Unofficial ASL Scenario G Okinawa April 1945


Mar 25, 2024
Reaction score
llUnited States
Title: Bypass Logic
Date: April 1945
Loc: Okinawa
Situation: Operational Directives to U S Troops were to Bypass Japanese Strong points to save time and reduce casualties.
North Boards 59 Board 46
Center Board 18
South Board 58
Victory: Board 46 Level 2 Hill is a Cave Complex with Cave 1-4-6 x 6/ U S must eliminate by KIA
vs Caves using DC/or have control of Cave by having Good Order Squad in Cave Covered Arc with
no Japanese Squad in that Cave.
Japanese Setup FIrst
U S Move First
TURNS 1 2 3 4 5 6
Elements of Imperial Japan ELR 4 SAN 5
Setup Board 59 on West of Hex row M
Crew MMG/237 /DC/ ? x 6
Setup Board 46 Cave Complex w/ Cave 1-4-6 x 6/Trench
447 x 6/9-1/LMG x 4/DC/ ? x 3
Setup Board 18
447 x 4/50mm Mortar/Trench/ Crew x 3/ HMG x 2/47 L AT/Pillbox 1-3-5 x2/Wire x 3
AT Ditch x 4/Trench/Cave 1-4-6 x 3/ Crew MMG
Setup Board 59 Ridge
Crew x 6/ 81 Mortar x 2/ART year 38 * 75* x 2/ART 105 Type 91/25LL Twin Type 96
Rein Enter Board 18 Edge West or East on after Turn 2
447 x 3 LMG 9-0/DC/Crew MMG /HA GO Light Tank
Elements of U S Army ELR 3 SAN 3 Setup Board 59 Road Hexes A7-I6
Board 46 Road Hexes A6-H2
667 Elite x 17/9-2/9-1x2/8-1x2/8-0/7-0/ .50 cal HMG/HMG/MMGx3/DC x 7/BAZ 45 x2/60mm
Mortar x 2/ AFV Sherman M4 x 3
SSR: 1. EC Moderate with no wind at Start
  1. Terrain Mix: Palm Trees/Huts/ Roads exist /Woods Brush
  2. No Boresighting
Aftermath: Japanese Defenses Okinawa were not suitable for Bypass/ U S Firepower was somewhat
limited by Japanese Reverse Slope Setup backed by Artillery Ridges further away.3028330283