In the RM campaign I've mentioned before (yes, obviously the high-point of my RPG life...), the DM eventually moved us from Middle Earth to Kulthea (the Shadow World) because he felt that:Running "with/alongside" a book's timeline/main characters is tough to pull off.
I did that with part of the DragonLance series and my PC's actually got ahead of the stories characters for a time. Needless to say when the "book characters" got to the locations mentioned- nothing was there for them to do. To correct the time line I had my PC's go off on a side quest then brought them back into the main storyline later.
- He wasn't happy that he had many more adventures which "fit" well into the theme/era of ME,
- The adventures he DID have, which we hadn't gone through, were up against SIGNIFICANT foes (can anyone say, "The Witch King"? I knew you could...)
- He also felt that, at circa 10th level, we were not powerful-enough to deal with foes like TWK, BUT... up-and-coming enough that TWK might just decide to send out 20-30 Uruk-Hai on a training mission to get rid of those irritants... :shock: :surprise:
Brian Pickering