OK I did not guess that it was going to be a computer generated scenario.
It's all hype and we have been here before:
Mind you - I'm the bloke that thinks that Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme
Condolonces Martin. The days of talking to people who have experienced WWII are going if not gone.
I have had some that stick in the mind.
- The REME bloke who said that he sprayed the inside of the knocked out tanks with creosote first in order to remove the gore.
- The Tel Aviv taxi driver who had what some people call "the mark". The tattoo given to the inmates of concentration camps. He left Germany after his entire family had been killed in the camps to sleep on a park bench in Palestine and then joined the army. His hatred expressed itself in that he would not drive around any old German tourists. The young ones yes, the ones his age - no.
- The Japanese POW whose body was wrecked by malnutrition and disease but still made it to over 100. He never talked to me about his experiences. I then saw him on a TV interview and he was in tears over what had happened to him. That would have been 60 years after the event. Which made me realise that he did not talk to me because he did not want to be reminded of what he had been through. He wanted to forget. I played bridge with him:
A SECOND World War hero who was blinded in a Japanese prisoner of war camp will be the oldest veteran to march at the Cenotaph as Britain marks 100 years since Armistice day. Former Army sergeant R…
Many thanks for another episode gents.