Some CWBS newbie questions


Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score

I just played the first scenario of NBPTD and some questions cropped up.

1) There is an artillery (gun) counter with "Cav" printed on the counter. I suppose this means Cavalry. Now, which Movement Rate does this Unit use? Mounted Cavalry or Limbered Artillery?

2) Is it right that extended Lines have their own arbitrary facing and move independently from their parent unit as long as they are adjacent to it at the and of each phase.

3) How come there is a +2 die roll modificator on the Straggler Table if the Unit was attacked at night or by a wrecked brigade. Isn't e.g. a wrecked brigade to cause less damage than a brigade in "good order"?

4) As the rules suggest, I still play without the Command System. The only rule I use is "Command Radius". If a Unit is out of the Command Radius of its superior Unit, is the only detrimental effect it suffers it liability to reenter the Command Radius in its Movement Phase as soon and fast as possible?

5) Is it right that, no matter what your elevation is, you can never attack an enemy Unit if there's a friendly Unit in the line of fire and adjacant to the enemy Unit?

Sorry if some of the questions seem dumb.

Regards ... ollo

Keith Todd

Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
morrigu said:

I just played the first scenario of NBPTD and some questions cropped up.

1) There is an artillery (gun) counter with "Cav" printed on the counter. I suppose this means Cavalry. Now, which Movement Rate does this Unit use? Mounted Cavalry or Limbered Artillery?
Limbered Artillery

morrigu said:
2) Is it right that extended Lines have their own arbitrary facing and move independently from their parent unit as long as they are adjacent to it at the and of each phase.

morrigu said:
3) How come there is a +2 die roll modificator on the Straggler Table if the Unit was attacked at night or by a wrecked brigade. Isn't e.g. a wrecked brigade to cause less damage than a brigade in "good order"?
The +2 is if the defender is wrecked or the hour is at night.

morrigu said:
4) As the rules suggest, I still play without the Command System. The only rule I use is "Command Radius". If a Unit is out of the Command Radius of its superior Unit, is the only detrimental effect it suffers it liability to reenter the Command Radius in its Movement Phase as soon and fast as possible?
Yes, plus it cannot enter into Close Combat.

morrigu said:
5) Is it right that, no matter what your elevation is, you can never attack an enemy Unit if there's a friendly Unit in the line of fire and adjacant to the enemy Unit?
Yes, in the standard CWB series rules version 3.0

morrigu said:
Sorry if some of the questions seem dumb.

Regards ... ollo
Glad to help, I really enjoy this game series and I ask alot of "dumb" questions too.



Keith Todd

Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Strike Them A Blow

Strike Them A Blow only needs 30 more orders! Be sure to get this game at pre-pub price!

"In late May 1864, Grant slides around Lee's flank at Spotsylvania and triggers a race to the North Anna. As fighting erupts on both sides of the river, Lee sets a trap based on a brilliant "inverted V" position which forces Grant to divide his army. Once the trap is sprung, Lee plans to defeat part of Grant's army in detail by striking an offensive blow. The stakes are high and the opposing armies will never again be so evenly matched. So take command and end the war in 1864. The time to strike is now!"



Shut up and play!
Jan 29, 2003
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington,
llUnited States
OK another annoying newbie question or two...

We've played a few turns of In Their Quiet Fields, and we no longer have to refer to the rules to resolve each attack. But we're both pretty green. :whist:

1. In the series rules, section 9 suggests that you only allow players to ask the composition of a stack if you have LOS to it. Then it says this can bring up a number of "Sticky problems" so they don't recommend it's use.

What problems? You can't agree on LOS? Something else? If it's agreement on LOS, you're going to have those problems anyway...

Does anyone use or recommend this rule?

2. Rule 10.1i - for some reason, I thought this was an "optional" rule when I first read it. But it seems that even with Mac in command, the Union guys can write a full set of orders for everyone before the game starts and it cost no command points? Is this right?

Does it cost Mac points?

Does this apply even to smaller scenarios? (the ones that use orders...)

3. Rule 10.2f - We had a situation come up like this: My opponent wrote an order to be delivered by an aid. It wouldn't reach the intended command till next turn. Then, using initiative, he issued the same order that turn. The discussion (friendly, I assure you) was whether that violated the "spirit" of this rule. The division in question did not have any orders in delay status... What say the experts?

4. It would seem to me that the pre-set orders and Conferences (held a max of once per day) are dang useful. Do most players use them? (most good players, that is).

And as I understand it, a conference gives everyone the same order? Does that mean you violate the spirit of "same order" if the order gives slightly different objectives for each Corps? Completely different objectives?

Thanks again. Great to be able to ask and get informed opinion.

Sam :horse:

Keith Todd

Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
SamB said:
: ......

1. In the series rules, section 9 suggests that you only allow players to ask the composition of a stack if you have LOS to it. Then it says this can bring up a number of "Sticky problems" so they don't recommend it's use.

What problems? You can't agree on LOS? Something else? If it's agreement on LOS, you're going to have those problems anyway...

Does anyone use or recommend this rule?
I have never used it. IMHO would not recommend it.

SamB said:
2. Rule 10.1i - for some reason, I thought this was an "optional" rule when I first read it. But it seems that even with Mac in command, the Union guys can write a full set of orders for everyone before the game starts and it cost no command points? Is this right?
It does not cost any command points. When a scenario starts with certain organizations with no orders, you may write pre-set orders for them and roll for acceptance in your first turn. If you want to play a scenario without historical orders then you can both agree to do this for even organizations that have orders given in the scenario rules.

SamB said:
Does it cost Mac points?
In ITQF, pre-set orders for command without orders would not be historical but if you did, yes you would pay the penalties involved with Corps that are committed earlier in the game. This is just my interpretation but with pre-set orders the Union would not gain Mac points for pre-set orders.

SamB said:
Does this apply even to smaller scenarios? (the ones that use orders...)
the above should still apply

SamB said:
3. Rule 10.2f - We had a situation come up like this: My opponent wrote an order to be delivered by an aid. It wouldn't reach the intended command till next turn. Then, using initiative, he issued the same order that turn. The discussion (friendly, I assure you) was whether that violated the "spirit" of this rule. The division in question did not have any orders in delay status... What say the experts?
10.2f would stand, the intended command initiative is in the "spirit" of the rules as long as the issued order is NOT in delayed status. But if he had rolled Loose Cannon, essientally that aide would have to reutrn to HQ.

SamB said:
4. It would seem to me that the pre-set orders and Conferences (held a max of once per day) are dang useful. Do most players use them? (most good players, that is).

And as I understand it, a conference gives everyone the same order? Does that mean you violate the spirit of "same order" if the order gives slightly different objectives for each Corps? Completely different objectives?
HQ, Army commander issues Corps 1 to attack Hill 2 and Corps 2 to attack Hill 3 and Corps 3 to defend the left flank along certain road. Very acceptable and in the spirit. But each Corps has to roll for acceptance, each receiving its own delayed status. And orders do not take effect until Corp commander reaches his own HQ.

Hope this helps,

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