Yeah, I'm not selling anything, just the random voices in my head telling me to do unthinkable thiings(like selling game stuff). I did some painting for the Editor of MWAN magazine some years ago. WW2 Russians and Germans, Bolt Action figs if I remember correctly.It was a lot of fun to do and I got paid in figures. At the time I was building 25mm Nappy units and got about 1600 figures/guns/crews/limbers/cavalry... I never painted a single one of those Nappy figs! My painting total for this year thus far is zer
f course with my mother passing there has not been much time to sit and realx painting. Today I am getting out a few figs that are partially done for my 30mm Samurai project. I am using the Kingsford Miniatures line which are absolutely stunning figures. So I'll get some painting done today, not sure how much but all this painting talk has whet my appetite to get something going.
For years, actually decades, I held fast to the mantra that I would only buy new figures when I had finished painting the lead I had on hand.That worked very well for me for a long time.Circumstances over the last year have dictated the abandonment of that rule however.Mostly from buying lots consisting of used figures( yeah Bartertown). So I have fallen way behind in painting, especially WW2 early war items. I love to do AFVs so that isn't a problem, but when it comes to infantry I fade quickly.
Have not heard of the "Forged in Battle" line of figs.May have to check them out. I like the looks of the castings and the animation in them. So, farewell for now, I'm off to paint. HUZZAH!!