Star Wars: Rebels


Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
Mars... the planet
llUnited States
Star Wars Rebels, set five years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, tells the story of the Rebellion’s beginnings while the Empire spreads tyranny through the galaxy.
Some trailers:

(Personally, the best trailer so far and really got me on board with wanting to see this....)


My own doubts about the show:
-The kid ignites the rebellion and totally ignores the work Bail Organa and Mon Motha have in forging the rebel alliance. And also that the graffiti artwork of the phoenix is the new, original symbol of the rebellion because of this group.
-The kid, Ezra, and the older jedi, Kanan, completely nullify Luke's impact during and after the original trilogy. The trailers make it seem like Ezra is the "New Hope" for the galaxy.
-Sling-shot laser thing? Wtf?
-Stupid, pointless, kiddie moments. There is a scene released where the Ezra throws fruit at a tie fighter driven by the big ape-like guy and then after he gets in it, he tries to forcefully take over flying the tie fighter while it's in mid flight! (I f*****g HATE that cliche!!!)
-Stormtroopers become mindless losers and incompetents which... sadly seems to be where this is going. By comparison the clone troopers were amazingly competent and resourceful. As a replacement of that army, I would assume the Stormtroopers would be trained up the standards of the clone troopers. I'd rather wish the Stormtroopers be tough, elite, and very difficult to handle baddies but nope, they are marginalized because the OT had copious amounts of plot-armor and people mistook that for stormtrooper worthlessness.
-Kanan reveals his jedi status in the first 5 episodes.
-We get some silly storylines like in the clone wars.

But it's being written and executively produced by Greg Weisman so I do have my fingers crossed!! His shows/work on Young Justice, Gargoyles, and Spectacular-Spiderman are some of the best western cartoons ever made. They had some great writing, depth of characters, and stories as well as handling both the humor and mature themes very well! So one can only hope this series keeps that success going.