Actionjick Takes His Lumps Ad Infinitum


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Apr 23, 2020
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Starting another but chose the archipelago landmass. Maybe do better with less pesky neighbors.

Jick is established and lots of Spice nearby. Perhaps a good sign. Lol! Right.

Updates to follow. Still haven't decided on a overall strategy. Good plan.🙄


Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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It's 390 BC and I am on a 73 square island by myself. The Greeks are on a nearby island and I have the Mapmaking advance and am building Galleys and Settlers to seek out new life and new Civilizations. To boldly go where no jick has gone before. 😉


Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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1848 A.D. Well I have made it further this time than the previous attempts.

My city Grofaz built The Great Lighthouse around 380 A.D. and that was a big morale booster. It was the first time on the Emperor level that I was able to build a Great Wonder before any of the other Civilizations.

The quantity of Spices on my principal island is the major factor that is keeping me in the game. I am trading it for other Luxuries and Saltpeter. Once again developed Gunpowder only to have no Saltpeter in my territory. I also only have one source of Iron so I am not building any unit that requires it until and unless necessary.

When I traded for Saltpeter I spent the twenty turns that the trade deal lasted building Musketmen and now have around sixty of them. They can be upgraded to Infantry when I develop that Civilization Advance although I will probably have to trade for Saltpeter again. I am not sure of that.

The Babylonians are kicking butt on anyone who attacks them. They have over 12000 Gold, most others have less than a hundred, I have about 1300. They have already developed Battleships, Tanks and Infantry. My best naval unit is the Galleon. Fortunately they haven't attacked me yet and the few times that they demanded Tribute I gladly paid up.

I just developed Sanitation so as soon as my cities build Hospitals they can grow beyond the twelve Citizens that they are limited to now. The Babylonians have several cities with over twenty Citizens.

That's it for now. The game has been very enjoyable and I am learning some new stuff and applying the lessons learned from previous attempts. Good gunnin. Keeps me off the streets.


Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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2050 AD and Mandatory Retirement means the game can continue but without scorekeeping. Sixty seven hours, fifty three minutes and zero seconds at this point but the game will no longer keep track of the hours played.

Actually not doing too badly. I have battleships, destroyers, submarines, transports, bombers, fighters, infantry and artillery. The remaining Civilizations have Advanced Flight, Modern Armor and Nuclear Submarines so I am still behind but I am catching up.

The strategy of choosing Archipelago Landmass is what has kept me in the game. The islands are much easier to defend and I have a solid line of units on the shoreline. Only Marines can land on an enemy occupied hex from the sea so I only have that to be concerned about.

My Navy is pretty good sized and the idea is to sink enemy Transports before they can unload Marines. Well that's the plan and I think I have enough firepower to do it.

I'll continue this one as the cool stuff is becoming available and I an curious to see if my overall strategy is sound. Learning more about the game, much more to handle at the Emperor level. Very fun.

I'll post again when anything interesting happens. Brigadier Bacardi is anxious to get back to the game.


Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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Kent, Ohio
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llUnited States
2050 AD and Mandatory Retirement means the game can continue but without scorekeeping. Sixty seven hours, fifty three minutes and zero seconds at this point but the game will no longer keep track of the hours played.

Actually not doing too badly. I have battleships, destroyers, submarines, transports, bombers, fighters, infantry and artillery. The remaining Civilizations have Advanced Flight, Modern Armor and Nuclear Submarines so I am still behind but I am catching up.

The strategy of choosing Archipelago Landmass is what has kept me in the game. The islands are much easier to defend and I have a solid line of units on the shoreline. Only Marines can land on an enemy occupied hex from the sea so I only have that to be concerned about.

My Navy is pretty good sized and the idea is to sink enemy Transports before they can unload Marines. Well that's the plan and I think I have enough firepower to do it.

I'll continue this one as the cool stuff is becoming available and I an curious to see if my overall strategy is sound. Learning more about the game, much more to handle at the Emperor level. Very fun.

I'll post again when anything interesting happens. Brigadier Bacardi is anxious to get back to the game.
When I tried to continue I froze the game and had to go back to 2049 to see the rest of the scoring. Changed a few things in the 2049 turn so the actual time was sixty eight hours, seventeen minutes.

My score was 2033 and I finished fifth, not too bad. The Babylonians were first.

Russia has attcked Greece and taken over some Greek cities but they are not at war on the Diplomacy screen.


Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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Kent, Ohio
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llUnited States
2120 AD and the game won't continue, everytime I try to save it the game shuts down. Apparently I reached the 540 turn limit. Too bad as I was catching up and don't think I could have been conquered. I had developed Mech Infantry and Modern Armor and was transferring my obsolete units to the small island cities. There they were disbanded adding shields to the production, gold to the treasury and reducing my unit maintenance cost.

I just learned that I can increase the game length to 1000 turns, possibly even more. This has to be done at setup so it is too late for this game but will definitely be done next game.

Good stuff. Very enjoyable and I think I can win at the Emperor level, eventually 🙄


Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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1100 BC in the latest attempt by The Big Jick Bobbyjick of the Americans to achieve victory at the Emperor level.

Once again archipelago landmass, ten randomly chosen rivals and raging barbarians. After several false starts I began my Civilization near a river, silks, hills and as it ends up a lot of jungle. The island is about 100 tiles and is occupied only by me and a bunch of barbarians. There is a nine tile long river and a one tile lake so freshwater is not a problem. Six tiles of silk but at least sixty five tiles of jungle. The Workers will be busy.

Looking to apply the lessons learned so far and see what else I can discover. Further reports down the road. I believe that Colonel Cuervo is calling.


Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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1828 AD and the strategy of the perimeter being occupied by units to prevent seaborne landings worked pretty well.

The French finally landed some Marines but I was able to eliminate the landing force. Barely.

All ten other civilizations declared war on me and the ocean around my island is teeming with frigates, destroyers, battleships, aircraft carriers and various types of transport vessels. They are shelling the coast and bombers are pounding improvements and units inland. My workers are repairing the damage as quickly as possible but we are starting to lose production and citizens.

I wanted to see if the perimeter strategy would work against Marines and to a degree it has but with every hand turned against me defeat is inevitable.

So I went back to 1752, corrected an error in my Civilization Advances, should have gone with Magnetism but chose Banking, and went on the offensive. As anxious as I was to see if my defense was sound I am much happier being on the offensive.

So there you have it. Technology wise did better the last game but I was fairly isolated then and the neighbors were much closer this time. Quite the distraction.

I like replaying scenarios and going back several turns in Civilization to try a different approach is very similar to that.

Updates to follow.


Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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Kent, Ohio
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llUnited States
It's 2254 in the latest game. I chose the 1000 turn option, archipelago, ten random opponents.

Once again the problem the AI is throwing at me is I achieve the Civilization Advance to build a unit but the required resources do not appear in my territory.

I traded for rubber, oil and uranium but those were only 20 turn deals so I built as many of the now available unit as possible. The Infantry, Nuclear Submarines and Destroyers that have survived are very precious assets as the other Civilizations demand insane prices for Strategic Resources.

I have survived and expanded through the copious production of Artillery, a unit that I do have the Resources to build. I have around 100 Artillery units and they are keeping me in the game along with almost as many Workers. Workers are amazingly valuable.

At present I can build Artillery, Ironclads, and Cavalry. The AI gives you horses then you sell compost.

It can be tedious at times as air units that I can't touch bomb my Improvements and my Workers fix them. Turn after turn after........ No Oil, no Flight.🙄

Lol reminds me of the South Park World of Warcraft episode at times. 🤣

Great distraction though.


Senior Member
Feb 14, 2003
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Ottawa, Ontario
I haven't played CIV3 in years.
Your early game is in need of work. I also suspect your trading game needs work. Don't wait for the AI's to contact you. Check on them. Every turn. Buy and sell maps as much as you can.
Look for an opportunity to buy something from one and sell it to the other. Its especially good if the two you are trading with don't know each other.
In continents or archipelago you need to sent out galleys into the ocean. Most sink but you only need that one to get through.

This site can help you


Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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Kent, Ohio
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llUnited States
I haven't played CIV3 in years.
Your early game is in need of work. I also suspect your trading game needs work. Don't wait for the AI's to contact you. Check on them. Every turn. Buy and sell maps as much as you can.
Look for an opportunity to buy something from one and sell it to the other. Its especially good if the two you are trading with don't know each other.
In continents or archipelago you need to sent out galleys into the ocean. Most sink but you only need that one to get through.

This site can help you
Thanks! The early part of the game isn't too bad. It's later when the resources aren't there and none of the other civilizations need what I have to trade where the problem arises.

I actually like the challenge of trying to stay in the game in such circumstances. You just have to maximize your assets and limit the advantages of the more advanced Civilizations. Gaming the system wherever possible also. The other ones still aren't utilizing Amphibious Warfare which would crack my perimeter defense line.

Very absorbing game.


Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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Kent, Ohio
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llUnited States
I haven't played CIV3 in years.
Your early game is in need of work. I also suspect your trading game needs work. Don't wait for the AI's to contact you. Check on them. Every turn. Buy and sell maps as much as you can.
Look for an opportunity to buy something from one and sell it to the other. Its especially good if the two you are trading with don't know each other.
In continents or archipelago you need to sent out galleys into the ocean. Most sink but you only need that one to get through.

This site can help you
The game is a whole new challenge playing on Emperor level. I've played this since it's release but it was only this year that I moved up to Emperor. It's great as it kicks away the complacency of whuppin' up on every other civilization. Getting your butt kicked continually will do that.
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Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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Kent, Ohio
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llUnited States
2413 in the latest go at it and Actionjick finally has Modern Armor and Aircraft. I am on the offensive!

Most likely will go back several hundred years after I reach the thousandth turn. The strategy that was used to get the Strategic Resources I needed could have been implemented then.

Good stuff and between Civ 3 and the busiest time of year at work I haven't had much time left for Gamesquad. Back in full force in the Fall. Lol maybe.

Doug Leslie

Elder Member
Dec 6, 2017
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llUnited Kingdom
Been a while since I played CIV3. Are you playing the original version or Conquests?
The furthest that I reached was Emperor level which I could usually beat but not guaranteed. As you move up in levels, winning on a Pangea map becomes increasingly difficult. At Emperor level, continents maps are playable but tough. What I would say is that if you are building hospitals, your strategy is probably not optimal. At Emperor level you need to build as many cities as possible. Your core cities shouldn’t have the space to reach size 12 let alone expand beyond it. You need as many cities producing military units as possible. At Emperor level, you can usually forget about cultural or spaceship victory. You need to survive to the industrial age, railroad every hex in sight and prepare for war. Build lots of artillery units, bombers and and prepare to bombard enemy cities into submission. Be prepared to put craters in every enemy tile. The AI is incapable of doing this and the fact that it is fundamentally dumb will give you the chance to overcome its production advantage. You cannot hope to keep up with the AI in scientific research: as already suggested, you need to look for opportunities to trade tech. Keep a constant eye on the techs held by your opponents and look for the opportunity to exploit a gap in the market. If you see another CIV acquire a tech that others lack, try to trade for it straight away and sell it on. If you don’t, the tech will be traded by the next game turn to every CIV with which the first CIV has contact. As a general rule, you need to be opportunistic. Don’t start a war with another CIV unless this already fighting for its life or has been weakened by an earlier conflict.

Also, I wouldn’t choose the Americans if I wanted to maximise my chances of victory. Their specialist expansionist trait is virtually useless on an archipelago map and if you haven’t already won the game by the time their special unit comes into play, chances are that you are not going to. Moreover, it is virtually impossible to get a golden age when the special unit arrives so late in the day.
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Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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Kent, Ohio
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llUnited States
Been a while since I played CIV3. Are you playing the original version or Conquests?
The furthest that I reached was Emperor level which I could usually beat but not guaranteed. As you move up in levels, winning on a Pangea map becomes increasingly difficult. At Emperor level, continents maps are playable but tough. What I would say is that if you are building hospitals, your strategy is probably not optimal. At Emperor level you need to build as many cities as possible. Your core cities shouldn’t have the space to reach size 12 let alone expand beyond it. You need as many cities producing military units as possible. At Emperor level, you can usually forget about cultural or spaceship victory. You need to survive to the industrial age, railroad every hex in sight and prepare for war. Build lots of artillery units, bombers and and prepare to bombard enemy cities into submission. Be prepared to put craters in every enemy tile. The AI is incapable of doing this and the fact that it is fundamentally dumb will give you the chance to overcome its production advantage. You cannot hope to keep up with the AI in scientific research: as already suggested, you need to look for opportunities to trade tech. Keep a constant eye on the techs held by your opponents and look for the opportunity to exploit a gap in the market. If you see another CIV acquire a tech that others lack, try to trade for it straight away and sell it on. If you don’t, the tech will be traded by the next game turn to every CIV with which the first CIV has contact. As a general rule, you need to be opportunistic. Don’t start a war with another CIV unless this already fighting for its life or has been weakened by an earlier conflict.

Also, I wouldn’t choose the Americans if I wantEd to maximise my chances of victory. Their specialist expansionist trait is virtually useless on an archipelago map and if you haven’t already won the game by the time their special unit comes into play, chances are that you are not going to. Moreover, it is virtually impossible to get a golden age when the special unit arrives so late in the day.
Thanks for the input! The current game is going pretty well as I have caught up to the remaining Civilizations as far as technology and am on the offensive.

I always play the Americans, I like the Workers. Playing the 1000 turn game, Archipelago, Emperor level. Pangea definitely too hard on Emperor. I ring my islands with units and the AI hasn't figured out how to penetrate the wall yet.

I build tons of Workers and Artillery, have lots of cities. I just invaded the only island France has left that has Rubber and Aluminum. I landed with 75 Modern Armor, a Settler who built a City ASAP, a French Worker who became a Radar Tower and 3 Rocket Artillery. It's going great for me and badly for the French!

Thanks again for the input!! 🥰

I'd carry on but Actiondebbie needs to go shopping.


Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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Kent, Ohio
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llUnited States
2474 and seems to have reached the 1000 turn limit. I ended my portion of the turn, the French started their turn and suddenly all hell broke loose! Three other Civilizations declared war on the French, my city of Jicktoyomagrad got nuked, more Civilizations declared war on each other and for over two minutes all that could be heard was ICBMs launching. The same sound that occured before Jicktoyomagrad got nuked!

2474 ended and 2475 began. I could see Jicktoyomagrad surrounded by pollution from the nuke strike and from the massive amount of missiles that were fired expected to see nuclear devastation across the entire map. I saved the game as I do at the beginning of each new turn and the game stopped and went to the home screen. I reloaded 2474, played through some and when I finished my turn it played differently. Jicktoyomagrad got nuked but there was no all out war declarations or missiles flying everywhere.

I had blasted through my turn ignoring a lot of moves because I wanted to see what happened. I reloaded 2474, completed my turn doing those tasks that I needed to do and once again all out war! When 2475 began I didn't immediately save the game and inspected the map. In spite of over two minutes of missiles flying, I timed it, Jicktoyomagrad was the only city that had been nuked! WTF!
Saved the game and it went right to the home screen again. Bizarre.

I had already decided that when the 1000 turns were up to go back 100 or more turns to pursue a different strategy. The acquisition if Oil and Rubber to build Modern Armor, Transports and the like.

So I am starting from 2303 and I think I will be able to conquer everyone. If not I will go back even further. I enjoy replaying scenarios. More updates to follow.


Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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Kent, Ohio
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llUnited States
2474 and seems to have reached the 1000 turn limit. I ended my portion of the turn, the French started their turn and suddenly all hell broke loose! Three other Civilizations declared war on the French, my city of Jicktoyomagrad got nuked, more Civilizations declared war on each other and for over two minutes all that could be heard was ICBMs launching. The same sound that occured before Jicktoyomagrad got nuked!

2474 ended and 2475 began. I could see Jicktoyomagrad surrounded by pollution from the nuke strike and from the massive amount of missiles that were fired expected to see nuclear devastation across the entire map. I saved the game as I do at the beginning of each new turn and the game stopped and went to the home screen. I reloaded 2474, played through some and when I finished my turn it played differently. Jicktoyomagrad got nuked but there was no all out war declarations or missiles flying everywhere.

I had blasted through my turn ignoring a lot of moves because I wanted to see what happened. I reloaded 2474, completed my turn doing those tasks that I needed to do and once again all out war! When 2475 began I didn't immediately save the game and inspected the map. In spite of over two minutes of missiles flying, I timed it, Jicktoyomagrad was the only city that had been nuked! WTF!
Saved the game and it went right to the home screen again. Bizarre.

I had already decided that when the 1000 turns were up to go back 100 or more turns to pursue a different strategy. The acquisition if Oil and Rubber to build Modern Armor, Transports and the like.

So I am starting from 2303 and I think I will be able to conquer everyone. If not I will go back even further. I enjoy replaying scenarios. More updates to follow.
Jicktoyomagrad was originally a Japanese city, Toyoma. It was taken over by the Russians and I took it from them. The AI doesn't rename conquered cities but I do using the prefix Jick. If it had been previously conquered by another civilization I put that Civilization's name for town,city or whatever as the suffix. Grad , bourg, heim, what I think fits.


Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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Kent, Ohio
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llUnited States
2385 and things are very interesting.

Concentrating on Acquiring the natural resources for a modern military was definitely the correct choice. I ignored India and focused on the Scandinavian island with oil and the French islands with rubber and oil. That worked out well and I am over one hundred years ahead of my previous attempt. I was at sea set to invade the final island held by the French when all hell broke loose and four of my cities were nuked. What a mess and once again with everyone at war with everyone else my cities were the only ones nuked.

Actiondebbie just came up with her honey do list so further thoughts to follow.
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Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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Kent, Ohio
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llUnited States
Apparently the AI doesn't want to play anymore as it keeps going nuclear.

A couple times have gone back a turn and the game carrys on without all out nuclear war. The last three times has resulted in all out devastation or the game shutting down when I attempt to load it. I'll try again tomorrow.


Forum Guru
Apr 23, 2020
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Kent, Ohio
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llUnited States
The AI has definitely decided that it is done playing. I've gone back six or seven times since my last posting and the results are always the same. The game just shuts down whenever I try to Load or Save. I will take this as a moral victory of sorts and most likely start anew. Updates to follow.