Dave Lamb
Senior Member
I just saw the map of CH's sequel, and it does include both the town and the monastery. It is pretty neat, and includes the famous town and ridge landmarks, many of which are not included on HoB's Fortress Cassino. Monastery Road is the longest road I've ever seen represented on a tactical scale and includes nine or ten elevation changes! Right now, the map is so large that part of the road going into the monastery is cut off. It will only be included if the map is expanded. If so, likely the railway, Round House, station, Hummocks, Amphitheater (Colosseum), and the rest of Monastery Road - south of the monastery will be included. Fingers crossed!Well done to you then! I hope it didn't cost you a kidney...but then I guess you would still have one kidney left...and Fortress Cassino! I will have to rely on CH eventually doing the sequel to Carnage at Cassino, to include the monastery.
I'm hopeful that I or someone else will be able to share the (prototype) image thumbnail soon.