Damn, Heinz, nice pics! They put mine in the shade.
2nd Cruiser Squadron, detached from the Grand Fleet for harassment purposes in the Horn Reef area, found itself cut off from home by the High Seas Fleet. There was nothing for it but to run through the Bight and escape via Terschelling. After many adventures, they finally found themselves NW of Helgoland and in contact with a rarely seen German ship, SMS
Nautilus far to the south. Skirting the edge of Helgoland's batteries, they pursued to the SW and eventually got into range.
View attachment 29859
Their fire proved effective and soon the weak minelayer-cruiser was no more.
View attachment 29860
2CS managed to escape and come home OK except for 2 ships with a couple of 12" holes from the Helgoland batteries which, fortunately, did minimal damage.