Singling CG

Bad Dice

Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
llUnited States

I have volunteered myself to play Dennis Hess in the Singling CG. Nascent guilt was part of the motivation, my dice beat him up pretty handily when we played Cold Crocodiles. My inability to say 'No' also played a part. Dennis was looking for an opponent and I found out and... there we are.

I also volunteered to take the Americans. Yeah, this one is tough on the Amis. Yeah, you really do have to have your tank skills with you.

Turn 1 demonstrated that in no small measure. The Panther that is part of the initial German OB has already scored touch, as you can see.

That's life in the big city. Or in Singling.

I remain undiscouraged. This is a tank-heavy fight, but it comes down to building control. If I own them (especially the ones with the white stars encased in incomplete circles), and/or I score sufficient CVP, I win. The German infantry is as fragile as their armor is mighty. I can win if I can take advantage of that fact. German ELR is 2, and a significant fraction of their manpower has a ML of 7 or less. If I scream 'BOO!' at them, I'll probably score at least a break.

Just the same, the first turn has not gone my way. Here's a shot of the action, so far.

I had to crop this a bit, since the board doesn't apparently like images past a certain size. It does just the same tell you what you want to know. It also shows you the first of what I have to expect will be many armor casualties. The green SR is where my AR landed, after correction, and a Player Turn's worth of 'what is so hard about coming down where I tell you to?'.
