Senior Member
Greetings all,
The State Fair's over and Labor Day has passed, so I guess that means we're starting into fall, never mind that the equinox is still a couple weeks out and the thermometer as I write this reads 81F. It also means that we're almost to a TCASL meetup! Pay close attention to the details on this one as the start time is a little different from usual.
Unfortunately, I got hit with the wrong end of the convention planning stick (Again! Hopefully this will be the last time?) and I will not be able to attend.
Day: 9/9/23
Time: 1:00pm - 4:45pm -- NOTE THE CHANGE!
Location: Ramsey County Library Roseville 2180 Hamline Ave N, Roseville, MN 55113 [Board Room, 2nd floor, on the left, over by the periodicals]
Masks: Recommended
September 9 marks the 80th anniversary of OPERATION AVALANCHE, the Allied landings at Salerno. Though nearly two years of hard fighting up the Italian boot followed, Allied forces were never to break out into what Churchill called "the underbelly of Europe."
On the day that the Allies landed at Salerno, there was extensive fighting around the airfield at Montecorvino, just inland from the landing beaches:
The State Fair's over and Labor Day has passed, so I guess that means we're starting into fall, never mind that the equinox is still a couple weeks out and the thermometer as I write this reads 81F. It also means that we're almost to a TCASL meetup! Pay close attention to the details on this one as the start time is a little different from usual.
Unfortunately, I got hit with the wrong end of the convention planning stick (Again! Hopefully this will be the last time?) and I will not be able to attend.
Day: 9/9/23
Time: 1:00pm - 4:45pm -- NOTE THE CHANGE!
Location: Ramsey County Library Roseville 2180 Hamline Ave N, Roseville, MN 55113 [Board Room, 2nd floor, on the left, over by the periodicals]
Masks: Recommended
September 9 marks the 80th anniversary of OPERATION AVALANCHE, the Allied landings at Salerno. Though nearly two years of hard fighting up the Italian boot followed, Allied forces were never to break out into what Churchill called "the underbelly of Europe."
Number Title Side1 Side2 #Hrs S1Win% S2Win% Publication Notes
ASL55 Retribution American Italian 7.3 55.70% 44.30% Hollow Legions
ASL251 First Day of Diadem Free French German 4.6 46.48% 53.52% Croix de Guerre 2nd Ed
A67 Monte Castello Brazilian (US) German 7 47.37% 52.63% Annual '93b
AP80 A Bloody Waste American German 7.4 50.00% 50.00% Action Pack 8
AP82 Coriano Canadian German 4.6 53.47% 46.53% Action Pack 8
J32 Panzer Graveyard German British 5.7 52.74% 47.26% Journal #2
Roma4 Mountain Marines Italian American 4.5 47.06% 52.94% Roma 2020
OA19 The Queen's Prequel British German 1.7 37.50% 62.50% Out of the Attic #2 9/9/1943
OA20 The Revenge of the Greys British German 2.2 59.55% 40.45% Out of the Attic #2 9/9/1943
OA21 Gunter Strikes Back German British 2.3 63.33% 36.67% Out of the Attic #2 9/9/1943