As all vehicles in the MPh anywhere, it has to spend its MP on something.
Opposed to non-bypassing Motion Vehicles, it cannot "burn" MPs by changing VCA back and forth until it runs out of MP. A non-bypassing Motion Vehicle could use this trick to "stay in place", but of course the expenditure of MP to change VCA can trigger Defensive First Fire, and if the Vehicle has an uneven number of MP, the VCA will not have the same alignement at the end of its MPh which it had at its start.
Since this "trick" is not available to the bypassing Motion Vehicle, to "stay in place" it would have to look for other sorts of MP expenditure, for example a successful sD usage. That said, it is highly unlikely, that the bypassing Motion Vehicle will be able to "burn" all its MPs staying in place without stopping, then spending some delay MP stopped, before starting again to end its MPh.
In some situations, there is a trick in which a bypassing Motion Vehicle can "burn" excess MP which it has not spent during entry of Bypass and still stay in Motion without stopping:
It can "claim" to attempt entering an adjacent hex leaving Bypass and then "finding out" that it has not enoough MP left to do so. For example, it it has 1 MP left but does not want to stop in Bypass, could "claim" that it wants to move out of its current hex to continue the Bypass in an Adjacent hex. "Surprisingly", it would find out that this is impossible, because Bypass in the next hex would cost 2 MP. In this case, it remains in Motion in the hex it was "attempting" to leave.
The latter trick does not work to avoid stopping, though, if the vehicle already started its MPh in Bypass in Motion a hex, as it could always spend ALL MP to move at least 1 hex then.
von Marwitz