So what scenarios have you played Recently?


Elder Member
Nov 10, 2004
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Northern Virginia
llUnited States
Well howdy there internet people;

Well, on the table for the week is: I hear the deep mournful.....Urra! a very cool looking and fairly large scenario out of the Kharkov pack. What more can you ask for? SS with Armor and Flame throwing half tracks vs Russians holed up in buildings but getting armor support as the game goes on. The scenario starts out fairly small for the Germans as the initial force is mostly out to recon the Russian positions, then as the game goes on the forces get larger as more troops and armor are fed into the battle from both sides. Here are some pics posted below, Bob is already set up and we plan to get together during the week to play.
No black SS Scott?!?!

Faded 8-1

Elder Member
Jul 22, 2006
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llUnited States
I keep the black SS in a seperate tray. But yeah, not really necessary to even use them.

Hard to read - white on black? Hadn't noticed - are you talking about the MMP set from ABTF or some CH set or other set? I only have the MMP ones, but I've used them many times and didn't notice readability probs with them. Can't say there's not enough contrast.


Doing Plenty, Kinda Slow
Jan 30, 2003
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Snowiest place in VA
llUnited States
My one "utility" issue w/the MMP black SS counters is that the SMCs are sterile - neither name nor ID mark of any sort - so, if you need to record something about a particular SMC, you're kinda flustered. AKAIK, no reprint has corrected that.

Gunner Scott

Forum Guru
Jan 27, 2003
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Chicago, IL
llUnited States
I hear the deep mournful.....Urra!

Started our playing of this massive scenario today with the Bombardment taking up a good chunk of our time. Man how I hate Bombardments, what a bullshit rule and time waster. As for the bombardments effects, rubbled a couple of buildings but nothing really died other then a few dummy's. We played the first three turns with my recon force getting whacked by ATR's, MG fire and losing a 9-1, 658 and HT to an ATR crit shot. The Russian reinforcements are entering everywhere and thus far have a motion stug surrounded by a group of Russian SU's and T-34's. Bob's 120mm OBA is causing some slight problems but the good news is his 80mm is out of the game due to rolling boxcars on his phone contact.

So far very enjoyable but of course there is that errata we need to talk to RT about, in an SSR, he gives the Germans OBA but no radio or OP AFV. No mention of an off board observer either. Posted below are some pics of the current situation. Lining up my turn 4 group at this time.




Waiting for Godot
Oct 23, 2005
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Halifax, Nova Scotia
WO37 The Vital Hours, brief AAR here:

So at the risk of being, you know, one of those people (tongue firmly in cheek), I have started a blog of my board and miniatures gaming exploits. Don't expect any brilliant tactical insights or rules clarifications (in fact, likely expect the exact opposite) as the reasons for the blog are highlighted on the home page. At the moment only the ASL write-up from yesterday and a couple of other things are active links, and the other images on the home page are just placeholders, but feel free to share and enjoy, criticize, ignore, or make tank and MG sounds as desired:

I hope to add some older AARs I did from various places, as well as two other recent games, and maybe some in progress scenario design/playtest stuff sneak previews. We will see how long my blogging energy lasts.
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Michael R

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Waiting for Godot
Oct 23, 2005
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Halifax, Nova Scotia
I would have liked to seen the German setup. I played this recently as the Germans. I started almost everyone in the woods near the stream. I was able to fall back reasonably well. My AA gun was in the stone building in the rear. The Brits were just reaching it at game end.
He was very worried about his flanks (esp. the one by the mudflats) for some reason, so the centre was relatively weak (esp. without the AA gun up front) until the Brit got into the town. By the time he moved the stuff from the flanks back in I could interdict it and cut it up piecemeal and just keep pushing in the centre. The Gun ended up on its own in CC which also wasn't great. It wasn't the setup I would have chosen - the Brits really don't have the time to try to go down a flank (although it would be fun to try - you would likely have to give up on the idea of taking most of the buildings to cut down on what you need to exit).
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Elder Member
Nov 2, 2011
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Pittsburgh, PA
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llUnited States
He was very worried about his flanks (esp. the one by the mudflats) for some reason, so the centre was relatively weak (esp. without the AA gun up front) until the Brit got into the town. By the time he moved the stuff from the flanks back in I could interdict it and cut it up piecemeal and just keep pushing in the centre. The Gun ended up on its own in CC which also wasn't great. It wasn't the setup I would have chosen - the Brits really don't have the time to try to go down a flank (although it would be fun to try - you would likely have to give up on the idea of taking most of the buildings to cut down on what you need to exit).
My Gun also ended up in melee at the end - with a wounded Brit Hero! These are certainly things you don't plan on, that's for sure.21632


Elder Member
Nov 2, 2011
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Pittsburgh, PA
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llUnited States
This week my regular VASL opponent, Eric, and I finished up AP182 Sabres Crossed from the new Action Pack 17. Many of the scenarios in that pack intrigued me because of the setting (Korea) and the fact that there is a higher proportion of scenarios with combined arms than in the core FW module (which I liked as well). That being said, I took the North Koreans because of the victory condition challenge of taking the three 81mm mortars AND defending the two bridges. Lots of MMCs on each side with cool toys for the Americans. Eric spread out his defense across the width of the ridge and I set up kill stacks for Turn 1 Prep Fire on a few exposed adjacent units - which was somewhat effective. My downfall came in two waves: 1) Never, ever, use the 9-0 political officer to lead an assault uphill towards the emplaced MTR in a foxhole. Just don't do this. His absence was critical later in the game when I had broken units scattered all over the place looking for adult guidance to rally and get back in the fight. 2) Be sure to read the last sentence of C9.2 and the middle sentence of A9.8 (e.g., not everything is as it seems when looking at the US setup)...this was a brilliant move on Eric's part. You've got to deal with the mortars quickly before the US reinforcements come on, and then you have a chance as the North Koreans. I just ran out of bodies and time and then the wave of reinforcements was cleared in hot to the bridge areas. Seeing that unfold I conceded in turn 5. This is a really fun scenario and I'm anxious to try the others in the pack.
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Forum Guru
Aug 25, 2005
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Willoughby, Ohio
llUnited States
This week my regular VASL opponent, Eric, and I finished up AP182 Sabres Crossed from the new Action Pack 17. Many of the scenarios in that pack intrigued me because of the setting (Korea) and the fact that there is a higher proportion of scenarios with combined arms than in the core FW module (which I liked as well). That being said, I took the North Koreans because of the victory condition challenge of taking the three 81mm mortars AND defending the two bridges. Lots of MMCs on each side with cool toys for the Americans. Eric spread out his defense across the width of the ridge and I set up kill stacks for Turn 1 Prep Fire on a few exposed adjacent units - which was somewhat effective. My downfall came in two waves: 1) Never, ever, use the 9-0 political officer to lead an assault uphill towards the emplaced MTR in a foxhole. Just don't do this. His absence was critical later in the game when I had broken units scattered all over the place looking for adult guidance to rally and get back in the fight. 2) Be sure to read the last sentence of C9.2 and the middle sentence of A9.8 (e.g., not everything is as it seems when looking at the US setup)...this was a brilliant move on Eric's part. You've got to deal with the mortars quickly before the US reinforcements come on, and then you have a chance as the North Koreans. I just ran out of bodies and time and then the wave of reinforcements was cleared in hot to the bridge areas. Seeing that unfold I conceded in turn 5. This is a really fun scenario and I'm anxious to try the others in the pack.
Players seem to be in agreement on this particular overall strategy.

Richard Weiley

Senior Member
Aug 5, 2004
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Sydney, Australia
273 Castello Fatato. Had the Italians in this one. It was a quick game. Conceded at the end of Italian turn 2. At that stage I had 5 1/2 good order squads on the map with two good order leaders (I guess wounded 6+1s technically count as good order). CVP count was 13 to 2. This included losing 4CVP to one sniper attack. I might have made a better fist of this if my morale rolls had been better but VASL says I averaged 7.76 over 33 rolls. Meanwhile my opponent averaged 6.43 on the IFT.

For the record my human wave came down the Z to FF hexrows. My plan, such as it was, anticipated clearing the woods mass and buildings around CC5 and using that a a base for a two pronged attack on the victory building. Almost immediately discovered a HIP 628 in 28 AA1 which spray-fired and broke three of the 4 adjacent squads. I did manage to get into CC with this unit and eliminate it for no further loss, which was the sole highlight of the scenario for me. With a few other assorted breaks left the survivors of the initial human wave around the 2/3 hexrow on board 28. Soviet HMG was in V3 and had little impact (and in fact broke in Soviet turn 1 prep fire shooting at one of the ATGs). The second turn human wave was the icing on the cake, I launched this with six squads and a 6+1. By its conclusion there remained an unbroken halfsquad and wounded 6+1.

Nevertheless, I think this is a very evocative scenario particularly on VASL where the map appears suitably bleak and desolate, underlining the desperate circumstances these Italians found themselves in. I'd like to try it again (with better dice next time).


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2007
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Northern France
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273 Castello Fatato. Had the Italians in this one. It was a quick game. Conceded at the end of Italian turn 2. At that stage I had 5 1/2 good order squads on the map with two good order leaders (I guess wounded 6+1s technically count as good order). CVP count was 13 to 2. This included losing 4CVP to one sniper attack. I might have made a better fist of this if my morale rolls had been better but VASL says I averaged 7.76 over 33 rolls. Meanwhile my opponent averaged 6.43 on the IFT.

For the record my human wave came down the Z to FF hexrows. My plan, such as it was, anticipated clearing the woods mass and buildings around CC5 and using that a a base for a two pronged attack on the victory building. Almost immediately discovered a HIP 628 in 28 AA1 which spray-fired and broke three of the 4 adjacent squads. I did manage to get into CC with this unit and eliminate it for no further loss, which was the sole highlight of the scenario for me. With a few other assorted breaks left the survivors of the initial human wave around the 2/3 hexrow on board 28. Soviet HMG was in V3 and had little impact (and in fact broke in Soviet turn 1 prep fire shooting at one of the ATGs). The second turn human wave was the icing on the cake, I launched this with six squads and a 6+1. By its conclusion there remained an unbroken halfsquad and wounded 6+1.

Nevertheless, I think this is a very evocative scenario particularly on VASL where the map appears suitably bleak and desolate, underlining the desperate circumstances these Italians found themselves in. I'd like to try it again (with better dice next time).
I have played it recently and lost also with the Italian at the last turn. A good scenario to learn night rules


Senior Member
Jun 6, 2021
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llUnited Kingdom
Just finished "Langoan Airfield" from BaJ....Wow! I played Japanese and never got near the VCs....two drops were inaccurate, but nevertheless resulted in very few "striped" squads and nothing offboard; however, lots of MMC were turned into their constituent HS and the support weapons were scattered far and wide , plus moving around to try and become fully armed was trickier than I thought( Japanese play as pre '42 Germans ) I spent two moves trying to round up units and SW, which turned out to be a mistake I regular oppo had placed his pillboxes in mutual fire support and the airfield is ( obviously) devoid of cover, so moving through jungle/kunai in an effort to get to the VCs was time consuming.
A better player would no doubt have made a better fist of this but my oppo did say ; " have you checked the ROAR on this ? I don't see how you could win".
With hindsight I'd have dropped a wing on the Airfield ( or tried ) to tie up his defenders while I organised the rest of the force.
Thoroughly enjoyed it but would love to hear how others have handled the Japanese.


Elder Member
Dec 8, 2004
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Just finished "Langoan Airfield" from BaJ....Wow! I played Japanese and never got near the VCs....two drops were inaccurate, but nevertheless resulted in very few "striped" squads and nothing offboard; however, lots of MMC were turned into their constituent HS and the support weapons were scattered far and wide , plus moving around to try and become fully armed was trickier than I thought( Japanese play as pre '42 Germans )
Thoroughly enjoyed it but would love to hear how others have handled the Japanese.
fun scenario. played it a long time ago but pretty much same for me. got to love IJA para drops

Philippe D.

Elder Member
Jul 1, 2016
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Played J28 Inhumaine as the defending Germans recently.

One big fortified building, defended by Fanatic, Elite Germans. A large out-of-season Orchard field on one side, open fields (with some hedges and woods) on the other sides. The attacking American force is Elite as well, with a FT and DC, superior leadership, a generous amount of MGs (2 .50cal HMGs, 3 MMGs - 'cause, you know, they didn't have enough firepowe), some support from Shermans, and late-arriving Crocodiles. All in all, a testosterone contest. (The Germans lose their Fanaticism and all ELR a turn after the Crocs enter, but that's for only the last 1.5 turns)

My opponent for this game is still learning to handle AFVs, and he tried something I would advise against: maneuver the Shermans, unsupported by Infantry, to the back of the target building (in his defense, the scenario somehow encourages this, as the Shermans enter along a different board edge from the Infantry). This didn't go well at all; two Shermans were quickly dispatched by a hidden AT gun, the last one stopped just out of sight of it and started pounding the upper levels of the building until a HS with a PSK managed to rally and go kill it. Meanwhile the American Infantry was much delayed by long-range fire and, by the time it managed to get in a position to assault the building, it was down to one or two valid squads and a single wounded leader. The entering Crocodiles couldn't do much at this stage; one died to a Panzerfaust, the other lost its trailer from a side shot from the AT Gun. All in all, a rout for the Americans (though a FT attack from one of the Crocs managed a 2KIA - no wonder the Germans lost their fanaticism and ELR after this).

I suppose the scenario itself is not bad if the Americans are handled more cautiously, though I'm not a big fan of such scenarios where it looks like more firepower is the solution to every problem (but of course you need this to beat an effective ML9 force in a fortified building).

Old Noob

Forum Guru
Jan 10, 2020
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llUnited States
Played Sword & Fire Campaign Game IV at Enfilade, in lieu of the ASL tourney (Reasons: 1. Only four people showed up on 5/27. 2. Only one guy brought any counters.
3. Another guy brought his copy of SF). L. Spangler and I played the Japanese defenders, while S. King and B. Billett plus Spangler's wife played the Americans attackers.

I was rather rusty (not having played in 3 years does this). But Spangler and I worked to create a reasonable defensive layout, while using our 10 CPPs to purchase an OBA
module, an extra company of Japanese infantry and increase our SAN from '4' to '5'. Using our Fortification PP (85 total), we placed roadblocks on two gates and wired most
of the rest, with 3-factor AT minefields behind the wire (this worked, with one Sherman immobilized and another destroyed). The Americans used their CPP to purchase a
Bombardment [didn't get much effect out of it, though].

The Americans attacked on three sides of the Intramouros, with a crossing of the Pasig River on rubber rafts, assault boats and LVTs. While rubber rafts and assault boats
are unarmored, hitting them while they are in the water is VERY HARD. Using AA guns {12.7 or 25mm} and 81 - 90 mm mortars to cover the approaches in order to rake
the infantry can work, but the return fire will stripe the crews quickly. Unfortunately, the Americans utilized a Harassing Fire Smoke FFE to blind the gunners covering the
Pasig River side of the defense [also blinding the Observer of the Japanese OBA]. Thus, while the defenders on the two landward sides of the Intramouros were able
keep the Americans out, the river crossing portion was able to secure a decent foothold against those defenders. The increase in Japanese SAN paid off, with most
of the LVT(A)4s being Recalled due to STUN results. {Two of the LVTs were Immobilized, due to Japanese firepower}. Game ended on Turn 5, with a Japanese '2' dr.

All in all, a most enjoyable weekend. I look forward maybe doing this again in the future.


Senior Member
Jun 6, 2021
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llUnited Kingdom
Played Sword & Fire Campaign Game IV at Enfilade, in lieu of the ASL tourney (Reasons: 1. Only four people showed up on 5/27. 2. Only one guy brought any counters.
3. Another guy brought his copy of SF). L. Spangler and I played the Japanese defenders, while S. King and B. Billett plus Spangler's wife played the Americans attackers.

I was rather rusty (not having played in 3 years does this). But Spangler and I worked to create a reasonable defensive layout, while using our 10 CPPs to purchase an OBA
module, an extra company of Japanese infantry and increase our SAN from '4' to '5'. Using our Fortification PP (85 total), we placed roadblocks on two gates and wired most
of the rest, with 3-factor AT minefields behind the wire (this worked, with one Sherman immobilized and another destroyed). The Americans used their CPP to purchase a
Bombardment [didn't get much effect out of it, though].

The Americans attacked on three sides of the Intramouros, with a crossing of the Pasig River on rubber rafts, assault boats and LVTs. While rubber rafts and assault boats
are unarmored, hitting them while they are in the water is VERY HARD. Using AA guns {12.7 or 25mm} and 81 - 90 mm mortars to cover the approaches in order to rake
the infantry can work, but the return fire will stripe the crews quickly. Unfortunately, the Americans utilized a Harassing Fire Smoke FFE to blind the gunners covering the
Pasig River side of the defense [also blinding the Observer of the Japanese OBA]. Thus, while the defenders on the two landward sides of the Intramouros were able
keep the Americans out, the river crossing portion was able to secure a decent foothold against those defenders. The increase in Japanese SAN paid off, with most
of the LVT(A)4s being Recalled due to STUN results. {Two of the LVTs were Immobilized, due to Japanese firepower}. Game ended on Turn 5, with a Japanese '2' dr.

All in all, a most enjoyable weekend. I look forward maybe doing this again in the future.
You played a Manila CG ??