Shouting Into the Storm


Forum Guru
Oct 7, 2004
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llUnited States
I don't think that this squares with

19.132 Whenever a SSR (not just an OB) specifically assigns an ELR ≤ 4 to units with an underscored Morale Factor, they suffer Unit Replacement normally regardless of the severity of the quality drop thereby resulting (e.g., a German 6-5-8 → a 4-4-7; a British 6-4-8 → a 4-4-7 [errata included]). Likewise, with a mixed OB of MMC both with and without an underscored Morale Factor, an ELR ≤ 4 would apply to those MMC with an underscored Morale Factor only via SSR.

This would suggest that replacing a squad with two HS is not considered to be replacing with the next lower quality unit.
ASLRB said:
A19.13 REPLACEMENT: An unbroken Personnel unit which fails a MC by an amount > its ELR is immediately Replaced by a broken Personnel unit of lesser quality but the same size. [EXC: A squad with an underscored Morale Factor is Replaced by its two broken HS (even if its ELR has dropped below 5); a HS with an underscored Morale Factor is Disrupted instead unless exempt per 19.12. A Casualty MC (10.31) failure which also exceeds a squad’s ELR causes that squad to be Reduced to a broken HS of lesser quality.] ...
WRT to A19.132, ELR is not assigned by SSR, it is assigned by OB. The relevant rule is A19.13. -- jim


Senior Member
May 26, 2012
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Calgary AB
The SSR also sites that the 8-3-8’s are assault engineers therefore giving them an underlined morale of 5.
Since the “Fort” is the scenario designer and a pretty good one at that I would accept his interpretation on this one
That is not to say that a rewriting of some rules and SSRs would go amiss

Doug Leslie

Elder Member
Dec 6, 2017
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llUnited Kingdom
WRT to A19.132, ELR is not assigned by SSR, it is assigned by OB. The relevant rule is A19.13. -- jim
I understand that but was simply illustrating that the rules do envisage a situation where a unit with an underlined morale can be replaced with a lower level unit and that this is a different concept from breaking into half squads.


Senior Member
Jun 6, 2021
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llUnited Kingdom
Having not long finished this scenario, and lost as the Russians, I would say it is well worth the Germans using the riders option to get the Infantry over the frigid stream - not one AFV bogged...

That's one of the reasons I set up back at the VC hexes, if the Germans got over and didn't BOG, you're swamped.


Forum Guru
Oct 7, 2004
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llUnited States
I understand that but was simply illustrating that the rules do envisage a situation where a unit with an underlined morale can be replaced with a lower level unit and that this is a different concept from breaking into half squads.
I understand. Just trying to tell you how you get from where you are to where you need to be WRT this scenario. It's a journey. It took a long while to sort this all out in play testing too :D -- jim


Elder Member
Jun 20, 2006
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I understand that but was simply illustrating that the rules do envisage a situation where a unit with an underlined morale can be replaced with a lower level unit and that this is a different concept from breaking into half squads.
Not if the 838's were deployed initially, they can't be replaced and therefore disrupted in essence "eliminating them"?
The SSR doesn't appear to state replaced with a lower quality unit, just replaced with the rule reference, unless I'm mistaken. Splitting into the 338's is replacement.

Wouldn't that be the result as the 338's can't be replaced similar to G/C units

Not even CLOSE to the sleaze of Japanese "deployment" by self breaking....OUCH...

von Marwitz

Forum Guru
Nov 25, 2010
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Kraut Corner
Great scenario.

Played this years ago. Once as German, once as Russian. And there were some memorable things:
  • There is one hell of a LOS in this one...
  • It's worth having a look on the rules of placing Mines on Narrow Street village terrain.
In this scenario, I fired a shot at +17 DRMs - and hit! Anyone ever managed to accumulate that many DRMs and hit? I landed an improbable hit which turned out to be a critical vs. the Russian 9-2, HMG with two 8 morale squads holed up in a victory building.

+2 Captured Use
+2 Non-Qualified Use
+5 Turning an AT-Gun three hex-spines
+3 TEM
+3 SMOKE Hindrance
+2 Firing in the AFPh

One of my pesky Halfsquads moved into the hex of a Russian AT-Gun which previously had lost its crew, and "picked up" the Gun. In the AFPh, the HS turned it around and fired at the Russian big badass killer stack to get Acquisition. Rolled snakes followed by a 1. So all of a sudden, the Russian 9-2 and his buddies were looking at a 14FP@-3.

My effects roll was a 10 for a 2MC (on the IIFT). Needless to say, all of the Russians came out of this totally unscathed and unpinned. Doh!

von Marwitz


Senior Member
May 26, 2012
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Calgary AB
…Germans using the riders option to get the Infantry over the stream
I thought this was an excellent idea, and did it in my game then I found out that it is actually illegal. If you do a deep dive into the rules, it says that when a frigid stream exist, it becomes a water obstacle and riders cannot happen in a water obstacle.

Since my opponent and I didn’t realize it until midway through the game, we put our hands up and said A.2

I still would send 3. 5-4-8 into the stream with AFV support


Senior Member
Jun 6, 2021
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llUnited Kingdom
I thought this was an excellent idea, and did it in my game then I found out that it is actually illegal. If you do a deep dive into the rules, it says that when a frigid stream exist, it becomes a water obstacle and riders cannot happen in a water obstacle.

Since my opponent and I didn’t realize it until midway through the game, we put our hands up and said A.2

I still would send 3. 5-4-8 into the stream with AFV support
Thanks for this....the game I played would have been completely different...

Gotta love ASL !!

von Marwitz

Forum Guru
Nov 25, 2010
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Kraut Corner
Thanks for this....the game I played would have been completely different...

Gotta love ASL !!
When I played the Germans in this one, I had the same idea. But I realized that it was illegal during setup. There is no way around crossing that bridge. And there is one hell of a LOS...

von Marwitz


Elder Member
Sep 3, 2005
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llUnited States
Having not long finished this scenario, and lost as the Russians, I would say it is well worth the Germans using the riders option to get the Infantry over the frigid stream - not one AFV bogged...

That's one of the reasons I set up back at the VC hexes, if the Germans got over and didn't BOG, you're swamped.
The Frigid Stream is a Water Riders are allowed.


May 17, 2015
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Thanks for the AAR Doug - well described! I was Doug's opponent in this game, and even though it seems we (both) ended up with the wrong understanding and application of the Replacement rule here (happy to accept the guidance from Jim and Gary), we just played a slightly different attacking approach to that one I had originally planned. No harm done! I'm just going to have to play it again one day with the original plan!!

I've also prepared an AAR which I will include afterwards. I've also prepared a video about my preparation for the game, but I won't include that here ... its for the relevant Illuminating Rounds YouTube episode which I'm sure will be out in the coming weeks.


May 17, 2015
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AAR for ASL Scenario AP62 – Shouting into the Storm: A German Player’s Perspective

Real Planning

After seeing Doug’s setup I decided to go for the northern Victory Conditions first, sweeping through the centre supported by a northern flank force. I will sacrifice some units to Replacement to do this and risk a Bog coming out of the Frigid Stream.

My first objective is the squad in 2aM10, but I plan to Smoke and bypass the location in the Movement Phase, to get in position with most of my force, for a jump off on the second objective in turn 2. The northerners are there to put maximum pressure on 10FF7. I hope to break and perhaps eliminate these as they will be in a sticky situation if all goes to plan.
The southerners will go slow. They will recover (ex the Leader) from the Frigid Stream by virtue of the 5 ELR and recombining ASAP [Note: during play this was revisited – more on this later]. They won’t risk too much, but hopefully make steady progress into the southern part of town, joining the fight for the last victory locations.

The plan is as per below, split into 4 phases and 4 objectives.


As with the last scenario played in the IR tournament round 1, this plan will surely not survive, but it gives me a skeleton and a way to pace myself and be more deliberate about commitment of forces.
I am concerned about the Russian AFVs, and also the ability for the Russians to collapse back onto the Final Objective. I think this is what i would do if I were the Russians.
Lets see how it plays out!

Real Play

(Please refer to Doug's posts for the images from play)

Turn 1

The first turn began with a successful placement of smoke in 2aM10, and the northern flanking force making good progress to their intended positions, threatening 10FF7. Having the Smoke in place meant that progress to the jump off area in the top area of the board was smooth. However, after a brief rules discussion, it was agreed I had the wrong interpretation of what would happen when the ELR5 838s entered the frigid stream. Doug allowed me to reposition these units to enter alongside the rest of the reinforcements, but this meant my plan had not survived the first turn. The Assault Engineers joined the effort on the first objective and added to the troops for the northern jump off area … leaving the south only lightly picketed. The Russian player turn one was uneventful with the now revealed .50cal and manning units falling back slightly to 10DD7 via 10EE7. A potentially important moment was the King Tiger failing to land a hit while the .50cal was in 10DD7. The defenders of building 10EE6 also retired (sensibly) in the face of some serious infantry and AFV firepower. The CCPh saw the eventual elimination of the 458 in 2aM10 by the 838 and 9-1.

Turn 2

My Prep Fire brought an attempted Smoke round from the flanking Stug in the north … and a 12 on the TH roll … disaster!! No Smoke for starters, Malf MA, no future Smoke and being marked with a Prep Fire counter so no consolation movement phase. This will turn out to be a critical moment in the game as a whole I am sure … as it would have blanketed the .50cal, and in the absence of the protective Smoke, my further actions in the movement phase to deal with this situation led to elimination of another Stug, by stumbling into a 57LL AT gun in 10EE7. The sudden repositioning of my Group A 838s had really thrown me off balance and along with it a caused an unbalanced attack, with much of the force facing the northern (third) objective than was warranted. However the Second Objective is partially secured and I’m in position to have a crack at getting the rest.

We called the first session at this point. Reflecting on the outcome at this point, I think things are not as bad as I had made out in my own mind during play. I am eagerly awaiting the reinforcement die roll and hoping for a reprieve for another turn, but we will see. Getting some infantry into the central area in or just north of the graveyard will be a goal of my next turn (to have a physical barrier for Russian internal lines), as well as closing for an assault on the third objective in turn 4. I am pessimistic, but I’m sure Doug has his reservations about the situation as well!

The second VASL session started with Doug failing the reinforcement roll! This was a blessing for the Germans. Russian Prep Fire was effective in the north, enabling them to retire towards the Victory building mostly in good order. In the south, Doug gave some ground against the minimal attack, and luckily got away with just a broken squad when a King Tiger spotted it crossing the street in the back of the village.

Turn 3

In the North the German prep fire managed to break the Russian Squad manning the .50Cal and PIN the 9-2 Ldr. This was a huge opportunity for the Germans, and they rushed forward, skirting the 57LLAT gun to force a failure to rout situation and close combat on the pinned 9-2 Ldr. Other troops rushed the AT gun, out of fire as it tried to but failed to hit the flank assault. It’s crew broke due to Advancing Fire and was eliminated, No Quarter being declared. The second objective was taken and the third objective was now under threat. In the process, another Stug was knocked out, firstly missed by the second 57LLAT gun but ablaze from the adjacent 100L AT gun. With all three AT guns now discovered in the north, I was glad I decided to hit this objective first. Phase 2 of the plan was now over.

Recognising that I had overcommitted in the north, I swung some units towards the area of the graveyard to be ready for Phase 4 and the Final Objective. The two King Tigers in the south crept forward, wary of the arrival of Russian armour. I was wanting to ensure these behemoths were around in the end game. The lone 548 also advanced cautiously, keeping up some light pressure as the Russians withdrew to the Final Objective.

We halted for the evening as it was getting late for me, with the game very much in the balance.

The Russian Player Turn 3 was a disaster for Doug. He had chosen Group B1, reinforced by the additional T34/85 from the side selection balance. After some ineffective Prep Fire, went about setting up his arriving tanks to defend in the south … his Alamo. Only thing was, the dice were reading from the German script and the first JS-2 went into a cellar on the Bog roll. No such bad luck for the other AFVs who set up a tough defensive nut. There was nothing to speak of from the German defensive fire. The only action of note was the Advance Phase gaining of CE status for the other JS-2 stacked on top of its sunken brother.

Turn 4

With Turn 4, this was the half way turn for the Germans and I was feeling the pressure with no Victory locations under control. In the north, my force was mostly upright again, and the King Tiger eliminated the 458 in 10AA7 removing a key defender and opening the door to the victory building. Phase 3 had begun with a loud bang. Later, Doug would comment that he felt that this was perhaps the key moment in the game.

The Germans seized the moment and flooded into the building one unit at a time, knowing they would face some serious firepower. Doug’s Russians retained fire discipline and waited for the Defensive Fire Phase. The next key moment came when the second 57LLAT gun opened up against the adjacent 548 and it broke (and later in the phase suffered Fate). In the process however a sniper was activated with a ‘1’, and the counter randomly moved to a position where the exposed JS-2 crew suffered a STUN/RECALL. That hex was proving a bad luck spot for the Russians.

Other Defensive Final Fire saw the German 9-2 battle harden to a Hero, and the subsequent advancing Fire routed or eliminated the remaining defenders, leaving just the crew and AT gun holding the Northern Victory building.

In the south preparation for Phase 4 was underway and infantry manned the walls opposite the Final objective. The Stug positioned itself to lay smoke and despite being bogged was in the right spot and out of danger from the Russian AFVs.

Russian Player Turn 4 was uneventful, bar the near exiting of the Recalled JS-2 which was forced to enter one of Doug’s AT Mine fields and was immobilsed, the crew failing its TC and abandoning the vehicle.

We halted the session there and scheduled what would be the final session.

Turn 5

With a few days between play, I was able to review my options and plan out the end game strategy. I wanted to wrap up Phase 3 quickly, but with certainty, and begin Phase 4, knowing that the Final Objective would be a tough nut to crack.

In the north I allocated what I thought was needed to deal with the ATGs, and importantly the Stug with the malfunctioning MA was on duty to sleaze freeze the 100L AT gun. With this achieved, my infantry moved in position to deal with the crews, and Doug chose to use his 57LLAT gun to eliminate the StuH 42, rather than protect against the now encircling infantry. With this done and the north secure, the remaining units in the north, rushed to position for the Phase 4 assault on the Final objective.

In the south, Smoke was layed to cover an initial assault, and the PSK missed the T34. German movement first confirmed a stack of dummies in the far south, firming up the fact that 4 Russian 458s remained in the final objective. Around the Final Objective, the King Tigers moved into firing positions and the Fallschirmjagers reinforced the position and launched the initial assault. One squad was able to advance into CC with a T34 and a 458, but failed to kill the tank, only to be eliminated. This left the 838 now in the street very exposed.

The T34 made quick work of the 838 in prep fire, but the other 548 protected by the smoke stayed upright. At this point the Russians were in a barrel, albeit a stone one. Unsurprisingly the T34 was knocked out by a King Tiger and the supporting 458 broke under intense defensive fire. Doug reinforced the vacated hex in the Advance Phase as the game entered the final stages.

Turn 6

While German prep fire was only able to PIN the 458 in 48X7, it was now time to tighten the noose. Units rushed from the north to be in position to apply advancing fire or defensive fire in the next player turn. Half squads approached with their usual lack of care and soaked up some important defensive first fire. The northern King Tiger was called into action, to take a risk and close with the remaining JS-2. It approached outside its TCA and forced a shot that was more difficult as the turret traversed inside the building. It missed and critically this left the King Tiger adjacent to the broken 458. To exploit this, the 548 in the far south moved to a position where it would force the 458 to later be eliminated for failure to rout. The Germans advanced into position for firing, and for a CC in 46X6 where they rolled snake eyes and created an 8-1 Ldr.

The Russian’s limited Prep Fire came and went without effect, with the JS-2 round bouncing off the hull of the adjacent King Tiger. The ensuing German Defensive Fire Phase eliminated the JS-2 and broke all but the 8-0 leader, with encircling fire.

Doug resigned at this point with no chance of victory remaining.


Doug was great opponent, very fair and knowledgeable about the rules, correcting my mistakes on a number of occasions.

I couldn’t really fault Doug’s approach to the game, I feel that the Russians have to pose 2 problems and force the German’s to divide their force. I tried to ignore this as much as possible by initially focussing my strength first in the north while pinning Doug’s units in the south. Then, turning to the remaining objectives with overwhelming force. Ultimately this worked, but his bad luck in turn 3 in 46X6, along with the delay of the AFV reinforcements till turn 3 were key turning points.

The predominance of buildings (which a blessing for the defending infantry), is not so great for the AT guns and tanks. It makes them vulnerable to attack outside their CA when positioned there. I will be interested to see how other players place these units.

As with the BFP82 Steamroller scenario, it was great fun to play with the late war order of battle. I was pleased to be able to execute on the high level plan with success. All in all a thoroughly enjoyable game.

As always, thanks to my adversary Doug, the designer Gary Fortenberry and Martin and Dave for organising.

PS Doug would like to know why Gary gave the Russians a SAN of 2 while the Germans had a SAN of 3 (and so would I)!


Elder Member
Sep 3, 2005
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llUnited States
SAN was as is because the Germans had been observing the movement of the Soviet formations along a highway for a few hours before they launched the attack. They got very close to the Soviet position before they were spotted. I figured that the Soviets were a bit unsettled by the attack, while the Germans knew what was coming.


Elder Member
Jun 20, 2006
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The Frigid Stream is a Water Riders are allowed.
IF Snow was present it would be so.
If not then it's not defined as a WO.
If a non-dry stream is not frozen, but snow is present, the
stream is a frigid Water Obstacle.

Need some errata.


Elder Member
Sep 3, 2005
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llUnited States
IF Snow was present it would be so.
If not then it's not defined as a WO.
If a non-dry stream is not frozen, but snow is present, the
stream is a frigid Water Obstacle.

Need some errata.
SSR 1 clearly states "the Gully is a Deep and Frigid Stream."

SSR's are Scenario Special Rules which alter the rules and are specific to that scenario.

SSR (Scenario Special Rule): Always takes precedence over Game System rules.


Official ***** Dickweed
Sep 11, 2006
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llUnited States
Yeah, I don’t like the idea of driving across the river anyway, always had nice attacks across the bridge using smoke. But hey, you do you and I’ll do me.