Only the Half of it.
So modesty has probably prevented Sam from describing the full effect of his million to one dice rolls. In both cases the units in question were actually extended lines, so the DG back two, straggle one affect actually created the withdraw of their parent units as well. Additionally, we are playing the campaign without historcial rules, so Sam has his II Corps advancing from the east for an apparent attack on the open ground end of the sunken road, my guess is his V Corps is on a D1 with orders to attack the east end of the sunken road from the south side, and to top it off his I Corps successfully rolled for initiative and is moving to attack the sunken road from the northeast. My CLP was to seek "good ground" and hold off his attacks from an extended front, but with all of his concentration on the sunken road, I think I will be using lots of initiative to rally. Unfortunately as I exercise my half of the turn I have to work around the contamination of my DG units (whine,whine, whine). Sam is a little to giddy right now.