I just played the first scenario of NBPTD and some questions cropped up.
1) There is an artillery (gun) counter with "Cav" printed on the counter. I suppose this means Cavalry. Now, which Movement Rate does this Unit use? Mounted Cavalry or Limbered Artillery?
2) Is it right that extended Lines have their own arbitrary facing and move independently from their parent unit as long as they are adjacent to it at the and of each phase.
3) How come there is a +2 die roll modificator on the Straggler Table if the Unit was attacked at night or by a wrecked brigade. Isn't e.g. a wrecked brigade to cause less damage than a brigade in "good order"?
4) As the rules suggest, I still play without the Command System. The only rule I use is "Command Radius". If a Unit is out of the Command Radius of its superior Unit, is the only detrimental effect it suffers it liability to reenter the Command Radius in its Movement Phase as soon and fast as possible?
5) Is it right that, no matter what your elevation is, you can never attack an enemy Unit if there's a friendly Unit in the line of fire and adjacant to the enemy Unit?
Sorry if some of the questions seem dumb.
Regards ... ollo
I just played the first scenario of NBPTD and some questions cropped up.
1) There is an artillery (gun) counter with "Cav" printed on the counter. I suppose this means Cavalry. Now, which Movement Rate does this Unit use? Mounted Cavalry or Limbered Artillery?
2) Is it right that extended Lines have their own arbitrary facing and move independently from their parent unit as long as they are adjacent to it at the and of each phase.
3) How come there is a +2 die roll modificator on the Straggler Table if the Unit was attacked at night or by a wrecked brigade. Isn't e.g. a wrecked brigade to cause less damage than a brigade in "good order"?
4) As the rules suggest, I still play without the Command System. The only rule I use is "Command Radius". If a Unit is out of the Command Radius of its superior Unit, is the only detrimental effect it suffers it liability to reenter the Command Radius in its Movement Phase as soon and fast as possible?
5) Is it right that, no matter what your elevation is, you can never attack an enemy Unit if there's a friendly Unit in the line of fire and adjacant to the enemy Unit?
Sorry if some of the questions seem dumb.
Regards ... ollo