DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again) [COMPLETE]


Aug 31, 2007
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Albany, NY
llUnited States
DNO is my favorite scenario, it is perhaps the most monstrous of the monster scenarios with a huge map and thousands of units. The large and detailed map really captures the huge expanse of Russia and the very intricate order of battle makes the scenario very immersive.

I have played it about 10 times now, but my last game with Olorin was definitely the closest and most exciting. It was also the only game to last until winter and to end without either side surrendering.

Now we have switched sides and started another game.

As German my strategy is pretty simple. Defeat the Soviet army decisively around Moscow, and then follow up with attacks to the south and north.

In our first game Olorin was confined to the most part to making frontal attacks against Soviet lines. His casualties were heavy, and when the game ended the soviets had a 3-1 advantage in tanks and a 2-1 advantage in infantry.

My goal will be to breakthrough soviet lines and destroy their army in the field. In this scenario the battle usually follows one of two patterns. German attacks will usually break and rout Soviet divisions. If this is done too slowly then the Soviet player will be able to feed in reinforcements and the battle will be bloody for the Germans and they will only by able to push back the Soviets. However if the German attack can break Soviet units faster than they can be replaced then the Germans can breakthrough and surround the Soviet lines and take out any reinforcements as they arrive.

My army groups will be deployed as such:

Army group south will advance eastwards. There are strong Soviet forces in this direction, including many armored units. Because of this AGS will have to react to Soviet moves and deployment so their path is not fully defined. My tentative plan is to advance with my panzer south of Kiev, cross the Dnieper and head towards Kharkov, while the infantry cover the flanks from Kiev down to the sea.

Army group center will advance straight towards Moscow with its panzers and assault that city from the west and from the south. AGC infantry will advance past Gomel towards Bryansk and link together with the northern flank of AGS around Kursk or Kharkov.

Army group North will send infantry to clear out the Baltic states and make contact with Soviet lines around Leningrad, but won't attack. AGN panzers will head straight towards Moscow and attack the city from the north.

This last part is a big deviation from the strategy German players usually use, which is to use AGN's 4th panzer group to attack Leningrad. I think that there are a few advantages to not attacking Leningrad directly with panzers. First, the terrain is poor. There are many lakes and swamps and the result is a narrow frontage that makes maneuvering difficult. Secondly Leningrad has a large amount of artillery making attacks there costly. The naval and coastal artillery cannot be shifted to other sectors so by not attacking the city it can be avoided completely. The rest of the artillery there can only travel by rail, and so is vulnerable to air interdiction if it is moved somewhere else. Finally, using 4th panzer group to attack Moscow along with 2nd and 3rd panzer groups gives the German player a very powerful concentration of force. Since the goal is to destroy the Soviet units faster than new ones can arrive, a more concentrated force has a better chance of success.

If the Soviet army can by defeated around Moscow then my panzer units will have the opportunity to attack north and isolate Leningrad and also to attack south and destroy the remainder of the Soviet army, in conjunction with army group south.

In any case I think it will be a tough and exciting game.


Aug 31, 2007
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Albany, NY
llUnited States
Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

Here is the situation at the end of turn 2.

4th pz gruppe has crossed the Divina. XXXXI panzer corps will head due east to try and catch a soviet army encamped around Velikiye Luki. LVI pzk will take a detour and try to catch a soviet mech corps around pytalovo. If they fail they will double back and follow XXXXI corps.

AGN infantry is mopping up around Sialiuai and Kaunsas. I AK is advancing from 18 Armee is advancing on Riga. The rest of 18 Armee will be marching out to the Divina. 16 Armee is also preparing to advance to the Divina and fall in behind 4th panzer group.

3rd Panzer group is past Lepel and advancing towards Orsha and Smolensk.
9th army is holding the northern flank of the Bialystock pocket, clearing out the important rail junction of Wilno and also advancing behind 3rd panzer group.

2nd Panzer group is attacking into Minsk and approaching the Berezina. Once across they will head out towards Mogilev and cross the Dnieper.

4th army is following 2nd panzer group and also holding the southern flank of the Bialystock pocket. There are many soviet armored divisions squirming around here and it is necessary from preventing them from escaping or cutting my rail lines.

In terms of fleeing Soviet units my tactics are to first engage them with whatever leading recon or motorized units I can spare. Then as infantry and security divisions march up form behind I relieve the recon units so they can continue advancing with their parent units. I also try to use the absolute minimum of units to maintain pockets so as to not subtract from the momentum of the advance.

Army group south has partially cleared a path to the Stalin line and will advance to the northern end. Around Tarnopol and down south there are still soviet units that need to be cleared before the Stalin line can be reached.

Intelligence reports that the Soviets will defend the Stalin line instead of retreating east. I am developing plans to defeat them.

In the air my forces were pretty successful. I was able to destroy not only front line soviet units, but also most of the fighters around Leningrad, some around Moscow, Orel, and Kharkov, including 3 big units of Migs.

Casualties have been low, here is a snapshot:

872 Heavy rifle squads
47 tanks
147 planes


Aug 31, 2007
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Albany, NY
llUnited States
Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

This is the situation at the end of turn 4:


1381 heavy rifle squads
67 tanks
218 planes

AGN is mostly finished mopping up west of the Divina. I AK has almost surrounded Riga.

Soviet forces in the area are falling back towards Leningrad. Soviet armor around Pytalovo has escaped so LVI panzer corps has regrouped around Daugapils and is resting. XXXXI panzer corps has captured Velikie Luki and is chasing a soviet army falling back towards Zapaday Dvina.

9th army still has some soviets around Bialystock, Wilno, and Minsk to take care of. 3rd Panzer group is past Orsha and 60km from Smolensk. The Soviets have created a line running North from Smolensk and appear to be sending all forces forward to the city. This is a great opportunity for me to destroy the soviets, as they don't have a well supported battle line yet. If I can breakthrough Soviet casualties will be high.

2nd panzer group is across the Dnieper and headed for Krichev. They will cooperate closely with 3rd panzer group and strike south of Smolensk where the terrain is open. The Soviets won't be able to resist such an attack.

4th army is marching up the road towards Minsk. Activity behind the lines is high with many soviet armor divisions driving about and many partisans. It should all be cleared up soon enough.

AGS has made contact with the Stalin line. The Soviets have set up a strong defense here with many armored divisions and reinforcements moving forward. The attack is developing in two spots around the northern end, and also in the center. The idea is to breakthrough in several places and form 3 or 4 small pockets.

The most exciting development was the success of a Romanian cavalry corps to cross the Dnestr behind the Stalin line. All available German, Romanian, and Italian reinforcements were rushed towards the Bridgehead. If successful a powerful force could advance behind the Stalin line, allowing me to pocket significant soviet forces there.

Soviet forces are lining up opposite the Romanians along the Dnestr north of Odessa. Since the most powerful forces are headed towards the Stalin Line, the Romanians will probably make contact with the Soviets here and wait for support.

Olorin has decided on a forward defense. I think this will play into my hands, so far every Soviet player I've faced has tried this and all have failed. The initial Soviet line is overrun, and all subsequent lines are too weak to resist the German advance.
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Aug 31, 2007
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Albany, NY
llUnited States
Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

Turn 5:

Big battles this turn.

AGN has taken Riga. Coming down SW from Leningrad are several soviet destruction regiments probing my forces and looking to cut my rail lines. Against this I have some infantry regiments and some supporting units.

The main action in the north is east of Veliki Luki. XXXXI panzer corps has blown through soviet defenses there and defeated 4 enemy infantry divisions. The cost was high however, as 6th panzer lost about half of its tanks. I am pretty excited with the success, now 16th army and LVI panzer corps will follow XXXXI panzer towards Rhzev. Any soviet developments around Smolensk will be comprised if I can crush Olorin's northern flank. However there are still a number of infantry and other formations between me and Rzhev, so I am not out of the woods just yet.

AGC has done a good job of cleaning up its rear areas this turn. All soviet mechanized units around Minsk and Bialystock have been dealt with. Wilno has been cleared out, and several partisan units have been eliminated.
About 5 infantry units and 3 or 4 partisan units remain.

3rd panzer group has cleared out most of the resistance between itself and the soviet line at Smolensk. An attack is scheduled to begin there next turn. With any luck the soviets will soon be on the run. One good development is that my rail line up here has reached Orsha. I can now send 2 divisions of infantry per turn to help out the attack, and also brings supplies up to the front.

2nd panzer group is proceeding abreast of 3rd panzer group. 10th panzer division made a detour to attack the soviet 19th army which was still on its trains. In this endeavor it achieved some success, but now it is a little out of position and also vulnerable to counterattack if Olorin is so bold as to make one.

SS Das Reich was delayed at Minsk clearing up soviet resistance. The rest of 2nd panzer group is getting ready to attack south of Smolensk where the Soviet line is less developed. If all goes as planned they will cut through towards Kaluga and leave Olorin's defense in shambles.

There are quite a few soviet units between Gomel and Bryansk. If they attack northwards right now it could be a minor headache. On the other hand if they wait patiently for my infantry to march down to them it will be a challenge to clear them all out.

Army group south is doing a pretty good job in the face of tough resistance. The northern end of the Stalin line is especially well defended. To avoid casualties I have made just enough attacks to keep Olorin occupied, taking 2 hexes. Next turn I plan to extend the attack further north towards a weak spot west of Korosten. This should eat up some of his reserves in the area.

More promising are the developments at the southern end of the Stalin line. 13th panzer divisions' tank regiment has broken clean through and the rest of the divisions along with 1 motorized and 4 infantry divisions are on their way to exploit the success. The plan now is to head first east towards Vinnista, then north to Zhitomir and then Olorin's defeat here should be complete.

Even better than 13th panzer's success is that of 11th Armee. The tenuous bridgehead created last turn by the Romanian cavalry corps was fiercely attacked by Olorin's tank divisions. However nothing turns back Soviet tanks quite like the smell of Romanian cavalry men, and the bridgehead held. Last turn I had sensed the opportunity up here and sent every division I could as reinforcement. This turn Romanian, Italian, and German troops surged across the Dnestr, counterattacked Olorin's tanks and routed them. 1 tank division was eliminated outright, and 3 more tank and 1 motorized division was routed along with several Russian infantry divisions. Olorin had sent about half a dozen infantry units by rail as reinforcements, but I managed to derail all of them with air attacks.

Derailing will cause these divisions to be frozen during Olorin's turn, my plan now is to mop up the routed armor divisions and press the attack on Olorin's infantry while they are disorganized and undug. From here I have quite a few possibilities, either to advance due north towards Zhitomir and try and surround Olorin's armor in the Stalin line, advance towards Kiev to prompt him to retreat. To roll down along the Dnestr and take Odessa. Or press due East to the Dnepr.

Here are the casualties as of the end of turn 5:
2082 heavy rifle squads
255 tanks
279 planes

So far things are going well.
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Aug 31, 2007
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Albany, NY
llUnited States
Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

Turn 6:

Another turn of heavy fighting.

In AGN's rear area security troops are cleaning up the last few Soviet remnants. The SS police division is clearing the coast of Soviet naval batteries.

The kriegsmarine launch a bold strike in conjunction with the Finnish navy against the Soviet navy stationed at Leningrad. Friendly casualties were 2 Finnish defense ships and several destroyers. The enemy lost 2 battleships and several smaller vessels. Perhaps all of the enemy's capital ships were damaged, but it is unknown if they were sunk for good.

3 divisions of I AK and 2 reserve divisions are headed from Riga up to clear Estonia of soviet units. 4 Soviet divisions are waiting in the port of Parnu for sea transport, but taking advantage of the strike at Leningrad, the navy is blocking them in. Estonia has a heavy partisan presence, so a retreat by road will not be too easy. Two more soviet regiments appear to be heading southward to slow my progress. The plan is to clear Estonia up to the Narva river and hold there until further orders.

2 more divisions are headed Veliki Luki up the Velikaya river torwards DNO. Their goal is to reach the line Pyskov-Dno and prevent any Soviet units headed south from Leningrad and threatening AGN's supply lines. Currently there are 4 soviet regiments doing just this.

In the main direction of attack XXXXI panzer corps continued its successful attack against the soviet 22nd army. The soviets sent 4 nkvd and destruction regiments to help cover 22nd army's retreat. These were pushed back and now my troops are approaching a new soviet line at Zapadnay Divina. Quite a few Soviet reinforcements have been spotted in the area, 3 regiments and 5 divisions, in addition to 1 regiment and 3 or 4 divisions to the immediate front. Also the soviets are sending 2 mechanized corps down from Leningrad to reinforce the front.

At the last development it means Olorin must recognize that Leningrad is not under attack. However I think this illustrates some of the strength of my strategy. Instead of frontally attacking a fresh mech corps fortified between a line of flooded marches I now have the chance to attack them on the move, after a long road march, without supporting artillery, and with room to maneuver to surround and destroy them. During the course of the coming battles I expect many of the reinforcements that appear in Leningrad will be sent elsewhere, so when I do finally attack it should be against a weaker force than if I attacked straight away.

3rd and 2nd panzer groups have launched a coordinated attack against Soviet defenses at Smolensk. 3rd panzer group breached the enemy line in 2 sectors and captured Smolensk itself. However the depth of the penetration is still only 10km and the soviets have 2 powerful, fortified tank divisions defending immediately north of my advance units. 2nd panzer did better, managing a 20km penetration along a frontage of 40km. I am not sure what reserves Olorin can muster to stem this breakthrough, but I expect at least 2 armored divisions.

The area of Gomel-Krichev is becoming a serious concern. I count 23 soviet divisions, including 3 armored divisions. Among these are 4 divisions, including 1 armored that Oloin sent here by rail. I think it is possible he is planning an offensive operation aimed at the weak flank of 2nd panzergruppe. Right now 10 pz div is very vulnerable at its bridgehead at Krichev. Right now 4 soviet divisions are in contact, with 3 more, including an armored division in position to attack during Olorin's turn.

Right now several of my infantry divisions are march forward, accordingly the threat should be countered as long as Olorin doesn't make an immediate attack.

AGS continued to chip away at the northern end of the Stalin line, but received unacceptably heavy tank casualties.

The southern end of the Stalin line proved easier to crack. My forces breach 50km of defenses and forward units advanced 40km behind enemy lines. My forces from 11 Armee advancing from Romania supported the attack and advanced as well. Olorin's current position is very difficult, the result of the battle will depend on whether he retreats soon enough and how he disposes his reinforcements. Hopefully he will stick around for a fight and I can destroy most of his tank divisions.

Olorin deployed fighters units this turn to counter my air interdiction. I responded my launching airfield attacks against 2 fighter units. Casualties were heavy and I am not yet sure if I will keep up these attacks.

The casualty totals reflect the bloody fighting this turn. Loss penalty is currently 746-175

2823 heavy rifle squads
429 tanks
394 planes inc 65 me 109s

casualties for the turn are
741 heavy rifle squads
174 tanks
115 planes

production is
550 heavy rifle squads (this includes the reserve pool divided by the total number of turns as well as per turn production)
46 tanks
(roughly) 110 planes
As you can see the tank casualties are the most worrisome. However infantry units are just reaching the front, so that should take a small amount of pressure of the panzer divisions.

I would say things are going well so far.

I would like a little AAR feedback, do you guys like the pictures with arrows and labels or just plain?
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Aug 31, 2007
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Albany, NY
llUnited States
Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

Turns 7-9

Over the past 3 turns I have made heavy frontal attacks against the Soviet lines opposing me.

In the North progress has been minimal. AGN attacked into the teeth of heavy soviet defenses around Zapadnay Dvina, with little progress. I have no choice but to continue slogging along. The Soviets are benefiting from several flooded marshes, which is limiting the scope of my attack. With the pressure elsewhere, hopefully Olorin won't send any reinforcements here and I will be able to breakthrough to clear terrain soon. One bright point was a break in the Soviet line west of Belyi, if I can push through there it will make things easier.

In the center things have gone better. 2nd and 3rd panzer groups have managed to smash the opposition and it looks like all Soviet divisions involved will be lost. However the roads are not open quite yet, a few reinforcements are on their way and a new line is taking shape around Vyazama. This new line is of yet just construction brigades(which actually are incredibly tough) and militia divisions. Also it is not yet long enough to prevent me from going around it. Generally things are looking hopeful here for a successful capture of Moscow.

In the south things went the best of all. Soviet lines broke open everywhere I attacked and many of Olorin's armored divisions look to be caught. There are few possible reinforcements as it stands, so I think I'll be able to make rapid progress in the coming turns.

Across the front I have been making airfield attacks against soviet fighter units.

Losses have mounted up quickly.

5436 heavy rifle squads with 55,440 remaining
845 tanks with 3312 remaining
720 planes with roughly 3000 remaining

Loss penalty is 1167 vs 215

Soviet losses have been heavy as well, on turn 9 I destroyed 7 armored and mechanized divisions. About twice as many may fall in the coming turns. Many ordinary divisions were also destroyed, but of course there is more where that came from.

I am having a little difficulty uploading pictures, they will be forthcoming.
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Aug 31, 2007
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Albany, NY
llUnited States
Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

More pics, included are some taken at the beginning of turn 9 to show the effect of my last turn of attacks. If you look at AGC's picture you can see a surrounded panzer regiment and an isolated panzer grenadier regiment. These were cut off by a soviet armored counter attack, the panzer regiment was ideally positioned for my own counter stroke, and 3 soviet armored divisions were captured as a result.
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Aug 31, 2007
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Albany, NY
llUnited States
Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

We have reached the end of July, the date is 7/30, the turn is 12. I received my first supply shock this turn.

I will give a brief account of the past few turns.

You can see at the end of turn 9 soviet lines were tenuous and close to breaking. Over the intervening turns they have been completely broken, with a few small pockets remaining.

Here are my casualties at the end of turn 12:

7529 Heavy rifle squads lost, 54,047 remaining
1309 tanks lost, 2965 remaining
324 Me 109s lost, 842 remaining
978 total planes lost, 3205 remaining

As you can see losses are mostly light, infantry and aircraft formations are at full strength. The panzer units have suffered some more serious losses, but they are still strong.

Olorin's losses have been heavy across the board. His tanks and artillery have suffered along with the easier to replace infantry. I have been bombing his airfields pretty steadily, I don't know yet how this has affected his air strength.

Loss penalty is 1408 soviet vs 175 axis, or 8-1.

I will give a detailed accounting of my forces, their strengths and their missions:

I AK is part of AGN. It consists of 3 infantry divisions, supporting units, and an attached SS police division. Their orders are to clear Estonia, capture all soviet ports and help create a perimeter around Leningrad and participate in a future attack against that city.

The SS police division has the objective of taking one more Baltic port on the mainland, then attacking Moon island via amphibious assault in conjunction with the navy and the Kriegsmarine assault battalion.

The bulk of I AK is to capture Talinin. then to head east and capture Narva. After this they will set themselves on the Luga, opposite of Soviet defenses there.

On the other side of lake Peipus are 4 divisions drawn from OKH reserves and XXIII corps. They share a similar mission to I AK, namely to approach soviet forces along the Luga and hold their until the battle of Moscow is over and German forces can prepare for a full scale assault on Leningrad.

In AGN's rear area there are 8 soviet units remaing, a combination of forts and armored trains. These are being starved out.

All of AGN's attached security divisions are guarding the rail line. That will reach Zapadnay Dvina next turn.

X AK is involved in holding AGN's northern flank from Kholm to Peno. This involves three friendly divisions facing off against 10 soviet divisions including 2 armored divisions. Both sides have a defensive deployment. My divisions will probably hold here until an assault can be undertaken. Possibly this will be soon, but more likely will be later as part of a larger assault against Leningrad.

XXXXI panzerkorps consists of 1st and 6th panzer divisions, and SS motorized divisions Totenkopf. The status of the formation is exhausted, but they will doubtlessly be forced to push on. Only the depleted panzer regiments will be allowed to rest. The tank strength of the formation is 218.

The panzerkorps has broken through the heavy soviet fortifications around Zapadnay Dvina and is headed towards Rhzev. Here it faces 4 soviet armored and motorized divisions. I will probably attempt to attack the weaker infantry formations stationed to the north and south. Follow XXXXI panzerkorps are 4 infantry divisions. One will probably have to remain in the area Zapadnay Dvina to guard the northern flank, but the other 3 will aid in the attack against Rhzev. After Rzhev XXXXI pzk will continue on towards Moscow through Klin or Istra depending on enemy resistance. Following the successful completion of the battle of Moscow this unit will rest in preparation for an attack against Leningrad.

1 division remains in reserve with AGN headquarters around Velikie Luki.

LVI panzer corps is operating south of XXXXI pzk and headed to Osuga. This units consists of 3 and 36 mtz divisions and 8 panzer division. 8th panzer has been spared heavy fighting and has a tank strength of 187. All 3 divisions in the formation are in good shape. The missions of the unit is to penetrate the Soviet line running North-South through Vyazama and participate in an attack against Moscow. What road they take will depend on enemy resistance, but probably either through Istra or Naro-Forminsk. LVI pzk currently has 4 infantry divisions following it, and these will assist in its attacks.

Currently AGN is a little behind AGC, but this is due to heavy enemy resistance and difficult terrain. Their responsibilities for the next few turns will be to liquidate pockets containing 5 infantry divisions, 2 armored divisions, 2 artillery regiments, and 2 infantry regiments and several smaller units. They are working in close conjunction with AGC, and hold the northern and of a pocket containing 3 infantry and 1 armored division. Against the Vyazama line they face 5 infantry and 4 armored divisions, along with doubtless reinforcements and 1 or 2 divisions not spotted, but expected to exist. Against this they have the above mentioned 13 divisions including 3 panzer and 3 motorized divisions.


Aug 31, 2007
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Albany, NY
llUnited States
Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

AGC has 3 enemy forts in its rear areas, along with constant partisan attacks.

Against this a number of security divisions, 1 infantry division, mp units, construction brigades, and other assorted units are involved. Rail lines will reach Krichev and 80km east of Smolensk next turn.

3rd pz gruppe is involved in a direct attack against the Vzayama line from Osuga to Ugra. Here they face 5 construction brigades, 4 militia divisions, 1 motorized and 1 infantry divisions, plus certain reinforcements coming directly from Moscow. In this area of operation 5 soviets divisions remain behind the lines to be cleared.

Pz gruppe strength is 7 divisions. 3 pz and 4 motorized. Panzer strength is 729. Most troops are tired or becoming so.
Roughly 16 infantry divisions back up the panzer divisions. Many of these are unengaged and still fresh.

The plan is to smash the Vyazama line and blitz up the road to Moscow and attack that city frontally. The route will probably be through Naro-Forminsk and Podolsk. After the attack is complete the Panzer group will rest and prepare for future operation in an unknown direction. Possibly towards Gorky, or south towards Vorozenh.

2nd panzer group is deployed from Ugra south to the north bank of the Desna. They are currently involved in something of a breakthough. Against them is 1 entrenched cav division and a motorcycle regiment. Another infantry and cavalry division are in their area, but both are retreated.

4 enemy divisions entrained near Bryansk, and other assorted units will doubtlessly responds, but they won't be fortified, which should make progress easier.

The mission of the Panzer group is to advance towards Moscow from the south and ensure the capture of the city, as well as Tula. The panzer groups currently has 2 armored and 1 infantry division it is responsible for eliminating behind its front.

The strength of the group is 5 panzer and 3 motorized divisions. Tank strength is 717 panzers. A special note: 3 and 18th panzer divisions lost their panzer regiments when they advanced too far forward and were eliminated. 18th panzer regiment was replaced out of OKH reserves, but 3rd was not, and is operating now as a motorized division.

4 infantry division are operating with the pz group.

Covering AGC's southern flank from the Desna to Gomel is 2nd Armee. This unit was involved in an exciting battle that I have not yet detailed. They engaged a fortified soviet line running from Roslavl to Gomel and defeated it. Currently the Soviets are evacuating all divisions from the area to form a new line. Currently 12 enemy divisions, including 2 armored dvisions, remain to be mopped up. Some more could possibly be caught as they retreat. The army's objective will be to cut through to Bryanks-Orel-Kursk and there link up with the northern wing of AGS.

They will have to fight through the new soviet line projected to be placed on the Desna, 14 enemy divisions are fleeing in their area of operations, but some of those might be redeployed to other sectors.

The army consists of roughly 17 infantry divisions and 1 cavalry division. Some of these might be reattached to 2nd panzer group, depending on developments.

From Kholm down to Gomel I have a continuous front with 4th panzer group, 3rd, and 2nd panzergroups and 2nd army integrated seamlessly. However after 2nd army there is a considerable gap, caused by the pripet marshes between AGC and AGS.


May 2, 2003
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Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

Good AAR Keep it coming.
I personally prefer pictures with arrows and notes.


Aug 31, 2007
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Albany, NY
llUnited States
Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

AGS has 8 soviet forts, 2 units of partisans and 4 divisions behind its lines.

A combination of security troops and the Hungarian expeditionary force is taking care of all this. The front's rail line will reach Vinnitisa next turn.

6th army consists of 5 infantry divisions and is advancing towards Kiev from the west, as well as sending one division around the north of the city to encircle it.

Additionally 14 panzer and 60 mtz divisions are trying to cross the Dnieper immediately south of Kiev.

The plan is to encircle Kiev, cut off its supplies and leave elements of 6 army to reduce the pocket and capture the city.

14 panzer and 60 mtz should be relieved as soon as possible to continue the advance eastwards. Those two divisions will probably advance straight down the road towards Kharkov.

1st Pzgrp consists of 5 panzer, 4 motorized, and 6 infantry divisions. They are backed up by 17 army with another 11 infantry divisions. This grouping is deployed between Kiev and Uman. Their goal is to cross the Dnieper between Kanev and Dnepetrvotsk, and head east to capture the industrial areas in the Donbas.

The southern flank is covered by 11th army which has 6 german divisions, the Italian expeditionary force, and some Romanian units. This force is to advance across the S. Bug and cover the area between Zaporozhe and Perekop, take those cities and lay siege to Sevastopol.

To the farthest south is the bulk of the Romanian army, which has 15 infantry divisions and 4 cav brigades. This force is not too capable, their mission is to surround Odessa and probe the defenses there. Possibly elements from 11 army will assist in capturing that city if it is deemed feasible.

As for Olorin's plans, he is now retreating with his surviving units and sending reinforcements to a line Odessa-Ingulets-Sula-Desna-Vyazama-Rhzev.

This line appears like it will still be weak when my troops are able to reach it. Also 2nd panzer group's penetration around Kirov may have already rendered the new line indefensible.

If I advance fast before Olorin can properly set up a new line then I can destroy the remainder of his army and run amok through the Soviet countryside.

Things are looking pretty good at the moment.


Aug 31, 2007
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Albany, NY
llUnited States
Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

The date is 8/3 turn 13.

This was a very exciting turn.

XXXXI pzk Managed to take Rhzev and get a bridgehead across the Volga. Olorin has 2 mech corps in the area, I am hoping to eliminate them without to much trouble.

A few assorted units have made contact with the northern flank of AGN's advance. I am considering attacking them with my infantry before they can become fortified. Enemy forces are 6 divisions and 2 regiments, I don't have much to attack them with, and anything I commit takes away from the advance towards Moscow. On the other hand it is better to destroy them now while they are mobile than later when they are fortified.

LVI pzk couldn't be committed this turn due to a soviet pocket along their road of advance. However they will attack next turn against enemy infantry around Osuga. If things go to plan they will assist XXXXI pzk and destroy the 2 soviet mech corps around Rhzev.

From there it is a straight line to Moscow.

3rd panzer group attacked the Vyazama line frontally this turn. They made a penetration of 20km, took Vyazama and routed most of the Soviet defense. Now they will blitz straight up the road to Moscow.

2nd panzer group made the most exciting development. They located a hole in the Soviet line and poured through. Recon elements made contact with several entrained enemy divisions and derailed them. They also approached a soviet factory derailed from air interdiction, if it is reorganizing then they can capture it. I am sure Olorin will be able to destroy the bridges over the Ugra with motorcycle units, but the situation is that I have a whole panzer group ready to run amok behind Soviet lines.

Olorin has at least 7 divisions and 1 tank brigade in Moscow proper, plus whatever I can't see and whatever reinforcements he sends next turn. I am curious to see how he deploys them. I am hoping he will panic and rush them forward. That way I can destroy them before they are fortified. If he keeps them in Moscow it will be a slog to dislodge them.

South of 2nd group, 2nd army is storming towards Bryansk. Olorin is setting up behind the Desna with everything he has. 2nd army will attack from the front will some infantry elements of 2nd panzer group will attack from the north and roll up the flank. Ultimately I want to take Orel, and have 2nd army meet up with AGS.

AGS will have Kiev surrounded next turn and I am planning to starve the Soviets out rather than make a costly assault.

I have got bridgeheads over the Dnieper at Kanev and Cherkassy. My recon units are 50km from the new Soviet line being built on the Sula. My goal is to roll over this new line, move on to Kharkov and complete the destruction of Soviet forces in the south.

11 army is currently headed to Dneprvotsk, but they are pretty tired.

The Romanians are moving to cut off Odessa, and perhaps make a limited attack there.

From this point I can see a clear path to victory. Basically all my plans have a strong possibility of coming to fruition. If I can roll over Moscow and the new Soviet lines being built it should all be over.


Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Albany, NY
llUnited States
Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

Turn is now 15.

Some developments:

Olorin used his force of 5 armor divisions to attack XXXXI panzer korps bridgehead at Rzhev. He pushed me out of the city but his forces went from fortified to mobile. I used the opportunity to counterattack and routed and surrounded all 5 divisions. The total is 750 tanks, including many KVs and T34s. After the operation to destroy these forces is complete the formation may rest as all units are very tired.

On the northern flank of AGN's advance, between Kholm and Rzhev I made a small attack against some Soviet divisions that had not had a chance to fortify. This attack unnerved Olorin enough that he abandoned the entire line leaving 5-10 divisions behind. This is good news for me. Soviet forces will be reduced in strength and driven farther from my vital rail line. This will allow me to reduce forces in the region from 7 down to 3-4 divisions. The freed units will be deployed to either help cover the northern flank further east of Rzhev, or possibly to prepare for future operation towards Leningrad.

LVI panzer corps is set to participate in the attack against Moscow, the divisions in this formation are in good shape.

4th panzer group will be deployed between the Moskva river north to the Volga river. They will push towards the city and envelop its northern flank.

Intelligence reports the Soviet have deployed at least 9 divisions facing AGN's attack. I can deploy plus or minus 11 depending on how many tired divisions I let rest.

AGC has destroyed all resistance between them and Moscow. Forward recon is 50km from the center of the city.

3rd panzer is assigned the sector between the Moskva river south to the Ugra river. Soviet resistance is estimated at 10 division equivalents. My strength is 12 divisions plus 8 more in reserve.

2nd panzer group is assigned the area south of the Ugra river down to the town of Mtensk. The primary objective in this direction is the city of Tula and the industry there. Defending this area 10 soviet division equivalents have been identified.

My strength is approximately 14 divisions.

4th Army and 2nd army are assigned the area between the towns of Mtensk to Belay-Berezka. The main objective here is the city of Orel. Resistance here will be heavy, soviet forces are estimated at 22 divisions. My forces are about 15 divisions. Likely I will engage Soviet forces frontally and seek assistance from 2nd panzer group to win the battle here.

6th army has surrounded Kiev and been given responsibility for capturing the city.

1st panzer group with assistance from 17th army has broken the soviet line at the Sula and will head towards Kharkov. From here they will advance along the Donetz torwards the Donbas factory region.

11 army will secure the southern flank of this operation.

Moscow is very close now and will surely fall.

Loss penalty is 1658 vs 217

Infantry losses are at 9435 heavy rifle squads. 19,500 squads are in reserve. This means I can maintain my current rate of losses until turn 45 before front line strength diminishes.


Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Albany, NY
llUnited States
Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

Turn is now 18. Date is 8/20


11789 Heavy Rifle squads
51606 Remaining

Loss per turn average: 654.
At this rate I will lose front line strength after 27 more turns.

Tanks losses: 1539
2972 remaining

Me-109 losses are 597 with 708 remaining.

Loss penalty is 1805 vs 224, or 8-1.

Turn 16,17 and 18 have passed, turn 17 was my second turn of supply shock, so only 2 more remain.

My forces have approached Olorin's new line running Lake Seliger - Kalinin - Klin - Moscow - Tula - Orel - Poltave - Ingulets, and have begun to attack it.

Two army corps and XXXXI Panzer corps are attacking Soviet troops between Lake Seliger and Kalinin. The attack is going well, but Olorin might stabilize things here with some reinforcements. The panzer corps was originally diverted from Moscow to deal with 5 armored divisions, which it did successfully. The next turn Olorin made contact with 2 more armored divisions. Since they were only on defending I decided to attack before they could become fortified. The attack was successful and 350 more enemy tanks were destroyed. With this move identified Soviet armor divisions are reduced to 3. However tank brigades are increasingly entering the battle, with 10 identified so far.

Now XXXXI panzer corps will join the attack around Klin.

This city was attacked this turn by a few infantry divisions. The attack was successful, the city was taken and 4 enemy divisions routed. The objective here is to push on through Dimitrov and turn the northern flank of the Moscow defenses. In any case Olorin will have to send some reinforcements up here next turn, he will probably re-deploy behind the Moscow Canal.

LVI panzer corps is attacking into Moscow from the North, they forced 30km of defenses to retreat, but they still must attack again frontally. They will continue east and hopefully break out behind the city.

XXXXIX panzer corps is attacking Moscow frontally from the south. They only managed to push out 2 hexes, and these are vulnerable to counterattack. They must keep up the pressure here to pin the Soviets in place.

LVII panzer corps is attacking eastwards, north of Stupino with the objective of Kolomna. This city contains a factory and is also the site of many tank brigades. They will try to turn the Moscow defense line from the south.

Progress was slow and some reinforcements are approaching.

2nd panzer group has taken Tula. (YAY!) This city is important for a number of reasons. It has a 10% factory and another 5% for the city itself. Also many tank brigades appear here, so its capture so early will diminish these units by at least 5. Also EEV will rise by 12%.

2nd panzer group is now trying to exploit its successes and make a breakthrough between Stupino and Plavsk. Against this Olorin sent 5 divisions just this turn. However the Soviet line is reeling at the moment, so an especially vicious and aggressive attack may break the line here. In the event of a breakthrough XXXXVI panzer corps will probably head north and approach Kaluga from the southern direction and ensure the capture of this city. XXIV and XXXXVII panzer corps will push on south east to Dankov and Yelets. The idea here is to unseat the powerful soviet line around Orel. Also it will make a capture of Voronezh possible.

It is important that I destroy, or at least force the retreat of the 40+ soviet divisions defending between the southern end of 2nd panzer group and the northern end of AGS. The current idea is to have 4th army engage them frontally and pin them in place while 2nd panzer group and AGS plunge deep into the rear.

To aid this effort 4th army is making one or two frontal attacks near Orel, but these failed.

6th Army will move in later to engage the Soviet line, but for now they are tied up at Kiev. I made an attack here in an effort to make the pocket smaller and begin a direct attack on the city, but the attack failed.

17th army and 1st panzer group are attacking toward Kharkov. They are currently engaged in crossing the Vorskla river. This is the last river between them and the city, which should lend itself to a quick capture. Many of the soviet divisions directly infront of the army group were retreated or routed this turn and a few bridgeheads were made. I hope continued attacks next turn will carry me entirely across the river and totally rout soviet resistance.

In this context Kharkov could be taken within 5 turns.

I also have forces from this same group attacking towards Dneprvotsk from both north and south of the Dnepr. The idea here is to approach the city from both frontally and the rear.

A strong soviet front of 35+ divisions exists running down along the Ingulets river. The plan here is similar to the Soviet line around Orel. 11th Army will engage them frontally and pin them in place. 1st panzer group and 17th army will push South easterly in a stretch of open terrain defined north-south by Kharkov and Dneprvotsk and advancing in the direction of Stalino. Such an advance will force the Soviets to retreat, or be encircled. The ultimate goal of AGS is to take Kharkov, Dneprvotsk, Stalino, Voroshilograd, and finally Rostov.

Plans are being made to attack Leningrad. AGN's rail repair crew has been rerouted to complete the rail line up to the Luga. reserve infantry divisions are being moved into place. The final step will be to redeploy 4th panzer group and elements of AGN, especially heavy artillery. The time table has the attack beginning around turn 25. I think my plans for this objective have born some fruit. AGN has destroyed now 8 enemy armor divisions that might have been a major obstacle defending the narrow marshlands south of the city. Instead the were marched down to meet my advance and thus arrived unfortified and tired. Some railroad artillery from Leningrad was spotted in Moscow, it remains to be seen if Olorin will send any more. Capturing this city will be critical in achieving 100% EEV and also further reducing Soviet production.


Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Albany, NY
llUnited States
Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

Turn is now 22:

Moscow is under direct attack.

2nd panzer group has routed most of the opposition in front of it.

1st panzer group has made a breakthrough and is at the gates of Kharkov.

Olorin's central front of roughly 55 divisions will soon be encircled unless he does something drastic.


Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Albany, NY
llUnited States
Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

Turn 23:

Moscow is captured.

2nd panzer group destroys all resistance and races toward Voronezh

1st panzer group cuts off Kharkov

Kiev falls.
Last edited:


Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Albany, NY
llUnited States
Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

Turn 24:
Phase I of my battle plan called for:

Advancing up to the Luga defense line around Leningrad as a preparation for an offensive against the city.

Advancing to Moscow and capturing it to reduce soviet replacements, induce shock and pestilence penalties and to demoralize the Soviet player.

Capturing Tula.

Advancing in the South up through Kharkov and capturing that city.

Capturing the cities of Kiev, Orel, and Dneprvotsk.

Defeating the Soviet army badly enough that future offensives can be taken.

Phase I is 90% complete. Orel and Kharkov were captured this turn, only Dneprvotsk remains.

Phase II now begins.

Firstly the assault against Leningrad. This city is important for the replacements it produces, also its capture will put EEV over 100 and induce shock and pestilence effects. It is also important for the morale of the Soviet player.

In accordance with my strategy Olorin dispatched most of the mech divisions from the Leningrad area to interdict 4th panzer group's advance toward Moscow. In this case his units were caught mobile after a long march and without supporting units. Thus they were destroyed and now only 1 motorized division has been identified defending Leningrad.

Also he has moved his powerful railroad artillery to the Moscow area. I hope to destroy some of this, but I don't think he will risk air interdiction and move it back to Leningrad. I have identified only 1 unit of rail artillery defending Leningrad.

In this way his armor and artillery defending the city has been considerably reduced before my attack even began.

My rail line has reached the Luga and my attack began this turn. 13 infantry divisions and 2 stug battalions are attacking now. I hope to add more reinforcements to the attack. Available next turn are 2 new panzer divisions that would be perfect, but I might also want to deploy them in the south. Reinforcements from Moscow area would take 2 turns to rail in, as they need to go all the way back to Germany, and then down the northern rail line to the Luga. I am planning to connect the Moscow and Luga rail lines so units can be transferred in one turn, but this connection cannot be finished before mud.

Olorin has 36 identified divisions, brigades and regiments in the area. In addition he must have unidentified units, numerous units including tank brigades that appear in the area, and also any reinforcements he might rail in.

The battle looks like it could be a real slog. I don't expect to take the city before mud, but I would like to push him completely from the Luga and secure a jumping off point for a final assault against the city.

The 2nd part of Phase II is completing the battle of Moscow by encircling and destroying all the Russian forces there. This will be a blow to the Russian army and also secure the city against counter attack. As part of this offensive will include the capture of the city of Kolmna, the site of a factory as well as an appearance point for numerous tank brigades. On this last point, the cities of Moscow, Tula, and Kolomna combined are the appearance site of perhaps 20 or more tank brigades. The early capture of this cities will reduce Olorin's tank forces proportionately.

The offensive is going well. Kolomna is almost surrounded, Russian resistance is lightening, and my two pincers are about 80km apart. If Olorin does not act soon he will be cut off. I am hoping that the idea of retaking Moscow will hold him in place where he might otherwise retreat. About 40 division equivalents are in the area and would make a nice prize. Additionally the offensive here is a way to keep 3rd panzer group fighting while also keeping it close to its supply base.

LVI corps from 4th panzer group has been pulled from the line and is resting, awaiting probable redeployment to the Leningrad over the mud period.

South of Moscow the soviet front has been destroyed all the way to Kharkov.

Unfortunately there are not many objectives here and quite a bit of Soviet frontier, so my ability to exploit this gap is limited. A tentative soviet front of about 8 divisions is forming south of Ryazan but I am ignoring them for now.

Instead 2nd panzer group is headed full steam to Voronezh. This city has factory I believe, as well as being a replacement city and the appearance site for some units. The capture of this city looks certain. My forces are encountering isolated soviet units. This is advantageous because I can surround and destroy them in 1 turn. This turn 2nd panzer group destroyed 3 tank brigades and an infantry division. If I can keep eating up Olorin's units like that it will hurt his chances of making a new battle line.

After the capture of Voronezh 2nd panzer group's role becomes uncertain. It can stay and rest behind the front, effectively ending its campaign there. It could also advance to either Saratov, Stalingrad, or Rostov. For the first two the distance is huge, and supply problems and the guarding of its flanks become hugely difficult. Against Rostov I could travel parallel to my lines eliminating those problems, but I would be advancing south and not east. I will need further thought before I make any decisions.

The forces of 4th army and infantry and cavalry elements of 2nd panzer group have encircled the Soviet central front south of Bryansk. Over 50 divisions are identified in this pocket, making it the biggest I have ever made, or seen. Right now I am rushing in infantry to the east and south east sides of the pocket which are not fully manned due to a lack of troops. Now however 6th army has liquidated all forces at Kiev and all of its divisions are available to help my efforts. Now I need to tighten the noose and prevent the Soviets from trying to attack through my lines. Once this is done I will leave the soviets to rot over the mud season and then finally destroy all of them. Then my infantry troops will man a defensive line running north-south through Voronezh. This area is mostly secured already, so my troops can proceed at their own pace.

AGS has taken most of its initial objectives. Dneprvotsk is the only that remains. This city is vital to make EEV go over 70% and thus make a capture of Leningrad drive it over 100%.

However 1st panzer group will probably bypass the city and drive on to its Phase II objectives which are the city of Stalino and Rostov as well as the factories in Mariopol and Voroshilograd. This area contains 4 factories and 2 replacements cities, making it important for hampering soviet production.

Right now my forces are tired, but they soviet lines are partially broken and I am racing to attack through the gaps. Relatively open territory lies between me and Stalino, making defense difficult. I would like to send 1 or both of the new panzer divisions that appear next turn to this area, but I think Leningrad might be more needy of them.

This turn my forces scored a real coup when they managed to attack and rout a stack of 7 entrained soviet divisions. Without this victory the soviets would have made a new line next turn. As it is I have about 10 odds and ends soviet units that will respond to my attack as well as more reinforcements railed in next turn.

Due west of Dneprvotsk, 11th army has made some progress and broken a section of the soviet line. If they are able to break through it will be a big boon to my efforts. They will be able to attack capture Dneprvotsk and Zaparazohe and then advance towards Stalino and Rostov. Olorin has about 30 fortified divisions facing 11th army, too many to attack frontally. This breakthrough may force them to retreat, and eventually lead to their destruction.

If phase II is completed successfully then the Soviets will suffer greatly reduced replacements, the destruction of most of their armored forces and a great reduction in artillery forces as well. Soviets will endure 4% pestilence and 90% shock for some turns. German forces will occupy an easily defensible line from north to the south and should easily be able to withstand any soviet counterattacks.

Phase III is of course... PROFITS!
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Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Albany, NY
llUnited States
Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

With Moscow captured, and his lines breaking everywhere, Olorin has surrendered.

Essentially everything went according to plan.


May 2, 2003
Reaction score
Re: DNO Fungwu VS Olorin (again)

What is the verdict? Do the russians stand a chance or is the game unbalanced in the german direction?