I played "The Bergen Run" scenario today and was surprised at how different and enjoyable the game was in multi-player.
I was the American/RN player. Normally the German battlecruisers under AI control in single player, charge in and the American player can usually shoot them up and defeat the attack. In multi-player however the numerical superiority of the German CLs and DDs is a big factor forcing the American player to stay close to the merchants so that the Germans don't slip around the flanks. The far superior speed of the German force allows them to choose the direction they engage from and also the range.
In the game today the Germans ran to the north east to position themselves between the merchants and Bergen and also to place the wind in an unfavorable position for the Americans. This position required a considerable amount of time. They then engaged with the BCs whlle sending 6 CLs and 25 DD on a flanking maneuver to the north. They also held 14 DD to the South to maintain a threat from that direction.
Early on Lutzow attacked by New York had two turrets put out whlie in return Von der Tann with the long ranged 11 in guns put out two turrets on Delaware.
At this point the Germans opened range with their BC and sent in the Northern CL and DD to attack the merchants. The merchants were turned south to try to keep the main fleet between them and the attackers but they don't reposition very fast at 9 knots. The American BBs turned northwest to try to stop the attack. At this point American BB fire was directed at the KM CLs at about 12,000 m firing on a bearing of about 030. In surprisingly short order, 3 of the 6 CLs were heavily damaged and the attack blunted.
However the southern DDs also attacked and the BCs closed to bring all 5 ships in range on a southerly heading. The American BBs reversed to the SE and engaged whlie using 4 CL and 2 DD flotillas to repel the southern attack. With the southerly DD attack underway the Germans closed again with the northern DD. At this point fate intervened and Derflinger's rudder was jammed by a hit which resulted in a Seylitz ramming her causing enough damage to sink her shortly thereafter. This was enough for the German's who called it a day at about the 3 hour point.
This was my first multi-player with American ships and it was really enjoyable. Much more tactical maneuvering and thought required than a game with the AI. I hope to try it again with the sides reversed although I think the Americans have an edge in this one.
I was the American/RN player. Normally the German battlecruisers under AI control in single player, charge in and the American player can usually shoot them up and defeat the attack. In multi-player however the numerical superiority of the German CLs and DDs is a big factor forcing the American player to stay close to the merchants so that the Germans don't slip around the flanks. The far superior speed of the German force allows them to choose the direction they engage from and also the range.
In the game today the Germans ran to the north east to position themselves between the merchants and Bergen and also to place the wind in an unfavorable position for the Americans. This position required a considerable amount of time. They then engaged with the BCs whlle sending 6 CLs and 25 DD on a flanking maneuver to the north. They also held 14 DD to the South to maintain a threat from that direction.
Early on Lutzow attacked by New York had two turrets put out whlie in return Von der Tann with the long ranged 11 in guns put out two turrets on Delaware.
At this point the Germans opened range with their BC and sent in the Northern CL and DD to attack the merchants. The merchants were turned south to try to keep the main fleet between them and the attackers but they don't reposition very fast at 9 knots. The American BBs turned northwest to try to stop the attack. At this point American BB fire was directed at the KM CLs at about 12,000 m firing on a bearing of about 030. In surprisingly short order, 3 of the 6 CLs were heavily damaged and the attack blunted.
However the southern DDs also attacked and the BCs closed to bring all 5 ships in range on a southerly heading. The American BBs reversed to the SE and engaged whlie using 4 CL and 2 DD flotillas to repel the southern attack. With the southerly DD attack underway the Germans closed again with the northern DD. At this point fate intervened and Derflinger's rudder was jammed by a hit which resulted in a Seylitz ramming her causing enough damage to sink her shortly thereafter. This was enough for the German's who called it a day at about the 3 hour point.
This was my first multi-player with American ships and it was really enjoyable. Much more tactical maneuvering and thought required than a game with the AI. I hope to try it again with the sides reversed although I think the Americans have an edge in this one.