Elder Member
apbills submitted a new resource:
VBM Overlay Marker Extension - VBM
VBM Overlay Marker Extension - VBM
Read more about this resource...This is an updated VBM overlay. It is located in the Draggable Overlays on its own tab. SELECT+Click is required to select the overlay, and CTRL+right, -Left, -Up, -Down "nudge" the overlay one pixel in the respective direction. CTRL+F flips which 3 sides of the hex have the transparent area for checking the width for VBM.
This extension was built using VASSAL 3.7.8 and VASL 6.6.8beta6a. Note that VASSAL 3.7.8 is most likely the most important thing as no changes in VASL 6.6.8b6a are...