well , gee every picture of these ships I found has that turret facing foward . just googel Couvour class ww1 orDoria class ww1 and see what you find . these are Italian ships Not the British .
Apologies, sir. No criticism intended of your models - they are accurate, the Italians did have a forward-facing midships turret. It just looks wrong to me - probably because I've been conditioned by all the British, German and US designs with aft-facing turrets.
The Russian ships are a real psychological test, with their two midships turrets.
Gangut - forward turret faces aft, aft turret faces forward: OK, ish
Imperatritsa Mariya - both turrets face forward: Wrong!
Borodino - both turrets face aft: Right!
Then there's Fuso / Yamashiro, both before and after their rebuilds, to really confuse things. Although with 6 turrets carried at 4 different deck levels, it almost doesn't matter which way they faced, the thing was pig-ugly anyway.