I went through the lists 2-3 times. As of now, these are the ones that I saw that may be good for the tournament.
004. Cavalry Attack at Palo Alto.scn - Cavalry Attack at Palo Alto – 12 turns
[Historical] The Mexican cavalry floundered through the resaca and then thundered down on the American flank, aiming for the wagon train. That flank was held by the 5th and 3rd U S Infantries, plus a company of Texas Rangers and a company of the 2nd U S Dragoons.
001.Point Isabel.scn - Cavalry Raid at Point Isabel – 24 turns
[Hypothetical] For a tme, as Taylor's Army of Observation hunkered down on the Rio Grande, that army's supply base at Port Isabel was very vulnerable to attack by the free-ranging Mexican cavalry. Finally, Taylor marched to Port Isabel, fortified it and left a garrison which would be able to hold the place. This scenario allows the Mexicans to raid that base prior to reinforcement.
041.Molino del Rey_a.scn - Molino del Rey – 36 turns
[Hypothetical] The Battle of Molino del Rey - in the early morning hours of September 8th Worth's Division headed out to take the fortified positions of Molino del Rey & the Casa Mata. After a short initial bombardment it was thought that the Mexican forces had withdrawn and this would be an easy conquest...however the Mexican's had another plan in store. As the advanced parties moved out they met a withering fire which decimated the lead American ranks. Reeling back they regrouped and made further attacks. The battle raged for two hours before all the positions were taken, but only after many casualties had been suffered on both sides. In addition to the forces manning these strong points several thousand Mexican cavalry were hovering off to the west threatening to charge the American flank. In this variant the Mexican cavalry will definitely make an appearance, as will two battalions of "regulars" that were held in reserve but never joined the battle historically. Additionally, the Americans start 100% released and will also receive reinforcements...Pierce's brigade that was on the march to support them historically but arrived after the fighting had ended will now arrive just an hour into the action...time to make a difference.
042.Chapultepec_a.scn - The Battle of Chapultepec – 24 turns
[Historical] The Battle of Chapultepec - while not the final battle of the war, it was the final "major" engagement, and the end of the day would see the American forces at the gates of the city. The 14th would see the capitulation of the city and the cessation of hostilities in the capital area. For their part the defenders of the Chapultepec castle put up a strong resistance and the Americans had their work cut out for them. But numbers were against the Mexicans and after two hours the fortress would be in the hands of the invaders. This scenario only covers the conflict around the fortress, as the two city gate assaults took another 9 hours to complete and were relatively minor actions not deemed worth covering in this treatment.
044.Fortresses_b.scn - The battle for the fortresses – 24 turns
[Hypothetical] Battle for Molino Del Ray & Chupultepec, designed for the campaign game. The forces have fought all the way to the gates of the city, but the fortresses must be taken before the Americans can approach the main gates. This scenario sets up the forces to assault both positions simultaneously, where historically they were tackled on two separate days. This variant has far fewer Mexican defenders, assuming the bulk of the forces have withdrawn inside the city walls.
The Alamo scenarios would bring about a one sided battle however, I can't figure out the difference in them all, from the listing. Some are fixed, some not.
I'm not sure about the different scenarios of Jacinto_ - The Battle of San Jacinto. I can't tell if there are hidden Mexican forces, not viewable on the map, or if Mexican forces arrive during later turns, or what you see is what you get.