Looking at the remaining LFT overlays, I saw that the two overlays used to modify bd 15 in scenario FT62 (New Model Army) are best implemented as Scenario Special Overlays, so I added them as an SSO to bd 15 and updated that board to v5.2. Download it
here. Took the opportunity to add a Light Woods overlay and remove the .map file (used for LOS, no longer needed).
I believe we're all set for the existing LFT overlays. I've updated the FT overlays file to v3.0. Download it
here. It contains:
* FT01: a 7-hex overlay featuring a single-hex stone building on a hill, appeared in LFT#5
* FT02: the Alcazar overlay for bd 45, which appeared in LFT #6
* FT03: a 7-hex collection of single-hex wooden buildings, which appeared in LFT#7. There are also some 1-5 hex generic shellhole overlays which I do not believe are part of FT03; I did not include them here
* FT07: the half-board overlay that appeared in LFT#13.
Of the other overlays which have appeared in LFT:
* FT04: illegible to me; looks like a 2-hex blotch of Level 4 Open Ground. If so, this is doable with a Draggable Overlay.
* FT05 appeared in FTC#1. This was better implemented as a BSO for bd9 since it replaces the 9DD3 bldg with a big pillbox