Received my copy this week. I love my LCP scenario packs, but this is truly George doing what George does best; mini-HASLs. Just enough HASL-specific chrome to engross you in "that particular little world". Unaware of their inclusion, I absolutely LOVED to see the British Assault Engineer counters!!! Like BFP's various AE counters, these are going in my 'official' Plano, to be used in any scenario that calls for them; LCP or otherwise. Long overdue addition to the system, IMO. Oh yeah, I also like that he has started including a Night scenario or two in recent products of the last few years! I realize I may not be a 100% representation of his product audience, but these mini-HASLs of his pretty much scratch every ASL-itch that I have. Would love to see him do one on Shanghai, or other IJA/GMD multi-day slugfests.