Senior Member
Greetings all,
It's that time again, folks! Break out the maps and counters, and let's play some ASL! Be advised, we're starting at 11:30am this time. I was a little late to the party trying to reserve the room, so I wasn't able to get it for the entire day. In positive news, I'll actually be present! And for the entire time, even!
Day: 10/14/23
Time: 11:30am - 4:45pm -- NOTE THE CHANGE!
Location: Ramsey County Library Roseville 2180 Hamline Ave N, Roseville, MN 55113 [Board Room, 2nd floor, on the left, over by the periodicals]
Masks: Recommended
This year's Halloween Horror Show takes us underground! ASL Caves are most common in the PTO of course, but they're occasionally found elsewhere:
Allied advances in Italy and the ever-present conflict on the Eastern Front weren't the only fighting in October 1943. Partisan activity continued in both Italy and the Balkans, as well as in New Guinea:
It's that time again, folks! Break out the maps and counters, and let's play some ASL! Be advised, we're starting at 11:30am this time. I was a little late to the party trying to reserve the room, so I wasn't able to get it for the entire day. In positive news, I'll actually be present! And for the entire time, even!
Day: 10/14/23
Time: 11:30am - 4:45pm -- NOTE THE CHANGE!
Location: Ramsey County Library Roseville 2180 Hamline Ave N, Roseville, MN 55113 [Board Room, 2nd floor, on the left, over by the periodicals]
Masks: Recommended
This year's Halloween Horror Show takes us underground! ASL Caves are most common in the PTO of course, but they're occasionally found elsewhere:
Number Title Side1 Side2 #Hrs S1Win% S2Win% Publication Notes
ASL72 Sea of Tranquility Japanese American 7.6 51.16% 48.84% Rising Sun
ASL74 Bloody Red Beach Japanese American 23.9 52.00% 48.00% Rising Sun
ASL151 Take Two Japanese American 10.5 ?????? ?????? Rising Sun Low play count
ASL253 Our Place in the Sun Italian Ethiopian 5.8 ?????? ?????? Hollow Legions (3rd Ed) Low play count
A67 Monte Castello American German 7 50.00% 50.00% Annual '93b
J14 On The Hoss' Side American Japanese 5.4 43.75% 56.25% ASL Journal #2
Allied advances in Italy and the ever-present conflict on the Eastern Front weren't the only fighting in October 1943. Partisan activity continued in both Italy and the Balkans, as well as in New Guinea:
A99 To Clear a Roadblock German Partisan 4.8 60.24% 39.75% Annual '96 10/5/1943
ASL227 Danica Air Croatian Partisan 3.1 ?????? ?????? Armies of Oblivion (2018) 10/6/1943, Low play count
AP68 Odd Angry Shot Japanese Australian 3.2 38.46% 61.54% Action Pack 7 10/12/1943