What is your Current Miniatures Project?

Scott Tortorice

Senior Member
Nov 18, 2003
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The shadows
llUnited States
Anybody care to share what miniatures project they are currently working on?

Of course, I am still working on my SJ Ogres project (as detailed on my blog). I'm nearing the home stretch as I need to just finish the Ogre-inator and I am done!

After this...I'm not sure. I will either work on DUST Tactics, or I think I might switch from sci-fi to fantasy and begin working on that Warhammer starter box I purchased sooo long ago.

What about you? Feel free to post pics! :smoke:


Nov 3, 2005
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Mars... the planet
llUnited States
Re: What is you Current Miniatures Project?

I bought myself a starter paint kit from GW and the small half squad boxes of the Imperial Guard and Space Marines. I also have a Slann Mage Priest of the Lizardmen WHFB that my girlfriend bought as well as old space marine and imperial guard models to strip and repaint. I'll hopefully get started on the 40k fellas next week or so and the Slann sometime this spring if I'm lucky. Btw, what's the Warhammer starter set you've got?

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Scott Tortorice

Senior Member
Nov 18, 2003
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The shadows
llUnited States
Re: What is you Current Miniatures Project?

Sure does! BTW: That's a nice tank on the windowsill!

Btw, what's the Warhammer starter set you've got?
It's the older version of this set. It's not called Island of Blood, though. And I think the units inside are different, but it is the same idea: the core rulebook with a bunch of minis to get started. I have to crack the box to see just what is inside as I don't remember at all. I don't think I paid $100, either. I think it was $75 when I purchased it - which seems about right judging by GW's price increases over the years.

Scott Tortorice

Senior Member
Nov 18, 2003
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The shadows
llUnited States
Re: What is you Current Miniatures Project?

Made some progress on my Ogre-inator today:

It's not done yet. Only the rear portion of the Ogre has the treads glued on, and the mini needs a final round of touching up, as well as a wash.

I am happy with the color scheme. I thought it might be too garish, but the yellow and red works well together. And it is so nice to not be working with white! :D


Aug 5, 2008
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Love Shack
llUnited States
Re: What is you Current Miniatures Project?

Wow, nice stuff you guys. I've been doing a lot of work on my 10mm Napoleonic armies. French, Italian, Bavarian, Polish, and other minor allies, and Austrian for the 1809 campaings in Italy Bavaria Poland and Germany/Austria. Having a lot of fun with it but man there is no end in site when it comes to painting line troops. Also been working on 15mm WW2 and Sengoku Jidai era Samurai in 28mm using the outstanding "Kingsford Miniatures" line. These are fun to paint and give a welcome break to the endless(seemingly) duty of painting French and Austrian Line troops.Have some pics on my page, check them our if you want.


Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
On your left flank..
Re: What is you Current Miniatures Project?

Wow, nice stuff you guys. I've been doing a lot of work on my 10mm Napoleonic armies. French, Italian, Bavarian, Polish, and other minor allies, and Austrian for the 1809 campaings in Italy Bavaria Poland and Germany/Austria. Having a lot of fun with it but man there is no end in site when it comes to painting line troops. Also been working on 15mm WW2 and Sengoku Jidai era Samurai in 28mm using the outstanding "Kingsford Miniatures" line. These are fun to paint and give a welcome break to the endless(seemingly) duty of painting French and Austrian Line troops.Have some pics on my page, check them our if you want.
Hey have you seen these prepainted 10mm ACW figures. Im thinking about asking for a couple box sets for gifts this year.


Scott Tortorice

Senior Member
Nov 18, 2003
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The shadows
llUnited States
Re: What is you Current Miniatures Project?

Looks great! It's gonna be a long time before I ever get my table to look that good. How big a table do you use? And what are you using for a river?

I've just set up my gaming table for the next scenario in my Dark Age Fantasy Campaign. Here is a sneak peak at the table.

You know, you could have posted this in my thread about medieval/fantasy rules. :D I'm gonna follow your campaign to see how it goes. Maybe I will use the same rule set.


Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
On your left flank..
Re: What is you Current Miniatures Project?

Looks great! It's gonna be a long time before I ever get my table to look that good. How big a table do you use? And what are you using for a river?

You know, you could have posted this in my thread about medieval/fantasy rules. :D I'm gonna follow your campaign to see how it goes. Maybe I will use the same rule set.
My table is a very temporary one that I convince my wife to let me put up on our storage room. Its only 2ft 9in. x 7ft table since I had to fit it into a small room. So lots of length but not much width. You can see a post I did about making it here on my blog.


As for the river I bought that at the convention I attended in Oct. It is from Battlefront (makers of FOW) and suppose to be for 15mm but it works nice for a small river with my 28mm. It comes prepainted and I think it looks pretty good. All you have to do is add the flocking. There are several different river sets from them. You can see them there on their website, but I know you can get them from other sites here in the US


I don't know why but I missed your thread asking for the rules. The rules I am using are mainly for skirmish games so as long as you don't want a ton of troops on the table they should do well. I really like the RPG element that the Age of Blood rules brings. It is really working with my campaign progression so far.


Aug 5, 2008
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Love Shack
llUnited States
Re: What is you Current Miniatures Project?

Nice table. I'll be over so we can start! Nice ACW Link. I've not heard of these guys before. The 250 price tag for almost 500 minis in the Army pack seems like a great deal. Sorely tempted to order a couple of the clearance packs just to see the minis and gauge their service. I've been wanting to do 10mm ACW for years now but didn't want to embark on another project until I finished my Nappy 1809( sooooo close to done too). If you do an order from them let us know how it goes, I'll do the same. I wonder whose minis they use or if they are in house minis.

Scott Tortorice

Senior Member
Nov 18, 2003
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The shadows
llUnited States
Re: What is you Current Miniatures Project?

My table is a very temporary one that I convince my wife to let me put up on our storage room. Its only 2ft 9in. x 7ft table since I had to fit it into a small room. So lots of length but not much width. You can see a post I did about making it here on my blog.

That was an interesting read. I never considered using foam board for a table.

What I have done is "re-purposed" (I really hate that word) an old 4'x4' piece of plywood. Seems like it will work out okay. What I have been thinking of doing one day is getting a 4'x6' piece of fiberboard, but then cutting it in three sections, attaching the pieces with hinges. I theory, I should be able to make a playing surface that I could fold away when not needed.

As for the river I bought that at the convention I attended in Oct. It is from Battlefront (makers of FOW) and suppose to be for 15mm but it works nice for a small river with my 28mm. It comes prepainted and I think it looks pretty good. All you have to do is add the flocking. There are several different river sets from them. You can see them there on their website, but I know you can get them from other sites here in the US
Yeah, it does look good. So much stuff I need to get yet....

I don't know why but I missed your thread asking for the rules.
Ha! Don't worry about it. Just kidding. :)

The rules I am using are mainly for skirmish games so as long as you don't want a ton of troops on the table they should do well. I really like the RPG element that the Age of Blood rules brings. It is really working with my campaign progression so far.
I took a look at AoB and it seems like a nice free set of rules. I might start with them before I purchase another set. I keep forgetting that in the world of minis, you don't have to pay for everything. :)


Aug 5, 2008
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Love Shack
llUnited States
Re: What is you Current Miniatures Project?

I like making my own scenery. Though I will admit having it come ready to play right out of the box is nice. Some of my river sections are built on lengths of Evergreen plastic. I get the black 3 sheet packs, i think its 9x18 and is only about 12 bucks. You can get a lot of river out of one pack. I got about 13 9 inch lengths of river pieces about 3 and a half inches wide with a feew curving sections. I also make some are narrow short sections that I built on metal bases from Wargames Accessories. The 3x3 size works good for small streams and such. What I do for the banks of the river/stream is glue on small strips of pink foam, then cut/sand it down to the desired shape, paint, flock and add bushes and trees. They come out pretty nice. I'll try to put some pics up in my profile albums soon.
Scott, I have geo-hex terrain(about 20 years old) which is foam geodesic shapes. But a lot of folks make usually 2ft by 2ft squares of 2 inch thick pink extruded insulation foam mounted on 2ft x 2ft 3/8ths plywood. Then the foam can be cut/sanded into any shape desired. Once you have the basic square then you are only limited by your imagination. I've seen some wonderfull scenery created in this way, and some outrageously beautiful squares. The nice thing about doing your scenery this way is that things like sunken roads and depressions are easily modeled. I have even seem some that have been made to line up no matter what squares you put together. Kind of like how the boards in ASL line up no matter which ones you use. It would make my brain hurt doing all that planning and calculating, but it has been done.
Wish you all good fortune on your mini endeavors. As always if you need any help, my knowlege is limited, but if I can help I will.


Nov 18, 2003
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On your left flank..
Re: What is you Current Miniatures Project?

I've seen some of the work done with the boards with foam glued to them and its amazing. However, once you make that terrain it is pretty permanent. Not that thats a bad thing but you just need alot of space to store all the boards. One day if have a house with a room for my hobby (yeah I know Im dreaming) I'll have room to make and store those boards as well as have a modular table like I have now.


Aug 5, 2008
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Love Shack
llUnited States
Re: What is you Current Miniatures Project?

Yeah, I know what your'e talking about. I am lucky in that I have a room that I can play in. I had Red Barricades left up for about 4 months while I finished a campaign. Right now my daughter and I are working on a train layout and we never have to worry about it being in the way. I'm hoping that by the time we finish it I'll be ready to set up some Nappy battles and play a few games. Storage was one of the reasons I purchased Geo-Hex all those many years ago. Wish it was still available. I can sometimes run across sets for sale on Bartertown. I have seen some really nice Bocage with sunken, tree lined lanes that were amazing, done with the board/foam construction. Envious to say the least.


Elder Member
Oct 18, 2008
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llUnited Kingdom
Re: What is you Current Miniatures Project?

Working on my 6mm Naps, 15MM Ancients and some 28mm WWII figures as Sniper reminders for ASL.

Two blogs to towt. ASL blog for all things well ASL and number 2 for wargames and the odd Euro.


Scott Tortorice

Senior Member
Nov 18, 2003
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The shadows
llUnited States
Re: What is you Current Miniatures Project?

Alright I got the battle report of up from the latest installment in my on going campaign. Check it out!

That was a great AAR! I really have to start at the beginning and catch up with the story. Now you inspired me to start work on my Warhammer minis. :(:D

I really hate you for your excellent terrain, btw. :)

Working on my 6mm Naps, 15MM Ancients and some 28mm WWII figures as Sniper reminders for ASL.

Two blogs to towt. ASL blog for all things well ASL and number 2 for wargames and the odd Euro.

I agree with Soccer! Nice stuff there! I liked your "Bring out your dead" entry. :D

You guys are setting a real high standard for me to meet. :OHNO: