, bombardment missions, mine laying.
● Make all decisions or just those you want to, delegating the rest to your 2-I-C. The 2-I-C mode makes learning a snap and playing a campaign can be done in an evening.
● Replay fleet movements hour-by-hour, surface battles shell-by-shell.
● Develop your technology in 10 key areas; gain superiority in radar, ASW, submarine propulsion and many more.
● Win the economic war by maximizing convoy trade and economic production at minimal cost.
● Control the sea lanes; gain Supremacy at Sea and retire as the greatest Admiral of all!
● You are the Supreme Naval Commander. Now, prove it!


New levels of realism

SAS-WW2 is a strategic game to command; but its highly detailed AI gives it the flavour and realism of a tactical sim:

● "Fog of war" - know your enemy and his movements through intelligence and reconnaisance.
● Dynamic weather - low pressure systems build and move; dead calm through to force 6 hurricanes.
● Detailed modelling of surface ship combat, shell-by-shell, torpedo-by-torpedo, with special damage to turrets, machinery, magazines, conning tower and other areas. Detailed damage effects, damage control, flooding and targeting are updated every minute of battle.
● Differences between countries in 10 key technologies affect fighting capabilities.
● Very challenging AI opponent -every bit as strong as your own 2-I-C. You alone can guarantee victory!

Historical and Hypothetical Ships

All the famous battleships, cruisers, escort ships and submarines are represented, including ones never launched: the mighty Yamato and Musashi, the Iowas and Montanas, the Bismarck and the 'H' class monsters, the British Lion class, and many more. If this choice is not enough, you can improve them or design entirely new ships. Aircraft Carriers are a special case in this game. In real life, they became so powerful they rendered battleships obsolete, and the Americans, Japanese and to a lesser extent the British relied on them greatly. But the Germans, Italians and French never had a viable carrier. In Supremacy at Sea, the role for the mighty battleships still shines brightly, especially given that you can build them up to 130,000 tonnes in size! But every country can also have carriers. The choice is yours.

Designing Ships

In addition to the historical ships, you can modify them or create entirely new designs from scratch. It takes only a few to set the size, speed, range, number and calibre of main guns, quantity of secondary armament, armour, and general protection and seaworthiness for a ship. This gives you nearly 2 million possible designs!

Using your 2-I-C

You have a famous Admiral as your 2-I-C, ready to take any decision for you if you are still learning the ropes, or simply speed up gameplay. The American player has Spruance, Halsey, Mitscher and King to choose from. Each has a preferred strategic approach - very aggressive, very cautious or in between - and will advise you accordingly."

I've been wishing for a game like this since I was a pre-teen. Ever since I played my first Avalon Hill game.

TF1942 was close. Imagine a game that you could manuver a TF and then jump in and fight the battle. It was just one small battle however. I longed for the whole Pacific. And this game, if you can believe the features, does it.

In addition their PDF DEMO they talk about being able to link this strategic/operational game with a take control of the Yamamoto tactical simulator. To me this is the Nirvana of games. I can now really see what would have happened if the Japanese had press on in the Battle of Lyte Gulf.

WiTP is great and I love playing it. I'm having a little trouble getting it transferred to my new computer but other than that it is a very good wargame. The part that bugs me about it is things like forgetting to set CAP or any number of simple mistakes that any second in command or even first sergeant would warn you of. There are just too many details that you should be able to change but would be taken care of by others in the chain of command in real life.

This game appears to take care of this along with the ability to work on a strategic and operational level along with the promised tactical piece and includes the whole world.

Can they really pull this off? Do you know something that I don't? Why aren't more people going nuts about the possibilities of this game like I am?


Elder Member
Apr 20, 2004
Reaction score
New Baltimore, MI
llUnited States
Interesting and thanks for posting it. In the past I've always felt that their sims have left much to desire. One of the series of games was nothing but a gunnery model that really had no tactics besides opening and closing range. I will be interested to see a demo of this one.


May 16, 2006
Reaction score
llUnited States
They have a couple of pdf downloads. One is a demo and another is the whole manual. I think the features speak for themselves.

I don't believe it will be a graphic master piece but a truly playable strategic and operational simulation of naval warfare with a future link to a tactical module.