Posted by Don Maddox
This brings up another point: when playing VASL do both players need to own (for example) the Yanks module if they are playing a scenario from it using VASL? I say no, only one player needs to own it. Again, if we are playing face to face we don't need to both own the same modules and everything. Why should we impose restrictions on VASL players that we don't impose on ourselves when playing face-to-face?
Well when you are playing ftf both players are in the same location and have access to the same board(s) and counters. It isn't necessary that both players have a copy of the same board(s). However, when playing over the internet with VASL the two players are in different locations, both players need to have a copy of the same board(s) and counters. Let's take me as an example; I can't play any desert scenarios because I don't have WoA or Hollow Legions, how can I set up board(s) that I don't have or play with counters that I don't own? So when setting up a game I would have to specify a scenario that uses board(s) and counters that I do have. Unless, of course, that you don't need to own said boards or counters to play a desert scenario using VASL. The same thing would apply to HASL mods, everything will be fine as long as both players are in the same location, but, what do you do when one player is in Germany and the other player is in Colorado ? Operation Chariot would be a HASL mod and would require a speialized map, like Pegasus Bridge. Are you saying that it would be possible for both players to play the Pegasus Bridge mod if the player in Germany owned Pegasus Bridge and the player in Colorado didn't ? I was at a FRASL tournament a couple of years ago, they had problems with homemade scenarios because not everyone had the required boards and counters and this was a ftf tourny. I can foresee problems if homemade scenarios are used with VASL some would have to drop out of a tourney because they don't own the reqiured mods.