Marshal Lannes
Senior Member

" The name's Payne...........Max Payne...... ! "...
Had to buy a new copy of Max Payne 3 ( Xbox ) because the old one was a bit scratchy and had loading issues. Have come back to this after a very long while. I remember when initially playing it with the old version that it took a bit of getting used to as it was more light and color saturated than the previous semi- cartoonesque , The Fall of Max Payne, which was played to death......a thing of beauty as some would say........Film noir, sardonic, NYPD detective Max Payne...........Why the Hell they do not revamp this title to MaxP3 standards is really beyond me....the Fall was a great seller.
The truth is that when game designers work with more limited means ....they push the curve in better dialogue and storyline verve with humour and creative/fun action sequences.
Max Payne 3 is more gritty than the Fall......noisy and the word - Puta, becomes a staple of the background. I still find certain action sequences to be more difficult because of the flashing lighting and small fire/reticule. This was always easier to see in the Fall because of the background coloration.
People moan about the large number of cutscenes......I , personally find them to be useful as some combat situations are difficult and hard on the fingers and stressful, so a cutscene gives your brain and fingers a break.
Anyhow, I have restarted playing this and for some reason, I am having more fun in doing so now than originally.......could be familiarity opens up more insight. The get the enemy or enemies in slow motion before you get erased is are just about to be killed/go down; then the screen goes into slow motion and black and white and you have a few more seconds to wipe out your opponent/s. The only problem is that your reaction and movement is slowed down and aiming a small white fire/reticule is not easy..............last chance saloon. Most of the time , you fail and have to retry but when you do succeed.......great brain endorphin mode.............
To not labor a point...I forgot how great this game is....being able to use cover, whether a wall, desk, car etc.....enhances the game play experience. I get stresserd playing on medium difficulty....God help me in Hard or Expert.
Viva Max Payne............3. ( and redone The Fall of Max Payne 4 )...