Sgt. Andersens ordeal, or how to defend against VBM freeze..

Bruce Childs

Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score

This is a short aar from a playtest conducted last night...

An elite sqd occupies a key building near approaching German units. The AT defense consisted of an old 75mm gun without AP and an 81MTR. The gun couldnt hit the broad side of a barn, and the MTR was out of position, allowing a Mark I panzer to approach this squad unmolested. SSR gave the Norwegians the opportunity to create a hero in certain circumstances by passing a NTC, and Sgt Andersen grabbed a grenade bundle. As the panzer entered their location in VBM, he led his men in a deadly ambush which destroyed the tank. As they got back into position, German infanty closed in. 1 squad was allowed to approach, but when a follow-on stack of an 8-1 and 2 squads got close enough, Andersen and his men blasted away with all they had (1KIA). Because of a melee in an adjacent hex, these broken Germans were forced to surrender. As the brave Sgt. expected more Germans for desert, they were NQ'd. CC saw the lone German squad enter into close assault with Andersen's party, who promptly shot down the attack (cr). Heroism has rarely been shown so brilliantly....

For those who lost count, that was 1 Pz Ia, 2.5 squads and a 8-1 disposed of in the German player turn. His DRs were a 1,2 vs the tank, a 1,1 vs the moving stack, and 2,4 in CC against the sqd. I love dis game...
