Unoffical ASL Scenario Caen D-Day to July 1941


Mar 25, 2024
Reaction score
llUnited States
Title Caen Opener
Date D-day to July 1943
Location Near Caen
Situation: In the British Sector Heavy Naval Gunfire played a key role in moving the Germans back toward Caen.
By July British Armor was set to break out to the Falaise Plain.
70 64
6 - 65
Victory: 3 British Sherman must exit any east Board edge
German Setup First
British move first
Turn 1 2 3 4 5 6
Elements of British Airborne ELR 5 SAN 3 setup on west of hexrow I-Y Concealed
placing one MMC Leader SW per stack per board until all are placed
648x6/9-2/8-1x2MMG /LMG x2/Piat setup concealed / ? x 10 dummies after completion of this setup make dr to determine which
board glider infantry enter on after Turn 1 dr 1-2 B 70 dr 3-4 B 6/ dr 5-6/ B 62
457 x 10/ 9-2/8-1/8-0x2/HMG/MMGx2/LMG x2/Piat x2
Enter Turn 2 West Board edges make dr same as above to determine board entry
M3 Halftrack x 3
Enter Turn 3 West Board edges make dr same as above
M4 Sherman Lend Lease x 3 / formed into 3 Platoons / 1st Platonn/ 2nd Platoon/3rd Platoon must use platoon movement for entire scenario due to highly regimented doctrine
Elements of German Army ELR 3 SAN 4 setup concealed setup one east Hexrow C-EE One MMC w/ MG and Leader per Board
447 x5/ 9-1/8-0/7-0/HMG/MMG x 2/ setup concealed/ ?x10/ SPW 251 x 2 setup any board
Luftwaffe Section 88L Flak Crew setup any Board
Enter Turn 2 any East Board Edge
PZ DIV 467 x5/9-1/8-1/8-0/LMG x3/ SPW 251 x 5 Choose one of Following PZ IV J/Panther VG/STUG III L
Enter Turn 3 any East Edge SS PZ DIV ELR 4 SAN 4
658 SS x 3/8-1/LMG x 3/ Opel Blitz x 2/ Tiger I L
SSR : 1. EC are moderate with no wind at start
  1. British receive Air Support dr less than turn # 1 FM with 150/Ordnance recalled after making bomb run
  2. Board 62 road is causeway across flooded terrain/ AFV may move thru Flooded terrain double MP and Bog CHeck each hex
Aftermath: after a month of heavy battle British Armor was set to break out.



Mar 25, 2024
Reaction score
llUnited States
Optional Rule: The British Sherman 1st Platoon sets the Pace- the # of MP expended by 1st Platoon applies to following Platoons
this then applies to 2nd Plt if 1st Plt is eliminated etc


Mar 25, 2024
Reaction score
llUnited States
British O/B Sherman M4 or Lend Lease Version X 9 in 3 Platoons
FB with 150 Ordnance not FM
British and German initial setups Hex rows starting Boards 70-6-62
3 German MG s with Leaders are placed 1 per Board then remaining 447 and ? x10 are placed any board
Board 62 Valley terrain is Flooded and treated as Mud , the Road is elevated