I'm looking seriously at buying a 360 next month, but wondering if there are factors that would make me want the less expensive Wii instead. I'd like some advice on what I should look at.
I've noticed the availability of the Xbox 360 Arcade, but am reluctant to buy anything 360 without a hard drive (even if a drive can be theoretically added later, is there a way to do it without modding?). And unfortunately the used consoles I've seen at GameSpot have all been no-drive models.
The key, for me at least, will be availability of titles I'm interested in. I'm looking hard, for example, at FIFA 08. And I still have a last-generation TV, meaning I won't get the most value out of HD graphics. What else should I be thinking about?
I've noticed the availability of the Xbox 360 Arcade, but am reluctant to buy anything 360 without a hard drive (even if a drive can be theoretically added later, is there a way to do it without modding?). And unfortunately the used consoles I've seen at GameSpot have all been no-drive models.
The key, for me at least, will be availability of titles I'm interested in. I'm looking hard, for example, at FIFA 08. And I still have a last-generation TV, meaning I won't get the most value out of HD graphics. What else should I be thinking about?