VOTG 1 The First Bid designer question and scenario discussion

John Fedoriw

Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Kitchener, ON
Hi gents,

I have a question for the designer or someone who was involved in the playtest. The VC require the Germans to control -AND/OR- interdict all ferry landings at game end (control of the Rail Station & Rail Crossing reduce this amount by 1 each). IMO at first glance this appears to be a fairly tall order for the Ruskis. I think they have a good chance of preventing the Axis from controlling all ferry landings but preventing interdiction is another matter altogether. The Russians get OBA directed by an offboard observer later in the game. Its not a great caliber (70mm) especially in +3 TEM terrain, but it is OBA. I think it is not too likely to do much damage to the Germans so could the Russians simply husband his OBA, save it and then obscure the ferry landings with it at the very end of the game? Put a fire mission in the river and prevent interdiction in these hexes? Or on the interdictors themselves?

So my question is this...was that the designer's intent? This essentially forces the Axis to take all the ferry landing to ensure that the Allies cant do this? So realistically they must CONTROL as opposed to INTERDICT to win? If the Germans do no control the landings a wily Ruska will just maintain fire discipline with his OBA until the scenario end and then drop it for hinderance?

I was the defender in this and was planning on doing it to secure the win. Our game did not go RIGHT until turn 19, but ended on 18 with this looking like the way to go. Both I & my opponent felt this seemed like a kind of gamey way to win. However, like every other ASL player I know worth his salt, I was not too morally righteous to let that keep me from victory. I felt dirty at the game end but there was plenty of water in the Volga to get clean with. I had to wash twice though to get rid of the smell LOL.

Was this kind of defense planned for? Given the pedigree of the designer / play-testers involved I imagine it was. But as I said it felt weird. If it was the intention that the Germans SHOULD CONTROL all ferry landings why not just state that in the VC?


Anyway, here's some thoughts on this scenario from the Ruski's POV:

The VC require the Russians to keep the Germans away from the riverbank. Their initial forces are primarily conscripts and to make matter worse the constraints of their set up area is (IMO) very bad. The terrain is also extremely unfavorable for them due to their lousy MFs.

They have some advantages. They get A LOT of commissars as well as several NKVD strongpoints. IMO these strongpoints cannot really do much to stem the tide unless the German tsunami directly hits these breakwaters. I feel the Germans can simply bypass these. They are fairly stalwart on defense but offensively the troops inside them cannot do too much against the Axis (individually they don't consist of too many troops or too much firepower.). Also they are stuck "in situ" until turn 10. If the Germans push & bypass I think there is a good chance they will be behind these structures by then.

The Russian get some reinforcements later in the game & I feel with these they can probably stop the Germans from sweeping the riverbank clean. But I think they may have trouble keeping the Germans out of all those 2nd level buildings that look down on the river & the Germans have LOTS of MGs.

In our game I made buildings R5, Y18, Y20, BB16, BB26 & DD31 NKVD Strongpoints.

I placed a 76L ART in R5 (on the 2nd level - used some fortified buildings there). I felt I must have something substantial there to combat the STUG which were due to enter on the northeast of the board. 9th of January Square is an obvious spot to place a breakwater. An 82mm MTR went in X20 & BB27 & another 76L ART in DD32 on the 2nd level. AA guns were in AA mode in JJ29, JJ40 & II48. The idea was to use them as an AA screen when the 1st reinforcements entered. (They also covered the Specialist's House if the stukas started hitting it after the 2nd level units opened up.)(As a side note these AA guns later got lucky 2 of them knocking out 2 STUGs on subsequent critical hits!! WOWZAA!!!)

The 1st main line of resistance was along row K and the 76 INF guns were all placed along that hex row to stiffen the line. Tanks were spread throughout this defense and a smattering of conscripts were spread throughout the railroad (rows E, F & G). They were intended to slow down the first impetus of the Axis before retreating to row K. I felt the Stalingrad 1 Rail Station was really indefensible and merely placed a few squads from the penal battalion there. Several squads were hidden in building K9 to also slow down the northeast reinforcements at 9th of January Square. A HIP radio observer was in Y17...an offboard one later placed in OO32.

I would insert a vasl pic of my setup but apparently the file is too large...oh well...

The idea was to contest the Germans as much as possible and slowly yield ground until my southern reinforcements entered.

Being very leery of the stuka screen I held all the armor reinforcements off-board until turn 13. Then I felt they could enter unmolested by aircraft and help the defense then. The AA guns (at least II48) would hopefully help the infantry get to cover as they entered before the tanks as soon as they were available.

The Ruski also gets a 10-3 leader and other assorted goodies at that point in time (turn 13). Unfortunately with the low visibility that sets in then it seems to make them much less fearsome than if they could see well to direct their fire. So they were not too effective at killing stuff....but they did help plug holes. I was disappointed that they were not more effective at actually removing German counters from the board but they were still a big help. (Increasing the body count is the fun stuff though not just slowing the enemy down).

My opponent attacked cautiously (I feel maybe too cautiously) and made good progress up to row K were he was held up for 2 -3 turns. After the the K row defenses were overcome he spent a few turns mopping the area up. I think this was a mistake. I know 19 turns is a long game but still I felt that the Axis should push towards the Volga with all speed. He used his stukas to good effect to practically wipe out my at-start tanks (1 survived until after the stukas had left and it was later recalled for MA disablement). After overcoming this Line of Resistance he continued on until he got to Line of Resistance #2 (Y18, Y20, BB16, BB26 & DD31 NKVD Strongpoints) and later hex row Z in the south. Building Y18, Y20 & DD31 in particular seemed to really slow down the Axis ..they all remained Russian throughout the game. In the south the Germans got as far as hex row EE before we stopped. Notably the Russian sniper was very active in the south wounding the 10-2 and 9-2 officers. This really helped slow them down.

The turn 1 STUGs were held offboard for a turn or 2. Axis northern reinforcements entered on turn 6 & the southern ones on turn 5. The first group of Russian reinforcements came on turn 8 & immediately created Line of Resistance #3 from Z41 to Z48.

The northern wing swept across 9th of January Square area sustaining some losses (1 STUG, 3 HTs) but largely intact (the 76 ART malf'd on his 2nd or 3rd shot) essentially bypassing all units in Pavlov's House and near the Milk Factory. They later hit the riverbank in the north and swept down out eventually taking building BB16 and all ferry landing north of there.

However, when the light started failing (Turn 13) so did the impetus of the advance as the Russians started putting more bodies into the line. The last few turns almost became a Mexican stand off before the attack was called off on turn 18.

I think my set up and plan was OK but if I were to do it again I would NOT make Y18, Y20 or BB16 NKVD Strongpoints. Instead CC20, Z40 & Z44 would be (I didn't realize how important the Z row building 2nd level locations could be for interdiction of the southernmost landings). The JJ40 AA gun would also be placed somewhere better. Finally all of my tanks would be placed IN buildings along row K to stiffen opposition on that line. A few of them got whacked easily by stukas because I did not realize that walls do not allow HD status vs aircraft. I wont make that mistake again! I also think I was far too afraid of the opening bombardment and spread the southern most units out more than perhaps I should have. if I played again I would concentrate them more.

Anyway in spite of any of the above points if you like bigguns' I highly recommend the scenario. If you are super competitive it may not be for you due to all the variable reinforcements involved; the dice could really effect the outcome here. ROAR has it as 12 German to 17 Russian wins. IMO that is reasonable although leaning towards the Axis somewhat. But you are really playing this one just for the experience of playing it. For that I think it a unique scenario and have never played another quite like it. It was a lot of fun.

Sorry if this was all a bit long winded LOL.


Elder Member
Dec 27, 2015
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llUnited States
It's a great scenario. I don't believe OBA can interdict the ferry landing. OBA is not listed as one of the things that can interdict.

CG12.12: ELIGIBLE UNITS: Each fully-manned MMC/SW/Ordnance able to meet the conditions of A10.53-.532 may interdict 1 Pier or River hex [EXC: each SW/Ordnance may Interdict a number of Pier or River hexes within its current Field of Fire equal to its current ROF (also see A9.21)]. Any unit designated as Interdicting is considered to be TI for the remainder of the RePH.

John Fedoriw

Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Kitchener, ON
It's a great scenario. I don't believe OBA can interdict the ferry landing. OBA is not listed as one of the things that can interdict.
CG12.1: INTERDICTION: A Ferry Landing is Interdicted if all of its Pier Hexes are Interdicted or if the Russian Player is unable to trace a contiguous line of non-interdicted River hexes leading from the Volga Pier hex(es) to the east map-edge. Interdiction is determined during RePh step 12.602 as per A10.53-.532 (i.e., thus to Interdict a Pier or River hex a unit must be in normal range within 16 hexes without any LOS Hindrance, etc.). LV Hindrances have no affect on determining Interdiction. During a Night scenario, a Pier or River hex is always considered to be an Illuminated Location for purposes of determining Interdiction status.

OBA is a LOS Hinderance right?....I think it's OK.


Elder Member
Dec 27, 2015
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llUnited States
I wasn't following. You're talking about the Russians using their OBA to deny interdiction. Got it. Interesting.


Elder Member
Dec 27, 2015
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llUnited States
Thinking about it, it seems risky. You're counting on contact, access and accuracy with Russian OBA and iirc the Germans can decrease the number of landings they need to interdict with some control of strategic hexes. I personally wouldn't count on it.

John Fedoriw

Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Kitchener, ON
Thinking about it, it seems risky. You're counting on contact, access and accuracy with Russian OBA and iirc the Germans can decrease the number of landings they need to interdict with some control of strategic hexes. I personally wouldn't count on it.
No I wouldn't count on it either. But I think it is very hard to stop the Germans from interdicting those ferry landings - so you gotta do something right?


Elder Member
Dec 27, 2015
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llUnited States
No I wouldn't count on it either. But I think it is very hard to stop the Germans from interdicting those ferry landings - so you gotta do something right?
When I played it my opponent attacked very lightly on the north edge. I just protected the northern most three landings. He ended up conceding in turn 12 I think when he failed his pmc.

Tom Morin

Senior Member
Feb 17, 2003
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Largo, FL.
llUnited States
Yes, using the OBA to 'shield' a Ferry from Interdiction is a viable tactic, however you're talking 1-2 Ferry Landings at best. As the German, you'll just have to capture them, or capture the Rail Station and Rail Crossing to offset this. The Germans have a lot of troops & firepower, but they also have a tall task having to deal with the ferries. It is a fun scenario.

John Fedoriw

Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Kitchener, ON
When I played it my opponent attacked very lightly on the north edge. I just protected the northern most three landings. He ended up conceding in turn 12 I think when he failed his pmc.
Wow I came to the conclusion that defending the northern landings was hopeless. Did you put many NKVD strongpoints up there?

John Fedoriw

Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Kitchener, ON
Yes, using the OBA to 'shield' a Ferry from Interdiction is a viable tactic, however you're talking 1-2 Ferry Landings at best. As the German, you'll just have to capture them, or capture the Rail Station and Rail Crossing to offset this. The Germans have a lot of troops & firepower, but they also have a tall task having to deal with the ferries. It is a fun scenario.
I think the is no way the Germans wont get the Rail Station and Rail Crossing. However in my game after capturing the Rail Station the Germans left it ungarrisoned and some of my conscripts managed to sneak back there and recapture it. Unfortunately they were swiftly eliminated.


Elder Member
Dec 27, 2015
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llUnited States
Wow I came to the conclusion that defending the northern landings was hopeless. Did you put many NKVD strongpoints up there?
I defended it pretty heavily and my opponent attacked up there very lightly thinking he had to spend more assets taking the other vc areas. All my strongpoints were deep in Russian territory. Once he pushed east at the middle and bottom of the map he had a hard time getting north from there.

John Fedoriw

Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Kitchener, ON
I defended it pretty heavily and my opponent attacked up there very lightly thinking he had to spend more assets taking the other vc areas. All my strongpoints were deep in Russian territory. Once he pushed east at the middle and bottom of the map he had a hard time getting north from there.
Wow very interesting.

I came to the (perhaps erroneous) conclusion that because the north had no hope of getting reinforcements before the boats show up on turn 13 that it was undefendable. However, I could see a few NKVD strongpoints around 9th of January Square causing the Germans some real headaches. That square is a death trap.


Dec 28, 2005
Reaction score
llUnited States
Hi John,

I playtested this with Ol'Fezziwig.

Hindering the interdiction was very much under consideration during the playtest. The Soviets have a handful of smoke capable Guns. I think they have MOL-Ps, which will also place smoke. Even an AFV/wreck would hinder same level/continuous slope interdiction.

I cannot remember specifics, as playtest reports would be on long defunct email addresses, long defunct computers, and the long defunct YASL yahoogroups email list. I do remember OI'Fezziwig had a solid plan to break the interdiction, I cannot remember if it was OBA, smoke, something else. I remember the odds were in his favor, but his dice did not co-operate.

The German playtest win was a combination of ferry control and ferry interdiction.

In my opinion, the OBA hindrance requires a little time to setup, due to access, accuracy, etc. The Germans should focus on keeping a "Go Team" ready to react to this move, taking building control of the ferries that are protected by OBA hindrance.

That playtest was the single greatest ASL experience I have had in the 37 years that I've played this game.



Forum Guru
Jun 17, 2003
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When I played it against Dave Blackwood he lost most of his armour reinforcements to Stuka streams and when he finally gave up I as the Germans controlled almost all of the waterfront and had two kill stacks with 8-3-8’s and 10-3/2 leaders each had a stack had an FT and two HMG, FT usually stripped the ? From his guys in the buildings to then get hit with 36fp on evens or +1, by this point he had less than quarter of the board left to


Dec 28, 2005
Reaction score
llUnited States
Well I'll be damned, I found Ol' Fezziwig's very detailed AAR on an old USB. We played this in the summer of 2002. Here are the highlights of the end game:

"Things now turn to the centre of gravity, the battles’ nexus, the central sector. Nineteen turns, wide swings of fortune, 120 squads lost in total, some 38 vehicles and AFVs knocked out, immobilized or recalled later; it all boils down to the battle for a single ferry: LL28.

Things lead off with a bang as a set DC rubbles a tertiary building on the river. The Germans are curious as to what exactly is going on but have other, more pressing matters to worry about. The resultant clearing of their LOF enables a 76L ART to attempt to place smoke on the docks. The artillerymen fail, placing their rounds in the river instead. Another gun, this one a 76* INF attempts the closer, ADJ shot and they, too, put their rounds into the river. Screening attempts aside, the attack now starts off with scads of Infantry charging the ferry and them consequently getting blown back by the desperate German defensive fires. Of nearly a company of Guardsmen hurled at this building but a single squad and a wounded commissar survive to attempt to contest the building.

In desperation borne of futility, a T-34 attempts to charge the ferry. The attempt is delayed by the drivers’ failure to start the tank on the first try, on the second, he succeeds. The tank charges towards the ferry and blows past the defenders inside the building, heading for the exposed Germans on the pier itself. With a mighty creak and crash, the frail dock plunges into the blackness of the Volga, but takes the Germans, as well as the tank’s crew, with it. Yet another story of sacrifice and honor within the Gothic of Stalingrad…

The second T-34, failing to seize upon a Golden Opportunity, attempts to go the long way towards a more southern ferry to hopefully add his hulk to prevent successful interdiction of the landings. (A question over whether the tank in bypass of LL37 could actually enter MM38 from LL37 was left as a non-factor. In truth, I had realized at that point I could have-and should have-taken an alternate route to LL29 which would have hindered the final German interdiction and given the Russian an incontrovertible victory) In having to accomplish this, he would have had to pass a Collapse DR when other, less risky and, ultimately more beneficial, maneuvers existed.

The climactic close combat is that in name only as a 628cx and the wounded commissar have to either clear the hex of the 838,548 and 2x 8-1 or maintain them in melee. The penultimate 1 to 4 HtoH (+1) against a return attack of 2 to 1 (-2) was an almost forgone conclusion."

Fezz's post-game discussion:

"I would be remiss if I didn't again state <the case for> the exclusion of AFV Hindrance for Interdiction. Yeah, I know, but it would be a shame to play for 30+ hours to have a little tankette take the hard won battle from a deserving German. This could perhaps become an issue in the CGs as well.
Perhaps knowing your opponent is a good way to stave this off, but why take the chance? The Interdiction issue was one I know Mike was very concerned about and in some ways, I agree. I had left a 76* INF in a ferry for that last ditch HE support and also for the s8 (pah!). I just want you to be aware of the many ways the sly Russe may prevent Interdiction: MOL-Ps, T-60s, SMOKE, and OBA, veh Hindrances, FT attacks on buildings/docks...
Of course, these possibilities exist in any scenario, a ruthless, win-at-all-costs player will utilise any and all of these, I don't have any solutions to prevent them, though... Perhaps a Dispatches article spelling out the potential sleazery may head it off well beforehand..."

"As for balance, right now I'd say-based on the premise our playing is 'The Fix'- this is perhaps 55-60% Russian. This is more in large part due to the many options available to the Russian late to prevent Interdiction. I was able to disrupt the Germans from an unimpeded rush by the use of OBA and 82mm MOR fire. One more turn or less effective arty may have made the outcome less in doubt. I was satisfied with the opportunities I had to prevail."

My note: today First Bid on ROAR is 18 Russ to 12 Germ, or.......60% pro-Russ. Ol' Fezziwig nailed the balance 22 years ago!

Vic Provost

Forum Guru
Sep 18, 2016
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Pittsfield, MA USA
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llUnited States
Hi John,

I playtested this with Ol'Fezziwig.

Hindering the interdiction was very much under consideration during the playtest. The Soviets have a handful of smoke capable Guns. I think they have MOL-Ps, which will also place smoke. Even an AFV/wreck would hinder same level/continuous slope interdiction.

I cannot remember specifics, as playtest reports would be on long defunct email addresses, long defunct computers, and the long defunct YASL yahoogroups email list. I do remember OI'Fezziwig had a solid plan to break the interdiction, I cannot remember if it was OBA, smoke, something else. I remember the odds were in his favor, but his dice did not co-operate.

The German playtest win was a combination of ferry control and ferry interdiction.

In my opinion, the OBA hindrance requires a little time to setup, due to access, accuracy, etc. The Germans should focus on keeping a "Go Team" ready to react to this move, taking building control of the ferries that are protected by OBA hindrance.

That playtest was the single greatest ASL experience I have had in the 37 years that I've played this game.

Likewise Mike, we had a blast with VotG, both in PT and when we got the game itself. I might update Siberian Shockwave at some point, the Russians need a tweak or 2 but still a fun scenario to play. FUN HASL! Vic.