So I figure you all would like an update.
There hadn't been any sounds from upstairs in quite a long time. Us here in the dungy basement of the VASL map cabal had started to wonder if we were free to venture out into the fresh air and sunshine again. Just when I garnered the courage to test the rusted door knob, the door flung open and a new recruit was quickly led downstairs and given a table and quill. Please welcome Scott to the cabal! He's off and running (though not with scissors) with excellent effort so far. In time I'm sure he'll learn to pace himself. You see the food and water only goes so far and you must learn to mete out your energy reserves.
That was several weeks ago and it's been quiet upstairs once again. Hmmm, I wonder if Tuomo is no longer about. Rumor is he's more interested in writing lately.
Better not chance it. Back to work.
And here's what's being done...
Released and available for download:
Bd 3 has been updated with a Scenario Specific Overlay (SSO) for J44 Audacity
Bd 19 has been updated with a SSO for OB3 Brasch Encounter
There's a new version (v2) of the RB map. It updates the artwork of the longstanding version 1 map (thank you to whomever did that map!). Don't use v2 to finish off your v1 games in progress. You won't like the results.
Nearly complete and oh so close for release:
Bds 69 and 73
Bds 10z and 17z
A corrected size of Bd 52 so it will display without a gap
In progress but getting close:
Bds 70, 71 and 72
AP 11 overlays
Update adding light woods terrain transformation for numerous boards
And finally, in the it's gonna happen category:
Rick (of BFP fame) has provided the art work so we can vaslize his soon to appear PiF masterpiece
Look for a major upload of VASL goodness soon. My best guess is early January time frame.
Until then please know that your vasl cabalers are huddled over their tables, feather quills madly flickering to and fro in the dim candlelight, wondering if Tuomo still lurks about in the halls above.
Merry Christmas everyone